Picked up some Archaia stuff as well, Jim Henson's Tale of Sand and The Joyners (David Marquez art in 3D!).
Tale of Sand is fucking brilliant and the Joyners is kind of a downer.
I have both of those as well!
The Joyners is cool. It is actually a pretty damn good 3D experience, and its super impressive David Marquez drew it at the same time we was drawing Ultimate Spider-Man. I liked the spirit of the story but the dialogue would throw me off from time to time and I thought some character turns didn't really fit well within the story.
I was actually able to get my wife to read most of it. I can never get her to read comics unless they're Buffy comics.
Tale of Sand is really gorgeous. The story is bonkers. The art gave me a lot of hope for Perez on Hawkeye.
Just so y'all know Im not fucking around when I say Sharaz De has some absolutely phenom art, here are some pages. Buy it and enjoy
sorry not sorry for large images