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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Unconfirmed Member
It was more the bawling at him 'dying' and the "disrespect" by giving the Giant-Man costume to "some gay brown nobody".

I like the new guy, enough. It's just a strange time to introduce something like that. At least with the same creative team continuing after SW it's more likely that they'll keep that story line going.


Kings is great, and it leads to the Thanos Imperative which is the pinnacle of the DnA saga. Read all of it.

Yes, the Annihilation Wave does get referenced in Secret Invasion; you could even say it is the impetus of that event.

Secret Invasion was the reason why they started their attack on earth.

Ugh... Got cheap copys of Secret Invasion and Siege OHCs... I already feel again how bad those books were.

The infiltration of Earth happened before Secret Invasion, true, but it was the Annihilation Wave that unified the Skrulls behind the cult the Spider-Woman queen skrull was the leader of. It was a necessary event to motivate the Skrulls to invade Earth; they needed a new homeworld.

Thanks guys!

Quick additional question. Again repeating the "how good is the post Annihilation Conquest Nova run" question, but going with that... how important would it be to read it alongside this stuff? Because I looked at the prices for those trades and... hoooooly crap! Those have gotten really, really bad. Like, those prices are INSANE. If it's important that I read it alongside the rest of the stuff I guess I can just MU it. But man, that needs a reprint really badly.


So you didn't stop playing, I see.

I really did like that mission. I just wish they allowed you to play as Selina in the city at large.
I actually want to 100% it. I was spoilered to much, so I basicly know the ending, but welp, who cares.
The game has grown a little bit on me.

Pretty cool of him

between this and Mark Waid and JG Jones' Strange Fruit, I've been inspired to pitch a new comic series to BOOM

It's gonna be set in an alternate world where the confederates won the civil war. Itll be set 10 years after union defeat. How did they win you ask?

Captain Confederate.

Imagine if Captain America was created by robert e lee for the confederacy. The story will be about how a group of slaves overthrow the short lived confederacy and kill Captain Confederacy and set up a democratic utopia against all odds.

The rebellion's leader? a charismatic well spoken young slave named BARRY. His last name? OBAMA. Middle name? HUSSEIN.

Co writer: Rafa
inker: kipp
guy staples the comics together: JC (we will need one black person to make sure we are not 'appropriating' w/e that means

Working title: Attack of the Strange Fruits


Based Obama. Cant believe how he delievers over the last couple of years.
I really hope you guys vote Hilary in the oval office the next time.


Thanks guys!

Quick additional question. Again repeating the "how good is the post Annihilation Conquest Nova run" question, but going with that... how important would it be to read it alongside this stuff? Because I looked at the prices for those trades and... hoooooly crap! Those have gotten really, really bad. Like, those prices are INSANE. If it's important that I read it alongside the rest of the stuff I guess I can just MU it. But man, that needs a reprint really badly.
Adding to this: how much is GotG going to spoil the War of Kings->Realm of Kings-> Thanos Imperative stuff? Like, is it essential that I stop reading that and order that stuff to do it "right"? Because if not I'd kind of prefer to finish reading GotG now and grab that stuff a bit down the line...


Based Obama. Cant believe how he delievers over the last couple of years.
I really hope you guys vote Hilary in the oval office the next time.

I was going to vote for Hillary until i heard Trump's announcement speech and i finally saw what an assertive, confident, classy president would look like.

Trump 2016.


Based Obama. Cant believe how he delievers over the last couple of years.
I really hope you guys vote Hilary in the oval office the next time.

The way things are looking we are in for 4 years of the offal office instead.

This is basically Gore 2.0 only Gore is gonna win.
I actually want to 100% it. I was spoilered to much, so I basicly know the ending, but welp, who cares.
The game has grown a little bit on me.

Even I didn't go 100%. I stopped playing at around 95% or something. Completed everything in the game except finding all 240-some-odd Riddler trophies. I hate that they lock the full ending behind that.


Not sure if I should ask this here or in the SW thread, but what are some good Star Wars comics I can check out either on Marvel Unlimited or otherwise?


Even I didn't go 100%. I stopped playing at around 95% or something. Completed everything in the game except finding all 240-some-odd Riddler trophies. I hate that they lock the full ending behind that.
I beat up all Riddler goons, so I just have to go around and check everything up. Seems like there arent as many unbeatable as in Arkham City.

The search for the final Arkham Knight Soldier tower is far more offputting. I just cant find him on Founders Island.
Not sure if I should ask this here or in the SW thread, but what are some good Star Wars comics I can check out either on Marvel Unlimited or otherwise?

