Team Bruce/Diana
The Trinity

The Trinity

The Sony Conference of Comics Conferences.
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
I love vimanarama. One of my fav. Morisson books.
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
So the fall is going to be pretty barren and we'll
Have to kickstart any of the new books we really want?
Already own both in superior CMX HD format, but that's a nice edition for those who haven't read either.
Kill Your Boyfriend/Vimanarama getting a combined deluxe edition...
Like sillymonkey, I also just read the first issue of Batman Year 100. This is the first thing I've read by Paul Pope and that man makes some fantastic art:
How are Battling Boy and Heavy Liquid? I always see the covers for them but know literally nothing about them.
he seriously looks like that cat picture you're always posting
Image just seems to green light series to see if they'll be hits. So many new series in the last series only have a trade or can't break the two trade gauntlet. If I had even a sliver of self confidence I would throw my hat in the ring......
Why did Doom kill?Cyke
I continue to love the Black Widow ongoing. How long did it ran for, it's on #13 now on MU
Quick question, is the red lantern storyline worth reading? I rarely read anything DC but I did ready green lantern a little before the blackest night storyline and before the inception of the red lanterns. Their rage aspect piqued my curiosity at the time but I stopped reading due to cost of hobby(now things are much cheaper with these services offered like marvel unlimited and etc).
Aww man. Last time I checked I couldn't redeem them through the Marvel app. I am too lazy to log in on my pc, so the stickers stay on.The one that comes with physical issues? Sort of. You need to link your Marvel account to your comixology one and then any codes you redeem on Marvel's site can be downloaded in comixology
Red Lanterns was really solid when Charles Soule took over writing duties. Everything before that is shit. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I disagree. I happened to like the early stuff. It just suffered from bouncing writers. It definitely gets better later on.
GH plz.
The Peter Milligan run was the very definition of phoned in
I didn't think Ultimate End was that horrible. The dialogue was fine, the plot just doesn't make sense.
"Hi, it's Peter again. So, that cat one. He can...do something? And then they all spit blood magic the end?"
affleck looks so weird in the mask
so weird
It's Bendis, the Xbox of ComicGAF.
He could sneeze and people would complain it came out his nose the wrong way.
GH plz.
The Peter Milligan run was the very definition of phoned in
affleck looks so weird in the mask
so weird
Ahh, Xbox, the fedora of game consoles.
Battling Boy is a pretty fun teenager story that never insults your intelligence. Gorgeous art. Has no proper ending. It simply stops and maybe Pope will get around to doing the sequel someday.How are Battling Boy and Heavy Liquid? I always see the covers for them but know literally nothing about them.
You say that but it was still Red Lanterns doing Red Lanterns stuff which I enjoyed.
Is that how you review comics?
"In this issue, Batman does some Batman stuff. He uses a grappling gun, punches the Penguin and drives the Batmobile. The dialogue though was literal gibberish like the writer had a 32 page stroke.
Still a great comic. 10 out of 10 DC logos."
Like sillymonkey, I also just read the first issue of Batman Year 100. This is the first thing I've read by Paul Pope and that man makes some fantastic art:
(story was ok too)
How are Battling Boy and Heavy Liquid? I always see the covers for them but know literally nothing about them.
Is that how you review comics?
"In this issue, Batman does some Batman stuff. He uses a grappling gun, punches the Penguin and drives the Batmobile. The dialogue though was literal gibberish like the writer had a 32 page stroke.
Still a great comic. 10 out of 10 DC logos."
GrandHarrier just reads comics to be comforted by the fact that DC continuity is continuing smoothly and accurately.