bagin' and boardin', yeah!
This will now forever be the comic book nerd version of bangin' and clangin' in my head.
bagin' and boardin', yeah!
How is Bendis and Maleev's Moon Knight run? As good as their Daredevil run? Because I'm thinking about picking it up solely based on that creative team, and Bendis seems to do really good work with street level superheroics
Thanks guys!
Quick additional question. Again repeating the "how good is the post Annihilation Conquest Nova run" question, but going with that... how important would it be to read it alongside this stuff? Because I looked at the prices for those trades and... hoooooly crap! Those have gotten really, really bad. Like, those prices are INSANE. If it's important that I read it alongside the rest of the stuff I guess I can just MU it. But man, that needs a reprint really badly.
Adding to this: how much is GotG going to spoil the War of Kings->Realm of Kings-> Thanos Imperative stuff? Like, is it essential that I stop reading that and order that stuff to do it "right"? Because if not I'd kind of prefer to finish reading GotG now and grab that stuff a bit down the line...
He doesn't seem quite so batshit crazy
Also thanks to the remarks about JSA Omnibus (to whom it concerns). Probably going to get Vol 1 next month/sooner. Got a few single issues on CMX like 3 years ago and enjoyed them. Is Johns the main writer for all 3 vols or is it kinda like MOrrison's JLA where vol 5 is written by Mark Waid?
I'm about to see Ant-Man. Ant-Man better be somethin. I better be ready to eat crow.
Wait, Ant-Man is out already?
7PM showings on a Thursday are the new midnights.
I might go this weekend. Don't really want to go back to the cinema so soon after the end of my placement, and don't want to get the bus to the next town to go there. Feels bad man.
Also about to see Ant-Man like right now. Also, if anyone can anser this random question that'd be cool: is She-Hulk's cousin status important to her condition? Or does injecting Hulk's blood into anyone result in powers?
Also about to see Ant-Man like right now. Also, if anyone can anser this random question that'd be cool: is She-Hulk's cousin status important to her condition? Or does injecting Hulk's blood into anyone result in powers?
Ah, gotcha. I didn't even know it was out this weekend though. Haha. There's really no hype for this movie, is there. None of my friends/coworkers/whoever have mentioned it at all.
I think Minions is expected to beat Ant-Man at the US box office this weekend. I hate those yellow bastards, not because of MCU stuff, I'm just so sick of the fuckers at this stage. They are everywhere here. I'm waiting on the YouTube video where the Sentinels from DOFP are replaced with Minions to properly express my disdain for them.
Still kids like them, and it's okay for kids movies to be for kids.
I think Minions is expected to beat Ant-Man at the US box office this weekend. I hate those yellow bastards, not because of MCU stuff, I'm just so sick of the fuckers at this stage. They are everywhere here. I'm waiting on the YouTube video where the Sentinels from DOFP are replaced with Minions to properly express my disdain for them.
Still kids like them, and it's okay for kids movies to be for kids.
I think I will just buy a bunch of snacks and veg out in front of EVO for the weekend. I would watch WWE Battleground but I don't have the Network and would rather wait a get a sub with birthday money for NXT Brooklyn and SummerSlam at this point. Also want to check out Chef on Netflix, since I'm doing a bit more cooking at the moment and people on GAF have said it's inspiring.
I stay pretty well away from commercials and stores and whatnot, but even still Minions have way oversaturated my life. Haha. I think I posted 4 Minions-related deals at my job in one day a couple days ago.
The Minions helped Hitler. They were Nazis and they loved doing it.
So thats how we won WWII........The Minions helped Hitler. They were Nazis and they loved doing it.
The Minions helped Hitler. They were Nazis and they loved doing it.
I hate DC for discontinuing this >=/
It was CN back then. Just glad we were able to get SBFF figures what a pleasant surprise.I think that was a casualty of CN's anti-cartoon period more than anything you could lay at DC's door.
You guys have got to stop quoting that, I never want to see those little fuckers again as long as I live
I think that was a casualty of CN's anti-cartoon period more than anything you could lay at DC's door.
I appreciated them putting all of those on YouTube, since they never aired on CN here. I think we only got Season 2 of Young Justice in the last year.
The Shazam ones were my favourites, I would watch a whole series of those, and the Tales of Metropolis with Lois Lane trying to get an interview with Batman.
I love the minions I think they're kinda cute.
Shutter has some genuinely touching moments. Like whenAlarm Cat gets his head blown off and the refuses to go play with Chris outside. So Chris goes and makes him a new head out of a burlap bag and he draws a cat face on it. The alarm cat hugs him
Love Shutter. Vol 2 has been really great.
Hey, you have something in common with my mom.
Shutter is fantastic. But I'm waiting for the OHC before I buy any of the collected editions.
They told me that they are still having conversations about whether or not to do one.. I want it.
I wore shirts of that style when I was a kid. Not the animu ones, but those fancy button-downs. Those things were in back in the early 00's.
Good. In a bit of a slump atm, IMO, but still good. Art game is on point, and the character writing is still pretty great, but plotwise it sort of feels like its been spinning its wheels for a few issues now. Hopefully it'll regain traction soon.
EDIT: Vol 1. is basically magic, tho, so definitely go for that if you're considering it.
Only read Vol. 1 so far, but it's awesome. Super fun read with fantastically charming art IMO. Also, Maps is the best.
Very fun, light read. Art is out of this world good.
Could be way better. Especially for a lot of the hype and stellar reviews it's gotten. It's solid & charming but not a super page turner/must read.
I do still have to read issues 7 & 8 though. So maybe it's picked up.
Very cool, very charming. The initiative to make Gotham "more than just Batman" has been pretty successful in my eyes.
They must. Anything less would be unacceptable. I also need a Sunstone OHC.
Did you honestly think he would have time to post on GAF and be Daredevils disciple? Plus I got writer's block now.gambit got banned again?
Hey, you have something in common with my mom
Oh my goodness. That reminds me. There's a poster on the walk from my car to the office that advertises a town hall meeting regarding mandatory vaccinations. I want to tear it down.
I took her on a date to see Despicable Me. That's why.
I took a date to see Flushed Away. Felt like I Flushed away my money and my chance. I GrandHarrier'd it.
gambit got banned again?
I'm watching It Follows right now and holy fuck it's disturbing.