Who's the hero (or villain) that has legitimately did the most, and can you name all those deaths?
Yes I'm bored
Hasnt Thanos killed everything in Infinity Gauntlet? Or was this just Earth 616?
Who's the hero (or villain) that has legitimately did the most, and can you name all those deaths?
Yes I'm bored
Hasnt Thanos killed everything in Infinity Gauntlet? Or was this just Earth 616?
Who's the hero (or villain) that has legitimately died the most, and can you name all those deaths?
Yes I'm bored
Edit: died not did >_>
Wasnt there a character whose gimmick it was that he always died and came back? I vaguely remember one...
Wasnt there a character whose gimmick it was that he always died and came back? I vaguely remember one...
Remind me, Superman didn't actually die in Death of Superman right? He was in a cocoon or something?
Is there any famous DC permanent death like Marvel with Gwen?
Batman's parents.
Wasnt there a character whose gimmick it was that he always died and came back? I vaguely remember one...
Is there any famous DC permanent death like Marvel with Gwen?
Is there any famous DC permanent death like Marvel with Gwen?
So what's the verdict on wayward ? About to finalize my cmx order but these covers look nice. Seems like a weird book. Really excited for american vampire and year 100
Deadly Class was really heavy this month.
But not as heavy as [SW #4 spoilz]Cyclops lifeless corpse!
What did you guys think of Ultimate End 3 whereUltimate Punisher kills 616 Punisher?
I sometimes need to stay away from certain people's twitters and tumblrs on comics. Let people like what they like even for unpopular series. Fuck outta here with claiming people are dumb or retarted for liking it. Always judging others by what they read. And some of these are the same people talking bout they want an inclusive comic community? Gee thanks I feel so welcome.
ComicGAF you guys are great. <3
Looks like Detective Comics is getting a new team.
Image money.
Wasnt there a character whose gimmick it was that he always died and came back? I vaguely remember one...
Who's the hero (or villain) that has legitimately died the most, and can you name all those deaths?
Yes I'm bored
Edit: died not did >_>
All are welcome!
Also is your avatar...Raven?
Is that FemGuy Gardner?
All are welcome!
Also is your avatar...Raven?
And this is why Justice League 3001 is amazing.
I don't get it...
It's just GL getting a one eyed person to give her the info she wants.
JL3000/3001 is legit.
I love this series more with every issue I read.
Maybe its because all the Venom Solobooks were horrible back then.
Let's spoiler tag Secret War but not Zero because no one was looking forward to reading that one.
Thanks assholes
How is Midnighter?
JL3000/3001 is legit.
I love this series more with every issue I read.
Man, its depressing when you think how many people love Venom and there are like three books that are actually good.