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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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So, quick questions: I was looking at ye old Cosmic Marvel chart as I'm now approaching halfway through the GotG complete collections, and...

How is the post Annihilation Conquest Nova stuff and the War/Realm of Kings stuff, and perhaps more importantly... How available/well collected is it physically via trades or whatever? (Still kind of unsure on the Kings stuff though as the references in GotG thus far make it look kind of focused on Adam Warlock and... From what little I've seen of him via Conquest and GotG he seems kind of... Flat. Just not very interesting)

Oh, and random question I don't care that much about: didn't the Skrulls fairly decimated by Annihilation? If I'm right on that, does that at least play into/get referenced in some way in all the Secret Invasion stuff? Not a big deal, but GotG made me realize that those things aren't that far off chronologically, which I found interesting (though not enough to want to, you know, actually read Secret Invasion)

Kings is great, and it leads to the Thanos Imperative which is the pinnacle of the DnA saga. Read all of it.

Yes, the Annihilation Wave does get referenced in Secret Invasion; you could even say it is the impetus of that event.


Kings is great, and it leads to the Thanos Imperative which is the pinnacle of the DnA saga. Read all of it.

Yes, the Annihilation Wave does get referenced in Secret Invasion; you could even say it is the impetus of that event.
Secret Invasion was the reason why they started their attack on earth.

Ugh... Got cheap copys of Secret Invasion and Siege OHCs... I already feel again how bad those books were.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I still find it strange that Secret Six jumped ahead with a new artist and then flashed back to what we missed the very next issue with the original artist.



this looks fucking terrible

like, holy shit, that's the saddest fucking Mohawk Storm ever

that's fucked up and wrong Mohawk Storm should be fucking GLORIOUS what the shit is that



Zoe Kravitz Couldn’t Score A ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Audition Because She Was Too ‘Urban’

Secret Invasion was the reason why they started their attack on earth.

The infiltration of Earth happened before Secret Invasion, true, but it was the Annihilation Wave that unified the Skrulls behind the cult the Spider-Woman queen skrull was the leader of. It was a necessary event to motivate the Skrulls to invade Earth; they needed a new homeworld.


Very broad question, but what's everyone's opinion on Gotham Academy

Very cool, very charming. The initiative to make Gotham "more than just Batman" has been pretty successful in my eyes.

Not really in the example I used fett got his origin several films later but they stuck with it for matters of consistency and that's really all I'm talking about. I mean justice league was supposed to be the flagship title of new 52 universe but in the remaining new 52 books superman and Wonder Woman are wearing completely different costumes, GL is in deep space and has been for some time and batman is a robot.

If different writers want to experiment and try different things with characters, they should be encouraged to do so. At some point, everyone's going to revert back to the same status quo interpretation of these characters. Solo writers should be given the chance to use their brief chance on a book to do what they deem interesting and take the story where they think is natural and compelling. Not everyone should have to adhere to everyone else's book if it's just going to restrict them. So fine, maybe Justice League is the main, flagship book for the DC Universe continuity right now. Not everyone should be forced to have to adhere to that. Otherwise, hell, nobody would have any freedom to do anything.

Besides, we don't need writers subjected to shit like this:



Is this really a that big problem at DC?

Last few years they've more or less given writers a fair bit more free reign. Again, look at what's going on in the Superman, Batman, Green Lantern solo books etc. vs where those characters are in Justice League. They're saying they want to be less focused on continuity and just letting creators do their thing, which I'm all for, personally.
Last few years they've more or less given writers a fair bit more free reign. Again, look at what's going on in the Superman, Batman, Green Lantern solo books etc. vs where those characters are in Justice League. They're saying they want to be less focused on continuity and just letting creators do their thing, which I'm all for, personally.

I'm actually, in theory, a huge fan of continuity along with character growth and change. I mean, yes, I tend to read writers and runs more than specific characters, but you tend to encounter characters again and again in various places and when you're going with a sort of continuous shared world it seems like it should, you know, keep a continuity. I mean, in such a situation you can't really separate current stories from characters and their pasts along with past stories.

All that being said, I don't entirely disagree with the position you're taking here given reality. And that reality is that strong continuity is not and has not been really treated seriously in the major shared multiverses. Instead we tend to get a sort of half assed weak continuity that kinda sorta maybe matters until a writer or editorial decides it doesn't and then poof. So it's not like a lot is lost anyway. Besides, in the case of DC they'll probably just dump it all in a few years anyway and, honestly, after N52 dumped the entirety of the DC comics continuity I had known all my life (except for the arbitrary and confusing parts it didn't) I'm not all that eager to try and figure out the intricacies of the new status quo.


Why do I get the feeling he's reading Comic GAF now...

Also do we have a resident JSA Expert who would totes recommend the JSA Omnibus(I?)....I'm working through my backlog. Slowly, but there ain't no getting off this train....

I can't stand Johns, generally, but his JSA stuff is good. If he'd just stayed on that book forever.

Sou Da

I can't stand Johns, generally, but his JSA stuff is good. If he'd just stayed on that book forever.

Besada don't like the cereal king? For such a good track record with teams he sure doesn't seem to give a fuck about the main Justice League book.


Is Johns DCs Bendis?
I mean, in the kind of way people think of him? Thats the feeling I get when I hear you guys talk about their higher ups.
Aww man, gambit is baleeted again. Goodnight sweet prince.

Also dat storm is quite interesting. Y'all haters.
Problem with poccy is that he's mostly human sized there. They shoulda gone with a giantswole full cg actor.
Ales Kot collected his tweets about being offered a job and why he turned it down.

Tweeted some stuff today. Maybe some of you will find it useful.

Something that’s still very much alive with me: got an offer to write some pretty high profile characters who were also people of color.

I’m not going to be naming the publisher because I don’t feel it’s necessary. But I’ll describe what happened. I turned it down.

Politely so, with genuine thanks. And then I suggested that people of color should be writing and drawing those characters.

The editorial response was: “we would love that, but we don’t know many people who would fit that.”

So I suggested some names, right off the bat.

The problem here: you won’t know if you don’t look and you won’t know if you won’t nurture diverse voices.

Big comics companies rarely take chances on new or unproven creators. When they are people of color, the erasure is near-complete.

So hey, white comics creators: genuinely, maybe sometimes turn down work on characters of color and suggest creators of color instead?

Show some solidarity and support and step out of the way?

The comics industry has a problem with self-congratulation drowning out everything else. This problem is a long-term disease.

If you want to trace the problem, look at Stan Lee and Bob Kane. Two men who turned self-promotion into an art of drowning others’ voices.

It’s not a coincidence that these two men are often considered to be the sole builders of the world’s two most dominant comics characters.

(At least in my mind. Batman is clear, but I always preferred Spider-Man to Superman.)
Lee and Kane were not the people they pretended and pretend to be. They are not solely responsible. They mastered the art of not listening.

I see way too many people in comics today follow the Lee and Kane route. And frankly, even one person is one too many
Comics industry people: listen.
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