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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Thankfully it didn't end the tournament, but it really just killed the last round.
Sure did, and I can only imagine that mental fuckery it caused both Bee and Momo. Infiltration vs. Bee was by far the best match of EVO though. That one had me shaking a little after it was done and over with lol.
This is the New 52 Ventriloquist?



He's suppose to be a gangster man.


I have no idea, and I just read Superman v1 and Action Comics v1! Suggestions in this thread and online indicated Action Comics v1 and v2 come before Superman v1, but it is all damn confusing.

It's no wonder this hobby is so intimidating to newcomers. DC just relaunched their line-up, meaning it's the perfect time to jump in! If you're interested in Superman then just pick up Action Comics #1 - sorry, it's actually Action Comics #41. If you're a bit lost, then all you need to do is pick up Superman #41, which was released after Action Comics #41 but actually comes first in the story. And if you thought that you would just have to read the two Superman ongoings to jump into the character then think again. Next up in the first arc of Superman's newest jumping in point is Superman/Wonder Woman #18 and Superman/Batman #21, which fit in somewhere in the timeline that I couldn't even be bothered to look up. It's never been easier to get into DC (so long as you have a reading guide handy), so have fun!
There are a few series and I have no idea which to read. JL, JL3000 ect ect.

Did Korupt give his opinion on the beginning of it? I like to own whole runs.

I hear JL starts off kinda eh but improves over time. I like Geoff Johns so I like what I've read (current arc and the Shazam back up). I think you'd probably like it at least based off of what I have read but I really can't comment on beyond that.

JLA just started but I remember Korupt and ElNarez (I believe) posting positively about it. Only two issues in so you could always try it out if you're curious.


It's no wonder this hobby is so intimidating to newcomers. DC just relaunched their line-up, meaning it's the perfect time to jump in! If you're interested in Superman then just pick up Action Comics #1 - sorry, it's actually Action Comics #41. If you're a bit lost, then all you need to do is pick up Superman #41, which was released after Action Comics #41 but actually comes first in the story. And if you thought that you would just have to read the two Superman ongoings to jump into the character then think again. Next up in the first arc of Superman's newest jumping in point is Superman/Wonder Woman #18 and Superman/Batman #21, which fit in somewhere in the timeline that I couldn't even be bothered to look up. It's never been easier to get into DC (so long as you have a reading guide handy), so have fun!

Actually, while Action, Superman, S/B and S/WW share a status quo, they're four distinct stories, and it's very clear that the story in Superman takes place first.

But, you tried.

JLA just started but I remember Korupt and ElNarez (I believe) posting positively about it. Only two issues in so you could always try it out if you're curious.

actually, the second issue of Hitch's JLA is veering off into Bad Cliché territory, with Batman being like arrrgh grarrrrgh this guy who's healing everyone on earth is also healing the criminal scum and why is that they should not be healed or cared for because my parents are dead, and it's still acting as if it's gonna be a huge twist when said benevolent god will turn out to be evil.

but he still draws the shit out of it.


Actually, while Action, Superman, S/B and S/WW share a status quo, they're four distinct stories, and it's very clear that the story in Superman takes place first.

But, you tried.

Really? I believe you because I clearly haven't read any of them, but from what I can tell DC is marketing like these are all connected tales. The description for each issue on Comixology says something like "the next chapter in Truth is here!", and seeing that description across multiple series put me off of getting into ongoing Superman comics at a time that I was intending to do just that.
There are a few series and I have no idea which to read. JL, JL3000 ect ect.

Honestly, I don't know what's going on in them these days, but JLA 2013 was the most bearable at the start, though not by much. JL was bumpy as heck to start and wasn't very good imo; though, as has been mentioned, it seems to have improved. Dark was my favorite when the Nu52 launched and Lemire had a great stretch on it.

Barring that, I don't know jack about 3000 or United.


I hear JL starts off kinda eh but improves over time. I like Geoff Johns so I like what I've read (current arc and the Shazam back up). I think you'd probably like it at least based off of what I have read but I really can't comment on beyond that.

JLA just started but I remember Korupt and ElNarez (I believe) posting positively about it. Only two issues in so you could always try it out if you're curious.

I was kind of looking for a new trade to buy.

I approve the new avatar.
Tried to do my lift routine while fasting for 24h straight, managed, but joined #teamrekt. Welp.

Rai Vol 1 - why the FUCK did I not order the two volumes together? I need to have more faith in the Kindt-Valiant power. What an incredible read. The plot, the mythos, the art, Lula - it's just so freaking good.

Lunchpad. Lunchpad plz. You shouldve known better.
Art in that thing is so damn good it is near underground counterculture cyberpunk french comic levels. Will have to acquire it.
Yep. That's the one Gail Simone is using in Secret Six. Pretty good so far.

But he looks like any other creepy ventriloquist doll now. And whats up with the grudge girl? There was something special about this little weirdo:

Also someone explain this lewd scene:



Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Implying Marvel employs reasoning when making decisions

dammit. All I want to do this weekend is read Annihilation and a little more than a year later it's no longer being sold at major retailers for the MSRP. I don't want to pay $250 for it haha.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I'm going to ask a question, don't read too much into it...

What are the main Valiant books?

