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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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I realized the other day that I bought New 52 Batman Vol 4 a while back and never read it, so I decided to dive in.

I'm confused as hell.

When did Bruce Wayne fake his death? Why is it such a big deal he is back?

What issues did I miss? I read N52 Batman vol 1-3 but haven't read anything else N52 (aside from the wonderful Wonder Woman run), so if I'm missing something it has to be from another comic, right?

Are you talking about Zero Year? Snyders Batman can be read without any other book so you didn't miss anything from a different book. Its all in there.


it feels bad removing some more of my dvds from cases and putting them in a binder. What happens when i get the urge to display Serenity and Kung Fu Panda on a shelf? What if they suddenly skyrocket in value right after the apocalypse ( where we still have dvd players and tvs and are desperate for entertainment)?


it feels bad removing some more of my dvds from cases and putting them in a binder. What happens when i get the urge to display Serenity and Kung Fu Panda on a shelf? What if they suddenly skyrocket in value right after the apocalypse ( where we still have dvd players and tvs and are desperate for entertainment)?

I have two copies of Serenity and Firefly on Blu-Ray. I have no idea how that happened.


Imagine if everyone could enjoy comics as much as Birdie tho

How trustworthy is Birdie? He is always so positive, is it possible that he has been consumed by birdiehype that he can no longer objectively review books.

Would it be too much for Raven to have her Teen Titans Go costume in new 52 instead of what she is wearing. It could work. I love her teen titans gear.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just read the first issue of Scooby-Doo Team-Up. So much fun. The gang teams up with Batman and Robin for the first issue and the whole issue is just poking fun at the Scooby-Doo cartoon along with the Batman '66 TV series. It's hilarious and amazing and just pure fun.

Yeah Hellboy's attitude is perfect. His choice of words combined with his body language is pretty damn great. At first I wasn't so sure about LE 2 just being a collection of short stories but the more I read the happier I am that it is. I know I said it before, but he really reminds me of Batman with how versatile he is. He works so well in short stories and longer ones.

And again, I adore the world Mignola has created. I'm really interested in BPRD and the other spinoffs the book gets down the line. What a cool universe.

Yes to all of the above.

Pls refer to your ComicsGAF lore, because that term does not mean what you think it means

Pfft. I've been using the term "Birdie-tier" for ages. I make my own lore.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
who do you think you are to ignore continuity and established characterization like this, Brian Michael Bendis?

Yeah, clearly.
I mean, I just read some comics. And have a day off. How much do you have to ignore continuity and established characterization for even ONE of those things to happen? All bets are off, man.
I realized the other day that I bought New 52 Batman Vol 4 a while back and never read it, so I decided to dive in.

I'm confused as hell.

When did Bruce Wayne fake his death? Why is it such a big deal he is back?

What issues did I miss? I read N52 Batman vol 1-3 but haven't read anything else N52 (aside from the wonderful Wonder Woman run), so if I'm missing something it has to be from another comic, right?

It's an origin story, so it takes place before the first three volumes. Bruce went off to train and stuff, a lot of the actual training is in the back-ups at the end of the book.

Yeah, clearly.
I mean, I just read some comics. And have a day off. How much do you have to ignore continuity and established characterization for even ONE of those things to happen? All bets are off, man.

Can't wait for ComicGAF Convergence, where a Kipp from an old OT comes to current Kipp's house and knocks the comic out of his hand.


Matrix Reloaded and Revolution are the most disappointing sequels i have ever seen. I have now removed their cases and put them in a binder where they belong, this was inevitable. When i was reading Killjoys yesterday i was trying to find the proper amount of disappointment to compare it to and i think this is it.


Matrix Reloaded and Revelations are the most disappointing sequels i have ever seen. I have now removed their cases and put them in a binder where they belong, this was inevitable. When i was reading Killjoys yesterday i was trying to find the proper amount of disappointment to compare it to and i think this is it.

That's another series I have never watched. lol.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i need more hijinks in my life

how do Lumberjanes and Gotham Academy read month-to-month? are they better suited to trades?
i need more hijinks in my life

how do Lumberjanes and Gotham Academy read month-to-month? are they better suited to trades?

