I like Steve McNiven sometimes. =(
I read some comics:
Ant-Man Annual - I haven't been reading the monthly, but I have read Rage of Ultron, and this was a very nice follow up. This is definitely the Nick Spencer from Superior Foes, there's some fantastic humour here. I'm loving Scott's rent-a-crook co-workers. Also, Janet was lovely here. "You were always his favourite, except for me of course."
Captain Britain & The Mighty Defenders #1 - It's Ewing/Davis, of course it's great. I was a big fan of the Thunderbolts era with Mondo City One/Boss Cage, so it's cool to see them again. Loved using Emma Frost as an Anderson-a-like. Has Faiza been in anything other than this since the much-missed (at least by me, and anyone else that likes comics that are good) Captain Britain and MI-13?
Siege #1 -
"They can't ever win. They can't afford to lose!" =)
Kang! =( =( =(
I liked a lot about this issue, but it has problems, and maaaaan, I really don't like Kang.
Amerikate fans will be pretty happy about developments here, but I'm not big on that pairing so meh. I'm also not that big on Kate's design, but when we heard that we would be getting Ye Olde Katie-Kate, I basically imagined her with an Assassin's Creed costume with much more purple, so the design is disappointing. That Stokoe spread was wonderful though. Will we be getting more of these in the series, does anyone know?
I also just realised that there's callbacks to a lot of Gillen's own Marvel stuff here, with Leah, the Summers clones and Amerikate. I'm probably missing some others.
Hail Hydra #1 - I would have enjoyed this more, I think, had ComicGAF not flayed Remender's Marvel writing style awhile back. I totally get it now, you guys. This was pretty weak overall, with some muddy art that made it hard to tell what was actually happening. Disappointment is the word for this one, I think.
Starfire #1 and #2 - My first DC You book, and I really dug it. Felt like Teen Titans Go Starfire, grown up a bit, and that's a good thing. She's innocent, but charming, without being completely dumb. I'm enjoying this more than I ever have Harley (sorry Messi, I still like Harley though). It's corny, but it's a corny I feel comfortable with. The artist is very, very good as well. I think I prefer his covers to Conner's, at least for this series. What Convergence book was the Starfire preview in? I always chuckle when I see the bit with Superman ("Your skin is amazing!").
Yeah but even though I'm a part of the disco era you gotta admit the music is catchy. Everyone secretly love ABBA and The Bee Gees.
Everyone loves ABBA, though, at least they should. They wrote some of the finest pop tunes ever.