Hellblazer is good and his creator owned series The Woods and even his mini Memetic were good. Maybe Red Hood and the Outlaws just sucks.
Possible. The art certainly wasn't helping matters (Julian Gonzalez). But, I mean... forget plotting, maybe he was saddled with some editorial stuff or trying to wrap up earlier plotlines, but the dialogue... my god, the dialogue.
Well this is incredibly disappointing. I just bought the 3rd and 4th volume after really enjoying the first two.
Yeah. 3 is consumed more or less wholesale by Death of the Family, 4 is just a trainwreck. 5 is pretty good, after it brushes off the cobwebs of 4. I'm just starting 6 now, but it's enjoyable thus far. Frankly, if you hadn't already bought them I'd advise you to skip them. Doesn't seem like it's going to have much of an impact going forward, lol.