To delve further on my inability to select comics (I promise I will stop boring your hears off with that in a sec).
When Civil War hit, I was reading 100+ comic books a month (don't remember the exact number) and payed 100-150$ monthly.
Now I tried to do a pull list for August and after cutting down too much for my taste I get 32 comics for 130$.
I still can't get over it. But I guess it's perfectly logical given the price increase.
I've actually seen all of them except Scarecrow, Ivy and Catwoman. Only seen one Batgirl though. We don't have dorbz in ireland so I really hope they come out soon here or ill be left with 1/3rd of the sirens. I like the quality of the dorbz more than the pop imo. Less parts to fuck up on paint. They are smaller too but have the same effect as pops.
Valiant is one of the big new players that picked my interest indeed. Never heard bad things about them and I totally plan to read them... err, looking at my list, planned.
Valiant is one of the big new players that picked my interest indeed. Never heard bad things about them and I totally plan to read them... err, looking at my list, planned.
An interesting read on the revival of Valiant. From the big 2, I mostly dig their low key solo books. Valiant is the label that really gets me excited with their events and all the crazy stuff they've got going on. I highly recommend looking into them; they put Marvel/DC's gimmicks to shame.
Valiant is one of the big new players that picked my interest indeed. Never heard bad things about them and I totally plan to read them... err, looking at my list, planned.
Just solved my first Riddler quest. Ignored them so far because I thought they were only races but it was a riddle room with Batmobil.
Quiete good.
My plan from now is ignore the Main Quest and solve as many sidequests as possible. I really hate how this games really requiered 100% for the true ending.
Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie and it was the hope that, for a brief moment, the MCU would get to a better, smarter place. Especially loved how it recontextualized the iffier elements of Avengers 1 and basically said "yeah all that kinda fascistic stuff with the interventionism and mass surveillance networks? the work of actual fascists, let's blow it the fuck up and build something better"
Then GotG and Avengers 2 happened and haha nope, you're getting the same ol' dumb shit, owned.
DCBS: 10-15 issues, whatever i want to read the most along with 50% off Image trades. Digital would replace this if it weren't so expensive. Invincible, Walking Dead, Saga, Marvel Events i don't want to wait for MU with, Marvel that I'll want a digital copy of in my personal "until comixology burns and i lose everything" collection. I tend to sell the floppy and keep the digital later.
MU: Everything else from Marvel where i'm not super excited for and can't wait. If it weren't for digital codes in print issues i'd probably wait for all Marvel to hit MU and just buy trades for Image.
CMX/digital: Sales only. The dark horse app had twice yearly 50% off sales so I don't buy print issues of anything outside of Hellboy in Hell.
Humble bundles: whenever they come out, if i'm interested. That Locke and Key one was great along with the huge Valiant collection one that i haven't read yet.
IST orders: Image trades and the occasional OHC from something i've read and think it's worth buying.
DCBS: 10-15 issues, whatever i want to read the most along with 50% off Image trades. Digital would replace this if it weren't so expensive. Invincible, Walking Dead, Saga, Marvel Events i don't want to wait for MU with, Marvel that I'll want a digital copy of in my personal "until comixology burns and i lose everything" collection. I tend to sell the floppy and keep the digital later.
MU: Everything else from Marvel where i'm not super excited for and can't wait. If it weren't for digital codes in print issues i'd probably wait for all Marvel to hit MU and just buy trades for Image.
CMX/digital: Sales only. The dark horse app had twice yearly 50% off sales so I don't buy print issues of anything outside of Hellboy in Hell.
Humble bundles: whenever they come out, if i'm interested. That Locke and Key one was great along with the huge Valiant collection one that i haven't read yet.
IST orders: Image trades and the occasional OHC from something i've read and think it's worth buying.
Do you need someone to give you a pep talk on dropping titles? It's hard but trade waiting will make your wallet love you. If that is per month of what your paying you may need an intervention.
Martha Washington - State of the Art: It is fascinating how frequently this story repeats in war books/comics/games.
Soldiers from opposite side just sit and wait on which side comes to the rescue first.
Just recently, I read a similar bit in It Was The War Of The Trenches. And there was a very similar quest in Witcher 3 too.
Martha Washington - Insubordination: It's funny. If I had read this story even just 6 months ago, I wouldn't have gotten the allegory at all. But I recently read Comic Book History of Comics and have been following the Kirby family's lawsuit in the news and that makes this short so much more.
The line "I feel like a vampire" and the broken vial on the last page...
Martha Washington - Who is John Galt Goes to War: That was a bit weird. The narrative had an abrupt shift from the world being fucked up due to some megalomaniacs trying to grab power to suddenly highlighting the "incompetent/lazy/apathetic" general population who don't and won't work. Miller/Gibbons were understating it when they mentioned they owed a creative debt to Rand.
Also interesting are Gibbon's notes on the evolving tools of the artist and some early attempts at digital backgrounds.
only downside of my strategy is waiting for dcbs orders to arrive....and avoiding spoilers in the meantime. comics-gaf probably ruined Secret Wars #4 for me :/