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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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wait so Hickman...ISNT taking a break after Secret Wars?

Well, this is technically stuff he started ages ago, so he's really just finishing something up before he kicks Marvel to the curb. But this is the second volume of SHIELD, no? Are they going to re-release the first trade?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
He finished the scripts for SHIELD last year in January. Dustin Weaver finished the art back in November, now it just needs to be published.

huh. how will that work with the current SHIELD ongoing? thats coming back after SW right?
fuck yes



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
wait so Hickman...ISNT taking a break after Secret Wars?
Only doing two issues for that. He apparently asked the panel audience what he should do next. The majority voted for him to focus on his Image stuff, then DC got votes and doing more Marvel had the least votes.

Sounds like he wants to make sure Manhattan Projects and The Dying and The Dead get back on track, and get his Feel Better Now book out next year.
So I'm reading All-New X-Men and I'm enjoying it. Two trades in, anyways. One thing really fucking bothers me though:

So, is Scott just a pathological liar? Or someone who desperately can't admit he's wrong? Like, at the end of AvX he played off the whole thing as a "win for mutantkind," right? But now he's trying to convince everyone he was under the influence of the Phoenix?

I guess he's taking the bad with the good, but it just seems conflicting for him to play off the whole thing as a planned victory and then desperately backpedal to suit his needs.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Got a question for ya'll. Anyone have a good iOS app suggestion for Pull Lists? I see the comixology one, but I see like 6 other ones available (and one pay app). Suggestions?

I just need something to track what I'm currently pulling, something to remind me of future #1 releases and to mark books that I plan on killing in my list in the next quarter sign ups.

a nice UI is obviously a plus.

Wil Moss: Hate to be the company stooge here, but also we wanted to give people who’ve heard all the great buzz about the series a nice clean jumping-on point. Ryan and Erica are committed to making sure the new #1 is welcoming to new readers, fresh and exciting for existing readers, and just tons of awesome for all readers.

Oh good. Because that deep Squirrel Girl backlog might have intimidated your average Marvel reader away. I mean, they're up to what, 7 issues? Hit the reset counter that number's way too high for Marvel's taste.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Freeza, get my list, I need to cross off Tim and put this Jon Bones fella on there

i feel like a crazy person

the humor i could understand, some people are into it

that art though... woof

No problem. I'm kind of jelly you're getting on that Rai, I haven't read that yet. If I hadn't spent like $200 in comics/manga in the past week, I would have ordered this right now.

i'm hyped. from what i understand, it takes place in the far future so it doesn't really matter when i read it - does that sound right?


Doreen is just so nice. If I could meet any super hero for real it'd be her. Not everything needs to be solved by punching (Except Dinosaurs)
There's a way cute girl on okcupid that likes comics and says you should message her if you are anything like Buddy Baker! But her inbox is full. I wanted to make a Little Wing.....

I'm having Morbius flashbacks with that Blade announcement....


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I'm just a bit into volume 2 of The Strain and I'm really liking it. The end of Volume 1 had some awesome stuff in the back about the physiology of the Vampires in this world. I love how it explains how their tongues/stingers are so long. I appreciate all the thought put into the lore. Now that my girlfriend and I are caught up on Wayward Pines hopefully I can get her to sit down with a few more episodes of the show.

I also just went ahead about bought the last arc of Baltimore while they were on sale.I figured I'm going to end up buying them anyways, might as well save some scratch.

I've heard there are two major times of year where there are sales like this. Obviously sdcc is one of them, what's the other?
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