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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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real cover to Material #6 gosh that book

Hi!! Never really read comics up until right before Arkham Knight came out on PS4. Decided to read a few volumes of Batman. Read through Volumes 1-5 of the new 52, but heard that volume 6 is kinda a jumbled mess if you don't read any other related comics (Batman inc and such). But now I'm in the mood for more! Where should I begin?

Not really related to New 52 Batman but you should definitely check out Year One and Mad Love. Both are really great.

If you like Scott Snyder's writing in the New 52 stuff you should also check out Batman: The Black Mirror which he wrote before the reboot. It's has Dick Grayson as Batman and I remember it being pretty good.
Okay, I think that's going in my IST order this week. Also, was Katana's solo book any good?
Dunno. I've only read Lemire's run on GA. It's also quite literally the only GA book I've read, and the only reason I've read it is because of the mythology and lore it's introduced. GA never intrigued me much, though I like the character in the various series he's popped up in. From a mythos and rouges' gallery standpoint he's never really grabbed my interest, but this introduced a mythology I can get behind.
holy fuck that Suicide Squad trailer

they're fucking doing it, they're making literally my favorite team into a movie

holy fuck viola davis as waller is just PERF god damn

they're doing it it's happening
Forreal dawg

Well, it should be King Shark instead of Killer Croc, but I'll manage.

knight > asylum > origins > city.

You can get jumped with an opinion like that homie. Protect ya neck.
I defended myself homes
Nah, nah see

Origins >= City > Asylum > Knight.

Knight is the worst in the franchise by far.
BAC is one of my favorite games period. Got me through a really rough time, so I put a lot of time into that game. Aced all the combat challenges and a good chunk of the predator challenges.

Also, has Knightfall aged well? I want to read it, but it's long as fuck if I recall.
the bat tank fights are fucking fun as all hell, even the chases are cool

it's those fucking cobra drones sections that ruin it

Yeah, the cobra bits were the only ones I didn't like, fortunately there haven't been too many of them.

I even liked the races.
The cloudburst tank fight too.
It's been like a decade since I last read Knightfall but I remember enjoying the re-read. I remember it definitely feeling 90s but not in a bad way.

Man I hated everything having to do with the Batmobile, battank sections and all. I'm like 75% overall and something like 80 - 85% done with the story and I'm just having a hard time to go back to it because I know there's so much Batmobile in the end. Plus a big chunk of the side mission stuff i have to do is Batmobile based.


Fuck Amazon Marketplace sellers. Got a cheap copy of Red Son Deluxe Edition and I got a mail that they lost the book at the airport.
Yeah, of course, its not because you were selling me the book for 35 instead of 70. Its not obivious that you are salty that you selled it to cheap.

What happened to Salvador Larroca? How do you go from


The ironman faces are almost Greg Land-ish

Looks for me like he went better over time.
How is Bendis and Maleev's Moon Knight run? As good as their Daredevil run? Because I'm thinking about picking it up solely based on that creative team, and Bendis seems to do really good work with street level superheroics


And yet Viola Davis is just this much fucking scarier. She's just so fucking cold about sending these people to their probable death. There's very little of everyone else, but all the Waller parts are Nailing It.


Knows the Score
I was going to complain about Arkham Knight, but it's taken me all this time to type out my response by carefully driving the Batmobile back and forth towards my keyboard and applying suitable pressure in lieu of a sensible method of entering text. And then I had to try and shoot the enter key from through a window.
Fear Itself tie ins!

Avengers #13 - loved this issue, Nothing actually happen but I thought the various interviews with the Avengers about all the shit they had been through during that time (aka all the yearly events) were funny. And Bachalo's art is as always god tier. Super fun issue.

Herc #3 - waste of time. Super bland book with Hercules living in Brooklyn but not actually talking like Hercules so half the fun of the character is gone. A bunch of D listers that escaped from The Raft when Juggy got his hammer ransack Brooklyn and I dont care. At all.

Thunderbolts #158 - Speaking of Juggy getting his hammer, this shows the perspective from the Raft where the Thunderbolts are busy with a zombie attack (lol?) and they miss Juggy going Thule-a powered and blowing up the raft. Love the art and love the weird ass team (Boomerang, Shocker, dat Superior Foes rep, also Man Thing, Ghost, Satana... yeah it's a weird team), actually curious about this Bolts period outside just the tie ins.

The Parker/Walker/Shalvey run of Thunderbolts is god tier.
I finished Infinity like 5 months ago and was so underwhelmed I didnt even launch marvel unlimited until yesterday

read the epilogue and started on avengers/new avengers again and i'm back in.

just a shitty diversion that I'm glad i'm done with.

might catch up on this and then end up buying what i'm missing to get caught up to secret wars

Is this a better pic of the creepy Capullo wonder woman?

I think the Jai Lee dude figures are worse

The women look fine honestly

but supes/bats?

nightmare creatures



He is though. He's always making some crazy face shooting people saying things in bold

Well is is going to fuck shit up

I finished Infinity like 5 months ago and was so underwhelmed I didnt even launch marvel unlimited until yesterday

read the epilogue and started on avengers/new avengers again and i'm back in.

just a shitty diversion that I'm glad i'm done with.

might catch up on this and then end up buying what i'm missing to get caught up to secret wars

I think the Jai Lee dude figures are worse

The women look fine honestly

but supes/bats?

nightmare creatures


Wow those women look cool. The men are stuff of nightmares.

I don't think Capullos figures look like his style tbh.

Man, I really liked infinity for what it was. Thor was a badass as per usual.


Also : holy fuck, that ADR on the guy saying "it's our duty as human beings". How the fuck do you put that in, how do you think it's not gonna look wonky as all hell.
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