: D

X-O Manowar 1-14
Harbinger 1-5
Bloodshot 1-9
Harbinger 6-10, 0

Harbinger Wars:
Bloodshot 10
Harbinger Wars 1, Harbinger 11, Bloodshot 11
Harbinger Wars 2, Harbinger 12, Bloodshot 12
Harbinger Wars 3, Harbinger 13, Bloodshot 13, Harbinger 14
Harbinger Wars 4

Bloodshot 0
X-O Manowar 15-18

Unity 1, X-O Manowar 19
Unity 2, X-O Manowar 20
Unity 3, X-O Manowar 21
Unity 4, X-O Manowar 22

Unity 5-7
Harbinger 15-25, Harbinger: Faith 0, Harbinger: Bleeding Monk 0
X-O Manowar 23-25

Armor Hunters:
Armor Hunters 1, Unity 8, X-O Manowar 26
Armor Hunters 2, Armor Hunters: Bloodshot 1, Armor Hunters: Harbinger 1, Unity 9, X-O Manowar 27
Armor Hunters 3, Armor Hunters: Bloodshot 2, Armor Hunters: Harbinger 2, Unity 10, X-O Manowar 28, Armor Hunters: Bloodshot 3, Armor Hunters: Harbinger 3, Unity 11
Armor Hunters 4, X-O Manowar 29
Armor Hunters : Aftermath 1

Tried to do my lift routine while fasting for 24h straight, managed, but joined #teamrekt. Welp.

Lunchpad. Lunchpad plz. You shouldve known better.
Art in that thing is so damn good it is near underground counterculture cyberpunk french comic levels. Will have to acquire it.

Why are you fasting?

Never been a fan of Clayton Crain art myself.

I'm going to ask a question, don't read too much into it...

What are the main Valiant books?
Action: X-O Manowar
Action with extra murder: Bloodshot
Humor + Occult: Archer & Armstrong
Filthy muties: Harbinger
Loser Ninjas: Ninjak

from what i've seen, anyway. Still got a lot to see.

What's Armor Hunters all about?
Hunters hunting armors.

Why are you fasting?
Easy way to eliminate the weekend's excesses. Became a habit some five months ago.


Caution: I redeemed 12 or so Marvel Digital codes and it all went through okay until i tried to download something from comixology and i checked back at the final success page and it showed only 10 of 12 books as being redeemed. Going back and redeeming the other two again worked, but it was odd and i frowned for a second. When i entered the codes, the books showed up fine too.
I'm going to ask a question, don't read too much into it...

What are the main Valiant books?

So, the "main" books are in the first two categories. The flagship titles are X-O Manowar and Unity, though you could probably argue that Harbinger -> Imperium is one title on its own and has been running just as long using that logic. It at least encompasses a good portion of the universe going-ons.

Archer & Armstrong
(trash tier)
Quantum & Woody

X-O Manowar
Ivar, Timewalker
Imperium (sequel to Harbinger: Omegas)
Bloodshot: Reborn (sequel to Bloodshot & The Valiant)
Rai (hiatus)
Unity (sequel to X-O Manowar)


I added these to hopefully dispel some confusion.

The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage
Harbinger: Omegas (sequel to Harbinger)
Archer & Armstrong: The One Percent (sequel to A&A)
Eternal Warrior
Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel (sequel to Eternal Warrior)
Quantum & Woody Must Die (sequel to Quantum & Woody)
The Delinquents (sequel to A&A:TOP + Q&WMD)

Harbinger Wars (Bloodshot + Harbinger)
Armor Hunters (X-O Manowar + Unity + Bloodshot + Harbinger)
The Valiant
Book of Death

Action: X-O Manowar
Action with extra murder: Bloodshot
Humor + Occult: Archer & Armstrong
Filthy muties: Harbinger
Loser Ninjas: Ninjak

from what i've seen, anyway. Still got a lot to see.

Hunters hunting armors.

Easy way to eliminate the weekend's excesses. Became a habit some five months ago.

u talkin shit bout Ninjak m8?


Used part of my first paycheck from my new job on this beauty:

New Avengers Vol 2 #6, Speed and Prodigy become work friends.

I love it.
Though it's slightly too big for the thing I bought to put it in.

Congrats. Looks really great. Unlike Zombine's art.

Sorry not sorry


So, how's Preacher? From the quick sinopsis I've read, it seems more interesting than Sandman.

I've seen it's divided either between 10 Volumes or 6 Books. Or am I crazy?

And where do you guys buy your comics? The only one I know that ships to Brazil is Amazon.
Preacher has moments of excellence insterspersed with moments of "dear god, why the fuck did they let Ennis run wild?". It's a worthy, if highly irregular, read.

More humorous and faaar meaner than sandman, mind. Nowhere near as imaginative or well written.
The Beard Hunter is the GOAT issue. I don't even know where to go from here.

So, how's Preacher? From the quick sinopsis I've read, it seems more interesting than Sandman.

I've seen it's divided either between 10 Volumes or 6 Books. Or am I crazy?

And where do you guys buy your comics? The only one I know that ships to Brazil is Amazon.

I've heard Preacher is good. Here's a guide to the collected editions. 6 Books in the new printing collection.

You may want to try instocktrades. They do ship international, but I'm not sure how much more that would cost; I know Messi orders from there occasionally. Otherwise, I think Brazil may be kind of a unique scenario.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Preacher is still my favorite series ever.

And it's DC, traitor :(


I nearly bought Copra Round 1 and Orc Stain Vol 1. Decided against it. Needed some opinions on whether or not I'd like them.

IST shipping is like $60 to Ireland so you have to make a big order for it to be worthwhile.
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