Star Wars Legacy (not so much Legacy II) and Knights of the Old Republic are my favorites. Tales of the Jedi is also very good if you don't mind the older-looking artwork.
I did this for hours. But it is a tower? There is nothing were the developers wanted to be smart and made a underground base?

You said tower, so I assumed. Are you sure it's not a checkpoint? Did you get that outpost underground with like, 90 (I exaggerate) sentry guns in a walled-in area?


You said tower, so I assumed. Are you sure it's not a checkpoint? Did you get that outpost underground with like, 90 (I exaggerate) sentry guns in a walled-in area?
You mean in the area where I
looked for Ivys Tree? That is really something Ive not done yet, but I am missing a final tower... Oh man, now I hope its not bugged.
Not sure if I should ask this here or in the SW thread, but what are some good Star Wars comics I can check out either on Marvel Unlimited or otherwise?
Some of my favourites are Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison, X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Knights of the Old Republic, Purge, Last Stand on Jabiim and Dark Empire because it's silly fun and the art's good. As for Marvel's relaunch Star Wars and Vader are my two favourite series' at the moment.


Lady Mandarin outfit. <3
Such a cool moment.
You mean in the area where I
looked for Ivys Tree? That is really something Ive not done yet, but I am missing a final tower... Oh man, now I hope its not bugged.

Yes, the one under
Ivy's tree. It's actually super-easy. Go underground on the outside of the wall with the Batmobile, and strafe around the entire thing. You'll find a small gate that just happens to have a hook for the Batmobile winch. Rip it off, transform into tank mode and then drive on in and go to town.
As for the tower you're missing, I would check the other islands too, because I think toward the end of the story, another one pops up on the earlier islands. Also, keep in mind that some of them are pretty close to ground level, and not at the top of skyscrapers, so not all are visible when looking at the skyline.
^^ that looks like a shiar costume.

Secret Wars: Siege was pretty good. Give it four kierons outta gillen. Also confirms that Vic just keeps ultron and the zombies around for the lulz.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Toootally off topic but I"m bored at work and had to share this amazing line with someone, so here you guys go:

At this spring&#8217;s White House Correspondents&#8217; Association dinner, Obama joked: &#8220;After the midterm elections, my advisers asked me &#8216;Mr. President, do you have a bucket list?&#8217; And I said, &#8216;Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.&#8217;&#8221;

Gameproff, are you talking about the Occupy Gotham side mission? If so, just fly around the part where you're missing it (Fouder's Island) with your detective vision on. Look for clusters of enemies, armed or otherwise. You'll probably also be able to see the device you have to destroy glowing orange.

I doubt it's bugged, it's just some of them are harder to stumble on.


Isn't it a guaranteed perma if you get banned while being a junior? I don't know if this affects people that get juniored after becoming a member though.

Oof... he was irritating but that's too bad, if the rules are the same for him as a normal junior. Do we even have any Gambit fans left in ComicsGAF? Serious question.
Gameproff, are you talking about the Occupy Gotham side mission? If so, just fly around the part where you're missing it (Fouder's Island) with your detective vision on. Look for clusters of enemies, armed or otherwise. You'll probably also be able to see the device you have to destroy glowing orange.

That's actually really good advice.


Gameproff, are you talking about the Occupy Gotham side mission? If so, just fly around the part where you're missing it (Fouder's Island) with your detective vision on. Look for clusters of enemies, armed or otherwise. You'll probably also be able to see the device you have to destroy glowing orange.

I doubt it's bugged, it's just some of them are harder to stumble on.

Yeah, thats what I meant.

I think I will just use a guide^^
Selina is fucking awesome in Arkham Knight.

I enjoyed most of the side missions more than the main story, though none of them reached AO & AC's level with mad hatter.

I wouldn't mind a game with just more developed side missions done long halloween style. A small but long main arc story but a bunch of other cases you solve over time as you pass the seasons in Gotham.
I like the new guy, enough. It's just a strange time to introduce something like that. At least with the same creative team continuing after SW it's more likely that they'll keep that story line going.

It's not really a strange time, though - this is the Ant-Man book coming out alongside the movie, and it's not like continuity is about to be rebooted. And Marvel is conscious enough of their diversity issues (well, some of them) that I don't think they'd introduce a gay South Asian superhero without having plans for him.

Laudable diversity factor aside, I didn't find Raz that compelling a character just yet, and the justification for giving him the Giant-Man suit felt more than a bit strained - at what point did he demonstrate a physical aptitude for or interest in superheroics? But hopefully future appearances will address that.


Friday, Friday
my dcbs order arrives on Friday
gonna read some comics on the weekend weekend
Friday Friday
sortin' the stack on friday

baggin' and boardin', yeah!
baggin' and boardin', yeah!
glum glum glum glum
lookin' forward to hatin' comics on the weekend.
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