I feel like they probably wouldn't read as well month-to-month as they do in trades. I've read both in trades and I don't feel compelled to read month-to-month, but I will pick up future collections.

Lumberjanes might work better month-to-month. Reading it as a trade I found the setting interesting but the dialogue very grating.

I don't feel as though that has anything to do with how it's read...


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I still don't understand why Birdie-tier doesn't mean what I think it means though.
I thought Birdie-tier was clearly defined.
I still don't understand why Birdie-tier doesn't mean what I think it means though.
I thought Birdie-tier was clearly defined.

this was before your time, Kipp


Man, some quality posts from yours truly back in 2013, the pre-Messi/Zombine era as I call it

If I narrate something quite ordinary/but spread it out/over enough panels/by Sterile Steve McNiven/ or maybe Banal Bryan Hitch/by the time/I have finished/saying it/you will assume/you have read/something of substance.”


For ten years.

Lobdell was just starting on Superman when he was talking about it in an interview and Tynion was taking over RHatO. By the time he came back he probably just forgot or something and decided to go with Roy being a genius inventor.
Huh. Kind of shows yet again how Roy is a character that no one at DC seems to know what to do with. I like inventor Roy, because then the name "Arsenal" fits. I don't see, however, how "Native American" and "genius inventor" have to be mutually exclusive origins.
New 52 Flash vol 1: The art was gorgeous and some of the page layouts were very interesting. But the story/dialogue was a bit bland and frankly boring. (And Iris, especially in the first couple of issues, was a bit ugh with her 'u r' texting and general busybodiness.). No real interest to continue reading.
Basically how I felt. Just kinda boring.
Cut the internet connection, Set you console date to Halloween and boot up Arkham Knight.

And LOL @ Arkham Knight Identity Reveal. So fucking obvious.
You have to imagine, though, that a lot of people who don't really know much of anything about Batman lore and mythology would actually be surprised by that reveal. I called it from the moment the character was announced to be in the game, but my bro was asking me who I thought it was and I told him. He really had no idea of who, except for
the fact that he saw Batman Under the Red Hood back when it came out. Even then he didn't remember Jason Todd.

Just read Hellboy: The Corpse

Hellboy is BIRDIE-TIER COMICS. It's seriously, unquestionably, the best there is. The art is stunning in ever single panel, the stories are incredible, the dialogue is hilarious. Just THE BEST.

Time to read more Hellboy.

Also, I love how nonchalant Hellboy is in the most insane circumstances.
All hail Hellboy!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I found the ending to be a bit too neat in a similar fashion to Breaking Bad's epologue. Aja + Fraction was brilliant, I am in complete agreement with this. The dialogue was sharp, the direction was flawless, my criticism of the final issue was that it moved forward in a very standard way
Pizza dog is injured but they didn't have the balls to kill him, Clint giving the very standard "I don't kill because I'm a hero" speech and the clown exploiting that, leaving the ending wide open for the next writer, Ect.
this all reeked of Marvel intervention. It was a good issue, it was flashy, but I enjoyed the journey more than the ending.
Fair enough. My take away from the book was that it was always the good guys winning over the bad guys, but never in an easy and clean way. Team Hawkeye was gonna get bruised and end up in bandages, but they'd always make it out, and they'd always making it out doing the right thing. Interesting point about Marvel editorial intervention, and I'd love an outro interview with Fraction and Aja on the series as a whole. I feel like Fraction said that Marvel let them do whatever they wanted, but it'd still be great to get some definitive knowledge on the subject.
I like Steve McNiven sometimes. =(

I read some comics:
Ant-Man Annual - I haven't been reading the monthly, but I have read Rage of Ultron, and this was a very nice follow up. This is definitely the Nick Spencer from Superior Foes, there's some fantastic humour here. I'm loving Scott's rent-a-crook co-workers. Also, Janet was lovely here. "You were always his favourite, except for me of course."

