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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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How would you feel if they made a Boba Fett movie that completely ignored the continuity of attack of the clones and made up a whole different origin for him? How can you care for characters if there is no consistency.

I think quite a few people would be fine with that. It wouldn't make sense seeing Temuera Morrison voices Boba in the later editions and George obviously intended for the Boba we see in ESB to be Jango's son but if they hadn't done that and had gone with the whole mantle idea, I'd be OK with it.

There's a hell of a lot of SW fans that don't even give a damn about Fett.


How would you feel if they made a Boba Fett movie that completely ignored the continuity of attack of the clones and made up a whole different origin for him? How can you care for characters if there is no consistency.

Kinda leads to me having no investment in the characters story and so I have no interest in the character thus I begin dropping titles. I feel myself slipping away from DC in the last two months. Reading for an obligation instead of for fun.
I think there is a difference between continuity light where the basic gist is the same but we don't need to line up exact dates and zero continuity where every book is essentially a different universe.


Mega LTTP here, but I just finished Preacher #10 and
FUUUCK, that asshole Judy really killed her :'( Things will only spiral downward from here, right?

Edit: on second thought, don't answer that, I want to keep at least a shiver of hope.
This thread actually made it to page 2. You people disgust me.

On the subject of letting writers ship stuff, i'll remind peoples of what happens when you let shippers in charge:

How would you feel if they made a Boba Fett movie that completely ignored the continuity of attack of the clones and made up a whole different origin for him? How can you care for characters if there is no consistency.
Yknow, i was gon make an argument for Ultimate Marvel, but then i remembered that it was consistent. Consistently awful. HEY-OOO
Star Wars and Vader are crossing over in November. Should be fun. I'm guessing the Wookiee on Wookiee action will be Chewie vs Black Krrsantan?

Seeking to bind the events of the two separate books together, this six-part series will see Star Wars writer Jason Aaron team with the Vader creative team of Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca. Mike Deodata will share art duties. The story will revolve around a do-or-die mission by the Rebels to take down a stranded and but not-so-vulnerable Vader. Described as a natural progression in regards to where the series has come so far, Gillen promised the kind of story any Star Wars fan can get behind, in addition to Wookie on Wookie action.



Sou Da

Speaking of which Rucka is going to do a Dragon Age ongoing, Magekiller. I'm probably going to pick it up.

Honestly after I saw he was so chummy with the devs on twitter I was hoping he was going to join the writing staff.
Dragon Age II is literally the only Bioware game where this is the incorrect choice. Male Hawke's VA was much, much better. Granted, I'm only an hour or two into Inquisition so that might change.

Femme inquisitor is the best inquisitor. Allows for hitting on cassandra and on the elf. And you should. Gods, you so should. Especially on Cass.
How would you feel if they made a Boba Fett movie that completely ignored the continuity of attack of the clones and made up a whole different origin for him? How can you care for characters if there is no consistency.

Because the stories with them in it are awesome. I value the content of what I'm reading now rather than a character's history. If that story ends up so well liked and defining, other authors or editorial will probably add it to the character's history like Birthright or when Morrison referred to Son of the Demon.

Also it really doesn't bother me that lobdell's teen titans isn't continuity. I'd throw his red hood on that pile as well.


So, quick questions: I was looking at ye old Cosmic Marvel chart as I'm now approaching halfway through the GotG complete collections, and...

How is the post Annihilation Conquest Nova stuff and the War/Realm of Kings stuff, and perhaps more importantly... How available/well collected is it physically via trades or whatever? (Still kind of unsure on the Kings stuff though as the references in GotG thus far make it look kind of focused on Adam Warlock and... From what little I've seen of him via Conquest and GotG he seems kind of... Flat. Just not very interesting)

Oh, and random question I don't care that much about: didn't the Skrulls fairly decimated by Annihilation? If I'm right on that, does that at least play into/get referenced in some way in all the Secret Invasion stuff? Not a big deal, but GotG made me realize that those things aren't that far off chronologically, which I found interesting (though not enough to want to, you know, actually read Secret Invasion)


Entertainment Earth got the Marvel Legends Guardians of the Galaxy boxset in. Finally going to have a not sad Groot and Annihilation Gamora!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Island - only read through the Rios and Graham contributions but i loooved them both. Island gets past the main problem I often have with anthologies over here by making each story about the length of a "regular" single issue and it totally works. Definitely interested in seeing people I dig a lot doing stuff for this book but I might be even more interested in Graham + Rios as curators bringing in people I've never heard of before

e: the last story's good too

That page in Rios' story with the riot and the three circle panels of them linking hands is perfection.
In my head I ship characters that had long term happy relationships ended because of "reasons" as my own small personal way of fighting back against editorial (Fuck you, DiDio).
In my head I ship characters that had long term happy relationships ended because of "reasons" as my own small personal way of fighting back against editorial (Fuck you, DiDio).

"Oh don't worry Sarah. We'll bring their relationships back.......


..........Only to divorce them. Now there's a perfectly good reason."

"Oh don't worry Sarah. We'll bring their relationships back.......


..........Only to divorce them. Now there's a perfectly good reason."


DiDio's use of the Anti-Wife Equation (yes, I know, but Anti-Spouse doesn't work as well) has been extremely successful. I'm pretty sure it won't be long before even the very concept of marriage no longer exists in the DC multiverse.


Didio is just trying to protect his characters from the complications and legal headaches that come with divorce. These characters are supposed to be heroic and perfect, and divorce from a marriage would show vulnerability. Thanks for looking out for your fans DC.


How would you feel if they made a Boba Fett movie that completely ignored the continuity of attack of the clones and made up a whole different origin for him? How can you care for characters if there is no consistency.
By that standard, no one can read any comic ever without starting from the very first issue that that character appeared in and onward. How can I care about Daredevil if I don't understand how every single arc and every single appearance changes him??

There are plenty of good stories that can be told on their own without writers having to waste their time on interuniverse minutiae. Each writer has their own vision, and that's fine.
I finally saw X-men: Days of Future Past (film) and loved it. I decided to go through the Days of Future Past TPB, which has 5 issues, only 2 of which are the actual DoFP storyline. Man, I struggle a bit with old comics. I read the first 2 issues in that TPB so far, the writing style and dialogue is really rushed, like they need to cram as much info in as possible and the character movement between panels isn't always clear.

The first issue was a recap of the entire X-men series up until that point and the plots are so wacky. "When they were about to sacrifice Jean Grey to the Tyrannosaurus Rex is the moment I knew I loved her." My favorite is how they tricked the Sentinels into fighting the Sun to get rid of them.

The 2nd issue was X-men featuring Doctor Strange which was cool. Both of the issues seem to be introducing Kitty Pryde so I see how they're leading up to the DoFP issues.
By that standard, no one can read any comic ever without starting from the very first issue that that character appeared in and onward. How can I care about Daredevil if I don't understand how every single arc and every single appearance changes him??

There are plenty of good stories that can be told on their own without writers having to waste their time on interuniverse minutiae. Each writer has their own vision, and that's fine.

Not really in the example I used fett got his origin several films later but they stuck with it for matters of consistency and that's really all I'm talking about. I mean justice league was supposed to be the flagship title of new 52 universe but in the remaining new 52 books superman and Wonder Woman are wearing completely different costumes, GL is in deep space and has been for some time and batman is a robot.
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