Hey man, next time put "Reddit" at the top so I can decide not to laugh beforehand.
Honestly, it's kind of amazing how well Marvel just tossing out what is basically an entire line of semi-standalone minis has worked out.
I'm waiting for the mega omnibus that collects all 7000 issuesAnd my assumption is that every Battlewars book will be getting their own hardcovers.
MSRP: your house
I'm waiting for the mega omnibus that collects all 7000 issues
MSRP: your house
Diamond Select joining on on that December/January Harley bonanza. 179.99
Reading comics is hard, guys.
Send help.
Or at least "I have at least a three month's of reading from the CMX sales over SDCC anyway, and limited run tie ins aren't important enough to interrupt that." My current backlog has at least twenty five trades.
EDIT: Shit, actually thinking about it more like fifty.
"There's a dog that does opera upstairs. We call him Pavarotti."
What book is that? It looks like either Animal Man or Doom Patrol to me, but I'm surely wrong.
Yep, that is Fables.
Anyone read (100~ pages of!) Island yet?
Anyone read (100~ pages of!) Island yet?
If you could, I highly recommend re-reading Fraction/Aja's Hawkeye up until #22. Its got so many great callbacks and payoffs.Like Immortal Iron Fist, Fraction gives all his heroes a moment over the bad guys, sets up potential threads for future writers, but brings almost all his threads to a satisfactory closure. And unlike Immortal Iron Fist, this time he actually gets to do it with David Aja the whole way through, along with one of the best letterers and colorists in the business.Clint finally learns how to do that twist and SNAP move they teased way back when. He ties up The Clown with those damn wires from Hawkeye #6. The safe, Penny, the neighbors, the building, Clint/Kate having a perfect reconnection with the Boomerang arrow/the sign language/the dual archery at the end.
A great ending to a great series
(Don't get All-New Hawkeye)
I really can't wait to read it. I read #1 back when it was free on Comixology but I've been waiting for it to be fully collected before starting it. Should be worth the wait.
Put a hold on many New 52 tpbs at my Library - Wonder Woman, Action Comics, Superman and The Flash.
(Any of those choices a mistake?)
Same here. I don't really care about Hawkeye, but I'll read this just because of all the praise it has been getting.
Flash is kinda meh (tho definitely worth the price of admission you're paying just for the art), AC and Superman are kind of uneven, and frankly you should feel kinda bad not paying real money for WW.
I'm at work and I want to go home and reread Hawkeye
What a great series
I jumped on that Marvel Unlimited for a penny deal, good god, so many books. It almost makes me want to sign up for the year....almost. Would probably still go with Amazon Prime at the same price.
Apparently I had Hail Hydra on my pull list? WAT? Why? Why would I do that to myself?
Apparently I had Hail Hydra on my pull list? WAT? Why? Why would I do that to myself? Instead I put it back on the rack and grabbed Godzilla In Hell #1. Fuck yeah.
"Can't figure it out. Damn it. It wasn't there. I KNOW that. And yet... No. Can't let yourself doubt. It's there. I have it."
Why do you not want to help Remender feed his family you monster?Apparently I had Hail Hydra on my pull list? WAT? Why? Why would I do that to myself? Instead I put it back on the rack and grabbed Godzilla In Hell #1. Fuck yeah.
Wait, Hawkeye Omnibus is $100? But the two OHCs are $70...
Why do you not want to help Remender feed his family you monster?
"Read it. Don't look back. It's the only fucking chance you've got."
I don't believe youI want to read comics.![]()
"It's like Dad always said : Son, I'm busy hitting your mom and drinking, just go and read your dang comics"