Damian is such a dick to dick.
Should one of those dicks be capitalized?
Damian is such a dick to dick.
The first issue, due out in November, will be a massive 70-pages.
"You know, you can split that up into several issues," Zdarsky pointed out.
"I know!" Liu replied. "I tried, but I couldn't find a good breaking point. I felt like it needed to be presented in that whole first issue."
"The second issue is five pages long," Zdarsky laughed.
People like hating on the new Ghostbusters, but that set photo made me super hyped. It did an awesome job of capturing the essence of the original group that's for sure.
Next issue features! I'm terribly excited.Silver Surfer and Dawn
People like hating on the new Ghostbusters, but that set photo made me super hyped. It did an awesome job of capturing the essence of the original group that's for sure.
People like hating on the new Ghostbusters, but that set photo made me super hyped. It did an awesome job of capturing the essence of the original group that's for sure.
Damian is such a dick to Dick.
Who can say no to this?
Everyone looks so badass.
Who can say no to this?
Everyone looks so badass.
I have no problem with it.
It will still bomb like a motherfucker.
I have no problem with it.
It will still bomb like a motherfucker.
Ghostbusters bro + McCarthy. $300mil easy on name alone.
I have no problem with it.
It will still bomb like a motherfucker.
Eh. Is Ghostbusters even a hot property anymore? I mean, I know IDW loves to shoehorn the franchise into every fucking crossover they do, but still...
Eh. Is Ghostbusters even a hot property anymore? I mean, I know IDW loves to shoehorn the franchise into every fucking crossover they do, but still...
...what? Damian is just a asshole in the beginning.That's because everyone except Tim has an inferiority complex when it comes to being as good of a Robin as Dick. Tim literally loves being Robin so much that he just doesn't give a shit.
...what? Damian is just a asshole in the beginning.
its sad how you cant dislike the ghostbusters picture now without being called a sexist, even tho my reason for disliking it has nothing to do with them being women, but all to do with their look, pose and "IM SO ANGRY" expressions being dumb. Thats not the Ghostbusters vibe to me.
its the difference between parody and homage in my opinion.
Im talking about just the picture of course, im hoping a trailer will change my mind
i don't read that in their look at all
Nice introduction for him, he deserved a spot in my heart with this.more than just, in that he tried to kill timmie
Picture looks like a SNL sketch instead of a movie.
Uh what the fuck Ghostbusters have always been disenfranchised working class. Being perfectly happy with the job has never been part of the description. Why the fuck else would you cast Bill Murray in that.
It's gonna do like Guardians, except not shit. Because Guardians of the Galaxy was shit, this is my honest-to-god opinion and I do not get what people see in this movie where stuff just happens for no reason.
I'm sure it'll be fine. Can't be worse than GB2. But Feig's films always seem less like movies and more like heavily improv scenes that go on and on pass the obvious "button", and he likes the cast so much he doesn't know what to edit out.
Seriously I forgot what happened in this piece of shit movie AS I LEFT THE THEATER. Like, try and tell me what happens in the movie RIGHT NOW, without looking it up.
Like, try and tell me what happens in the movie RIGHT NOW, without looking it up.
Not being able to recognize a lightning-fast gif is supposed to prove what exactly?
Seriously I forgot what happened in this piece of shit movie AS I LEFT THE THEATER. Like, try and tell me what happens in the movie RIGHT NOW, without looking it up.
Seriously I forgot what happened in this piece of shit movie AS I LEFT THE THEATER. Like, try and tell me what happens in the movie RIGHT NOW, without looking it up.
Who can say no to this?
Everyone looks so badass.
Seriously I forgot what happened in this piece of shit movie AS I LEFT THE THEATER. Like, try and tell me what happens in the movie RIGHT NOW, without looking it up.
Quill gets one over Yondu by grabbing the Infinity Stone so he can sell it and make a profit. Ends up getting captured with Groot, Rocket and Gamora who was trying to steal it back off him to get it away from Ronan. They escape the prison with Drax and decide to meet the Collector who Gamora had agreed to sell it to.
It ends up exploding and once dumb ass Drax gives Ronan a call, Ronan retrieves the stone and tells Thanos to do one. He'll destroy Xandar himself. Quill and Gamora are captured by the Ravagers and after a failed rescue attempt by Rocket, Drax and Groot, do a deal with Yondu to pay back for earlier. They mount an assault on Ronan's ship with the help of the Nova Corps and just about manage to stop him, get the stone back and kick his ass. The Nova Corps rebuild Quill's ship as a reward and they fly off to do some good, some bad, bit of both.
*sigh* All without Google.