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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Well, I mean, she's wearing a skimpy outfit, and as we all know we should definitely judge books by their covers.

They made her a sexual goldfish. She barely remembers anything about humans unless they give her a good roll in the sack.

Granted, I've only read the first trade, but it wasn't exactly a becoming change to the character. And being someone who has never read anything with Starfire in it, and my only experience with the character was TT and TTGo, I was not expecting that type of character. My disappointment rose in spades.
Lobdell's original origin story for Roy was to have him be half Native American and growing up in a reservation which would explain the tattoo.
Is there a reason as to why that didn't occur?


I'm wondering if Captain Marvel maybe isn't as marketable as they think, and they're pushing her so hard because Marvel obviously loooooooooooooves the Jamie McKelvie costume design.
that + desperate for their own WW

I hope her new run is somehow amazing cuz goddamn, was KSD's just so...forgettable.



im just lurking but the fact that tyrant is a blatant thief is even more
Zombine was this your theater stalker?


Is there a reason as to why that didn't occur?
Lobdell was just starting on Superman when he was talking about it in an interview and Tynion was taking over RHatO. By the time he came back he probably just forgot or something and decided to go with Roy being a genius inventor.
Awesome variants for Silk, Ant-Man, Weirdworld and Renew Your Vows.

More at the link.

Katsuya Terada!!!

This guy's art is both lewd and raw:



Yo Florida. Where are you hiding all those Red One hardcovers at.

That is the biggest ripoff of all time. I enjoyed the book and I would never buy that hardcover.

By comparison, I got the East of West hardcover for the same price and that's what...17 issues or something?
New 52 Flash vol 1: The art was gorgeous and some of the page layouts were very interesting. But the story/dialogue was a bit bland and frankly boring. (And Iris, especially in the first couple of issues, was a bit ugh with her 'u r' texting and general busybodiness.). No real interest to continue reading.
Fighting games are so great. I didn't watch today but I'll definitely be watching tomorrow and Sunday like I do every year.

Would love to go one year, and I'm sure that shouldn't be surprising considering my GAF username is the name of a Guilty Gear move.

GG is my favorite fighting game franchise.

I feel like such a dolt that I didn't realize it until now.

I should probably get Guilty Gear X2 #Reload on Steam, yeah?


Cut the internet connection, Set you console date to Halloween and boot up Arkham Knight.

And LOL @ Arkham Knight Identity Reveal. So fucking obivious.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Guys. I'm sitting on my couch with my Hellboy Library Edition (vol 2). This is really happening.

Also, it's mildly overwhelming how many unread books that I'm all very interested in reading I have. I was like "Oh man, I want to read this and this and this and this." So I was just like "Hellboy."

Also, it's totally about to rain hard. There's already thunder and lightning. This is ideal reading conditions here.


Ant Man is $235 I believe.

That's not too expensive. Anywhere to preorder?


So yeah, I read Hawkeye. Was it a good issue? Yeah. Was it a good end to the series? Not sure. Was it worth the wait? Absolutely not. Am I glad that the book exists and did I enjoy the journey? Fuck yeah. I'm just not sure that it delivered in the end. It's a complex little series that did a lot for Marvel Now and the industry in general, so I'm sure we'll be dissecting it and debating about it for years to come.


That's not too expensive. Anywhere to preorder?


So yeah, I read Hawkeye. Was it a good issue? Yeah. Was it a good end to the series? Not sure. Was it worth the wait? Absolutely not. Am I glad that the book exists and did I enjoy the journey? Fuck yeah. I'm just not sure that it delivered in the end. It's a complex little series that did a lot for Marvel Now and the industry in general, so I'm sure we'll be dissecting it and debating about it for years to come.

These guys are the best people to go with



but I am taking tiny steps forward

Just read Hellboy: The Corpse

Hellboy is BIRDIE-TIER COMICS. It's seriously, unquestionably, the best there is. The art is stunning in ever single panel, the stories are incredible, the dialogue is hilarious. Just THE BEST.

Time to read more Hellboy.

Also, I love how nonchalant Hellboy is in the most insane circumstances.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
That's not too expensive. Anywhere to preorder?


So yeah, I read Hawkeye. Was it a good issue? Yeah. Was it a good end to the series? Not sure. Was it worth the wait? Absolutely not. Am I glad that the book exists and did I enjoy the journey? Fuck yeah. I'm just not sure that it delivered in the end. It's a complex little series that did a lot for Marvel Now and the industry in general, so I'm sure we'll be dissecting it and debating about it for years to come.

