I'm looking forward to the new F4 movie, at least it can't be any worse than the first 2 movies![]()
You don't know that.
I'm looking forward to the new F4 movie, at least it can't be any worse than the first 2 movies![]()
wait so Hickman...ISNT taking a break after Secret Wars?
wait so Hickman...ISNT taking a break after Secret Wars?
He finished the scripts for SHIELD last year in January. Dustin Weaver finished the art back in November, now it just needs to be published.
Really?But in TDKR.Jason was the dead Robin
retitled to Agents of SHIELD.huh. how will that work with the current SHIELD ongoing? thats coming back after SW right?
Only doing two issues for that. He apparently asked the panel audience what he should do next. The majority voted for him to focus on his Image stuff, then DC got votes and doing more Marvel had the least votes.wait so Hickman...ISNT taking a break after Secret Wars?
Really?But what about TDKSA? Isn't Dick some psycho immortal or some shit? Didn't everyone assume him dead?
It's been awhile.
retitled to Agents of SHIELD.
you'll hate it.
Squirrel Girl coming back in October
We did it Tryant Rave *tears*
If I were a hat wearer, you know I'd be all over this.
You don't know that.
Also I just got a haircut and I'm reading the same comics as a five year old. In my defense, these Dark horse Avatar books are great.
oh god that SG art is so bad
Wil Moss: Hate to be the company stooge here, but also we wanted to give people who’ve heard all the great buzz about the series a nice clean jumping-on point. Ryan and Erica are committed to making sure the new #1 is welcoming to new readers, fresh and exciting for existing readers, and just tons of awesome for all readers.
yooo that's cruel
Freeza, get my list, I need to cross off Tim and put this Jon Bones fella on there
thank you for showing me the light
Will Gran Morrisions Batman Black & White a whole new Ongoing?
Freeza, get my list, I need to cross off Tim and put this Jon Bones fella on there
No problem. I'm kind of jelly you're getting on that Rai, I haven't read that yet. If I hadn't spent like $200 in comics/manga in the past week, I would have ordered this right now.
You did good fam. I'm proud of you.I winged the last day of the Barnes and Noble sale today and picked up books without recs from you guys. I hope I didn't fuck up. I got
Red Hood and the outlaws volume 1&2 (Starfire Yo?)
Quiet fucked up fam
that art though... woof
Grant Morrison doesn't do ongoing monthlies anymore
(except Heavy Metal lolol)
Blade the Hunter stars Fallon Grey, daughter of Eric Brooks.
Written by Tim Seely, illustrated by Logan Faerber.
Doreen is just so nice. If I could meet any super hero for real it'd be her. Not everything needs to be solved by punching (Except Dinosaurs)
What have dinosaurs ever done to you?