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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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I don't really care about more Multiversity...and i'm probably passing on the OHC. The individual issues were interesting but apart from Pax Americana they felt like they existed in service of setting up Ultraman's issue and the looks inside the other universes were sparse and unsatisfying.


Sure, but you know as well as I do that isn't the case in every instance. You know this.

Well sure, but in the instance you were quoting was ed agreeing with me that Killing Joke is Moore's worst story for DC. There was no social commentary, just us saying, hey everything else he did is worlds better than TKJ.

Morrison doing some Batman Black and White stories with a bunch of potentially great artists sounds like the business, tbh

As if I wasn't sold on this already he said this:

There's a Batman of Zur-En-Ar story, it's about the daughter of the original Batman of Zur-En-Ar.
GODDAMN, DC bringing the H Y P E.

BvS trailer was amazing; probably my favorite shot was Bruce Wayne running towards the destruction while everyone else runs away. It's a dirt simple message, but very effective. Suicide Squad has an... interesting musical choice; I would've gone for something more "we're big, we're bad," but this worked too. And Leto's Joker was AMAZING.
So do you guys with Marvel Unlimited subscriptions still pick up singles/trades of not-current stuff? I find it hard to internally justify buying trades of any Marvel stuff when I use MU so extensively and it's just all right there
paging messi...


viola davis has always had that authority voice down in all of her movies/shows. great choice for waller.


Suicide Squad trailer better than BvS.

Definitely more interested in seeing how Suicide Squad turns out, I really like Will Smith though.

I can't shake the stupidity of Man of Steel to get my way to hypesville towards Batman vs Superman, all i can see is that Kevin Costner gif telling me to turn back. Also they have no personality, i question whether they are truly damaged or not.


So do you guys with Marvel Unlimited subscriptions still pick up singles/trades of not-current stuff? I find it hard to internally justify buying trades of any Marvel stuff when I use MU so extensively and it's just all right there

I'll buy collections of stuff I really like; but I'm still chiefly a physical copy guy anyway. I can't buy everything I want to read, and I don't really feel the need to own everything I read so MU fills that gap. Digital can never completely fulfill the comics reading experience for me.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Suicide Squad trailer was great, yo.

But did everybody see that Ash vs. Evil Dead trailer?

'Cause holy fuckballs does that look fun and amazing.
I'll buy collections of stuff I really like; but I'm still chiefly a physical copy guy anyway. I can't buy everything I want to read, and I don't really feel the need to own everything I read so MU fills that gap. Digital can never completely fulfill the comics reading experience for me.

See, that's the sticking point for me. I buy all my stuff digitally anyway, so I can either buy a digital copy of these comics or just..... read them for a subscription fee I'm already paying
Can we please stop shitting on classic stories just because the modern social climate says we should? Unless you'd care to tell me how terrible Huckleberry Finn was, or maybe To Kill A Mockingbird. I'll gladly listen.

Yeah, I'm totally critical of Killing Joke because its the cool thing to do and not because it's a poor comic for a classic.

If you liken criticism of Killing Joke to criticism of two unassailable masterpieces of american literature (two of my top 5 american pieces of lit), then Im gonna have to question what you are getting from any Killing Joke criticism. If KJ was anything like To Kill A Mockingbird or Huck Finn, it would not be a classic case of fridging but a subversion of it. And maybe it would be smarter and rise above being a story of 'look at the awful things the Joker will do!' But its not. It doesn't deserve it's 'classic' status.

It's gotten that label, I'd argue, due to circumstances. It was another 'mature' take on Batman by the hottest writer at the time with one of the very best and forward thinking artists of the time. Nothing within the story is actually great save the art.

Watchmen or V for Vendetta are actual great pieces of lit. Watchmen in particular has rather nasty bits of rape. Both those works are brimming with brilliant colliding philosphies under the plot. KJ has nothing of the sort. It's quite literally a surface level story about Batman and Joker, even according to its writer. It's a bad comic by 'classic' status. Like it if you want, but its status as a 'must read' work is pretty embarassing for an industry looking for legitimacy.

Li Kao

Huh, are there some must read from Secret Wars ? I'm trying to get back into Marvel but I have no clue about what might be worthy in the current mega-event.
I don't care for tie-ins and have gladly skipped the whole Convergence deluge, but I don't know where to begin here.
Huh, are there some must read from Secret Wars ? I'm trying to get back into Marvel but I have no clue about what might be worthy in the current mega-event.
I don't care for tie-ins and have gladly skipped the whole Convergence deluge, but I don't know where to begin here.
Pretty much everything from Marvel right now is a tie-in of some sort, so this may not be the best time to read if you're not into that. I'm digging The Infinity Gauntlet but I doubt it'll really matter once this whole thing ends. I'm not reading any other tie-ins.
Goddamn that BvS trailer was hype, but
they killed the wrong Robin :(
I couldn't
tell who it was.
Wish they showed more of Enchantress, but damn, Viola Davis has me sold that she's the Wall.

I was chilling with the fam one day, and we were watching Getting Away with Murder, and I thought "she'd make a perfect Amanda Waller."

Next day she's announced as Amanda Waller. Never questioned her ability. Only the writing and directing.
Makes sense.
Seems like it's based off of Miller Batman and in that case, Dick's the only Robin aside from Carrie. And Dick does die. Except not. But then yes?

But in TDKR
Jason was the dead Robin

I'm still banking on
---Dick's tombstone---
being a fakeout; or, at least, an incomplete picture. After all, there's nothing stopping there from being
2 headstones, one for Dick and one for Jason,
with the former faking their death.

Yeah, who knows, maybe
Dick faked his death and became a secret agent
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