I'd have to heavily disagree here. ViewtifulJC covered this in an earlier post, but all of the book's loose ends get tied up; callbacks from throughout of the series, making potentially one-and-done moments/gags/randomness actually important
(the wires, the wrist-flick, the coffee, etc.)
the good guys all get their heroic moment (including the people living in the building)
; and best of all, you've got the original creative team handling everything.

I can't personally imagine a better, more satisfying ending to the run, and I think just having the original creative team put out the ending they wanted to for the story they started is well worth the wait in the end.

Also, that
Taxi Driver
move was dope.


announce a statue/figure a year in advance, solicit it for sale six months in advance....

...wait forever to get it. You can't reveal a Zatanna animated series figure and then tell me it will take a year to come out.

Also, my Secret Wars hype is pretty much gone, i tire of cape events where i know how the entire universe shakes out before the event is halfway through.
Since I finished Swamp Thing. I have read all of Wednesday pulls, Batman Noel, 5 issues of Outcast, 4/5 issues of Deadpool The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

Next in queue after the last issue of Deadpool is JL3K1 #1. Then Southern Bastards vol 2 and Sunstone vol 2. Then my Animal Man omnibus.

Just read Hellboy: The Corpse

Hellboy is BIRDIE-TIER COMICS. It's seriously, unquestionably, the best there is. The art is stunning in ever single panel, the stories are incredible, the dialogue is hilarious. Just THE BEST.

Time to read more Hellboy.

Also, I love how nonchalant Hellboy is in the most insane circumstances.

Spending your day wisely, I see.


I'd have to heavily disagree here. ViewtifulJC covered this in an earlier post, but all of the book's loose ends get tied up; callbacks from throughout of the series, making potentially one-and-done moments/gags/randomness actually important
(the wires, the wrist-flick, the coffee, etc.)
the good guys all get their heroic moment (including the people living in the building)
; and best of all, you've got the original creative team handling everything.

I can't personally imagine a better, more satisfying ending to the run, and I think just having the original creative team put out the ending they wanted to for the story they started is well worth the wait in the end.

Also, that
Taxi Driver
move was dope.

I found the ending to be a bit too neat in a similar fashion to Breaking Bad's epologue. Aja + Fraction was brilliant, I am in complete agreement with this. The dialogue was sharp, the direction was flawless, my criticism of the final issue was that it moved forward in a very standard way
Pizza dog is injured but they didn't have the balls to kill him, Clint giving the very standard "I don't kill because I'm a hero" speech and the clown exploiting that, leaving the ending wide open for the next writer, Ect.
this all reeked of Marvel intervention. It was a good issue, it was flashy, but I enjoyed the journey more than the ending.
^Aja's doing covers for the upcoming Ellis book for ANAD Marvel
im just lurking but the fact that tyrant is a blatant thief is even more
I'm sorry Cade, that gif is too good to not use.
I should probably get Guilty Gear X2 #Reload on Steam, yeah?
Get XX Accent Core Plus R. #Reload and whatever other version they have are both outdated and I don't think they even support online play. AC+R has the biggest roster and it's the last version of the XX series.

Just read Hellboy: The Corpse

Hellboy is BIRDIE-TIER COMICS. It's seriously, unquestionably, the best there is. The art is stunning in ever single panel, the stories are incredible, the dialogue is hilarious. Just THE BEST.

Time to read more Hellboy.

Also, I love how nonchalant Hellboy is in the most insane circumstances.

Yeah Hellboy's attitude is perfect. His choice of words combined with his body language is pretty damn great. At first I wasn't so sure about LE 2 just being a collection of short stories but the more I read the happier I am that it is. I know I said it before, but he really reminds me of Batman with how versatile he is. He works so well in short stories and longer ones.

And again, I adore the world Mignola has created. I'm really interested in BPRD and the other spinoffs the book gets down the line. What a cool universe.
I realized the other day that I bought New 52 Batman Vol 4 a while back and never read it, so I decided to dive in.

I'm confused as hell.

When did Bruce Wayne fake his death? Why is it such a big deal he is back?

What issues did I miss? I read N52 Batman vol 1-3 but haven't read anything else N52 (aside from the wonderful Wonder Woman run), so if I'm missing something it has to be from another comic, right?
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