Freeza get my list
Shhhhh. More importantly, that Death Vigil lithograph finally comes out next week. Yesssssss.
Freeza get my list
Shhhhh. More importantly, that Death Vigil lithograph finally comes out next week. Yesssssss.
Nice, got mine on order at my store.
So my gripe with digital is that i miss turning pages. Swiping and having another page pop up is not the same "this is a book and i'm reading it" feeling. The only solution i can think of is to buy one tablet per page of a comic and turn the tablets instead.
Gambit should have been more of an asshole. No one ever questions when I get banned.
Very cute. I'm going to believe you chose Pearl after American Vampire.Doesn't compare.
Her name is Pearl.
Very cute. I'm going to believe you chose Pearl after American Vampire.
Like I said, I never had a hand in deciding her name being Pearl.
It's the truth.
Oh, kaeps banned. He was probably being an asshole. Everyone goes about their day.
It's the truth.
Oh, kaeps banned. He was probably being an asshole. Everyone goes about their day.
I think Minions is expected to beat Ant-Man at the US box office this weekend. I hate those yellow bastards, not because of MCU stuff, I'm just so sick of the fuckers at this stage. They are everywhere here. I'm waiting on the YouTube video where the Sentinels from DOFP are replaced with Minions to properly express my disdain for them.
Still kids like them, and it's okay for kids movies to be for kids.
You know the ads are individualized based on sites you've visited recently, right? I'm getting ads for women's shoes, from when I bought my wife a pair of sandals last week.Why do I keep getting Astroglide ads on this thread? Don't they know I'm lonely and baggin' and boardin' ain't a euphemism....
You know the ads are individualized based on sites you've visited recently, right? I'm getting ads for women's shoes, from when I bought my wife a pair of sandals last week.
I used to get dating ads on GAF and I don't check any dating sites or anything
How do I find cute singles in my area who read comics?
The ads are supposed to directly target you and try to sell you stuff you might actually want. But if they don't have data on you, it just runs whatever.Really? I haven't been on paypal for years.
The ads are supposed to directly target you and try to sell you stuff you might actually want. But if they don't have data on you, it just runs whatever.
Can you remove the anime from mine? Do you have that power?
Cant you do this by yourself when you browse to MobileGaf? I have a options panel where I can say stuff like "This ad isnt targeted at me, show another"
Now it's a wine ad. So yep aimed at me.
Anyways, about the Stan Lee stuff we were talking about earlier? Alan Moore has a good answer about it.
I have to admit that I cant watch this video right now, but Alan Moore is the last person on earth I take serious when it comes to anything cape book related, espescially when the big two are involved.
He bears a childish hate.
I have to admit that I cant watch this video right now, but Alan Moore is the last person on earth I take serious when it comes to anything cape book related, espescially when the big two are involved.
He bears a childish hate.
Well it isn't about Marvel. It's about Stan Lee.
And I've been watching Alan Moore videos all week. Quite a few of them are him saying he has nothing against cape books but he hates how the companies are ran and treat creators.
I'm enjoying Ant-Man right now.
So my gripe with digital is that i miss turning pages. Swiping and having another page pop up is not the same "this is a book and i'm reading it" feeling. The only solution i can think of is to buy one tablet per page of a comic and turn the tablets instead.
Holy shit at this Dr. Fate cover....
Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four, Steve Ditko's Spider-Man, Curt Swan's Superman = high intellectual indie rather than foundational superhero texts
c'mon dude
Ant-Man was much better than I thought it was going to be. Paul Rudd was perfectly cast.
Good to hear. I'm not super hyped for it but it's looked fun in the trailers so I expect I'll see it tomorrow. The comic succeeded in getting me more interested too.
I think that was a casualty of CN's anti-cartoon period more than anything you could lay at DC's door.
I think that was a casualty of CN's anti-cartoon period more than anything you could lay at DC's door.
Yeah no, the story is actually "Wait a minute we fucked up we made good positive girl characters and now girls are watching oh no what have we done girls can't watch this we're making this for boys because only boys can buy the superhero toys".
Dead serious.
Unless you got proof to back it up, then that just looks like you're making BS up.
Justice League 42
I have mixed feelings about this issue, but that last page is hilariously bad
Justice League 42
I have mixed feelings about this issue, but that last page is hilariously bad
Godzilla in Hell #1 was great tho
Kaijumax #4 had an odd ending,but that Zonn is totally gonna get his ass handed to him