Captain Britain & The Mighty Defenders #1 - It's Ewing/Davis, of course it's great. I was a big fan of the Thunderbolts era with Mondo City One/Boss Cage, so it's cool to see them again. Loved using Emma Frost as an Anderson-a-like. Has Faiza been in anything other than this since the much-missed (at least by me, and anyone else that likes comics that are good) Captain Britain and MI-13?

Siege #1 -
"They can't ever win. They can't afford to lose!" =)
Kang! =( =( =(
I liked a lot about this issue, but it has problems, and maaaaan, I really don't like Kang.
Amerikate fans will be pretty happy about developments here, but I'm not big on that pairing so meh. I'm also not that big on Kate's design, but when we heard that we would be getting Ye Olde Katie-Kate, I basically imagined her with an Assassin's Creed costume with much more purple, so the design is disappointing. That Stokoe spread was wonderful though. Will we be getting more of these in the series, does anyone know?

I also just realised that there's callbacks to a lot of Gillen's own Marvel stuff here, with Leah, the Summers clones and Amerikate. I'm probably missing some others.

Hail Hydra #1 - I would have enjoyed this more, I think, had ComicGAF not flayed Remender's Marvel writing style awhile back. I totally get it now, you guys. This was pretty weak overall, with some muddy art that made it hard to tell what was actually happening. Disappointment is the word for this one, I think.

Starfire #1 and #2 - My first DC You book, and I really dug it. Felt like Teen Titans Go Starfire, grown up a bit, and that's a good thing. She's innocent, but charming, without being completely dumb. I'm enjoying this more than I ever have Harley (sorry Messi, I still like Harley though). It's corny, but it's a corny I feel comfortable with. The artist is very, very good as well. I think I prefer his covers to Conner's, at least for this series. What Convergence book was the Starfire preview in? I always chuckle when I see the bit with Superman ("Your skin is amazing!").

Yeah but even though I'm a part of the disco era you gotta admit the music is catchy. Everyone secretly love ABBA and The Bee Gees.



Everyone loves ABBA, though, at least they should. They wrote some of the finest pop tunes ever.
This isn't Michigan weather. It is 35 degrees outside with 75% relative humidity. And our Squash court's air conditioning was broken. :/

OK, part 2 of New 52 pickups from library are here. Want to start Superman next. How does this work, do I alternate issues between Superman and Superman: Action Comics?


You have to imagine, though, that a lot of people who don't really know much of anything about Batman lore and mythology would actually be surprised by that reveal. I called it from the moment the character was announced to be in the game, but my bro was asking me who I thought it was and I told him. He really had no idea of who, except for the fact that he saw
I]Batman Under the Red Hood[/I]
back when it came out. Even then he didn't remember
Jason Todd.

They could at least have tried to not show
a dude with black hair and a red hood
in the first scene of the game.
Would have neen nice to keep the surprise until all the
hallucinations had started
This isn't Michigan weather. It is 35 degrees outside with 75% relative humidity. And our Squash court's air conditioning was broken. :/

OK, part 2 of New 52 pickups from library are here. Want to start Superman next. How does this work, do I alternate issues between Superman and Superman: Action Comics?

Morrison Action Comics takes place before the start of the other books, IIRC.
They could at least have tried to not show
a dude with black hair and a red hood
in the first scene of the game.
Would have neen nice to keep the surprise until all the
hallucinations had started

True, but even then it wouldn't be obvious to the casual Batman fan.

I would have loved it if it were someone super fucking random, like
James Gordon Jr.
or some shit.


well guys, you know how much i wanted Trump to be president but the dream is fading.

@karentravers: Trump just now on John McCain: "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."

Read it on mediaite, gaf, saw some backlash. Trump gonna Trump, I'm actually frowning. It's like hearing Jurassic World is disappointing.
well guys, you know how much i wanted Trump to be president but the dream is fading.

Read it on mediaite, gaf, saw some backlash. Trump gonna Trump, I'm actually frowning. It's like hearing Jurassic World is disappointing.

He's so crazy.

That's the funniest thing I will read/see all day. Guaranteed.
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