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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Batman looks like the unhappiest man on Earth. The other two look like robots.


I guess. I really hate Dick wearing red though

Even then the glowing band and shit just looks dumb
Agreed on that too haha Nighwing was unique when it came to the bat family. They all wear red! He stood out among them in the blue. I'm enjoying Grayson but I hope he eventually goes back to a classic Nighwing look.

Or better yet goes back to being Batman..


Ant Man Annual #1 was kind of cool. Fun story with some nice back and forth dialog. Wonder how that final page will effect things going forward. Ant Man continues to be a really solid book. Would love to see more Janet in the future.

Agreed on that too haha Nighwing was unique when it came to the bat family. They all wear red! He stood out among them in the blue. I'm enjoying Grayson but I hope he eventually goes back to a classic Nighwing look.

Or better yet goes back to being Batman..

Oh god no. Grayson is the best thing to happen to him. It would be so disapointing if he went back to being just another bat family member. As Batman sure.
I don't think they ever said. Hell, they only revealed the Batgirl DLC because people were shitting themselves at the thought of being asked to blind-buy a $40 season pass.

Maybe they'll do one for Tim, Nightwing, and Catwoman. I heard someone hacked into the game files and found there are a lot of characters playable including some villains.


Ant Man Annual #1 was kind of cool. Fun story with some nice back and forth dialog. Wonder how that final page will effect things going forward. Ant Man continues to be a really solid book. Would love to see more Janet in the future.

Oh god no. Grayson is the best thing to happen to him. It would be so disapointing if he went back to being just another bat family member. As Batman sure.
You're right I guess that would be going backwards, I just miss the blue is all :(

But yeah I love me some Dick Bats


Maybe they'll do one for Tim, Nightwing, and Catwoman. I heard someone hacked into the game files and found there are a lot of characters playable including some villains.

This is what they announced along with Batgirl

Batgirl: A Matter of Family
An all new prequel story expansion in an entirely new location where you play as Batgirl for the very first time in the Arkham series - check out the first render of Batgirl.

The Season of Infamy
Play as Batman in all new story missions featuring legendary super-villains invading Gotham City, with new story arcs, missions and gameplay features.

Gotham City Stories
Play as Batman’s key allies in narrative missions extending their storylines, from both before and after the events in Batman: Arkham Knight.

Legendary Batmobiles with Themed Tracks
Drive the most iconic Batmobiles from Batman’s 75-year history, on custom-built race tracks, each themed to that Batmobile’s specific era. Every Batmobile will be drivable across every race track.

Crimefighter Challenge Maps
Engage in a series of new challenge maps utilizing the unique play styles of Batman and his allies.

Character Skins
A variety of skins from across the eras for Batman, Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman.


More comics.

Batgirl #41 I really enjoyed this issue from an art perspective. It was Babs Tarrs first issue doing all of the art and I think in parts it looks rougher than it has in previous months, I'd assume this is due to Babs not having Cameron Stewart as a safety net. But mostly it is really well done and it creates a really different looking book. It's really colorful book too. Story continues to just about reach an acceptable standard.
Livewire could be a really cool villian if handled well but I fear they will go the batman vs batgirl route and Babs vs Gordon
. Decent issue. Can't wait to see Babs Tarr develop more.


Neo Member
Reading Superior Foes of Spiderman and just got to the "fill in" issues. I didn't find them all that bad, they pale in comparison to the previous issues, but they were still fun and had some laughs but they just kill all the momentum of the main story. I had to go back and look to see what even happened in the last issue of the main story. Still excited for volume three though.

Also read the last issue of the current Punished run and it wasn't all that great. I'm not overly found of the "last days" thing, I liked what the story was doing before with him in LA and these last two issues just fell flat for me.

Also, Wolf was just as good reading it the second time.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, I decided to slow my roll and finish my backlog before buying anymore bundles. I'm almost done with Baltimore (Halfway through the EXCELLENT "Witch of Harju" arc), then I've got Ghostbusters Get Real #1, Providence #2, and I just bought Mind Mngmt #1 to check it out since I liked issue #0 so well. Also, I treated myself to an early birthday present and pre-ordered my first comic! I went ahead and ordered Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #4 since I've been looking forward to it so much.

I've not bought a Superhero book (Other than Hellboy if you consider him that) since I was a kid, but I'm becoming more and more interested in buying the Fraction Hawkeye books.


Years ago back when I was in University I made a friend who got me back into comics and who eventually gave me his entire DC collection that I currently have stored in the attic.

I dragged some of them out the other day and started a reread of All Star Squadron which is as fun as I remember it. I`m going to follow it up with a quick run through Young All Stars and then I`m tempted to reread the original Suicide Squad.

Feels good man.


All the Scott Pilgrim links people have posted give me 403 errors.

Rest of CMX is fine. Searching for Scott Pilgrim does not produce relevant results. Following long established Google links 403s too.


Finally read 8house: Arclight. Exactly what I signed up for. Basically fantasy versions of shit they were doing with Prophet (and more besides, since it's their own universe they're playing in). Looking forward to the weird and wonderful stuff they'll throw out there in each issue. Lovely visuals on display as well. Shame it was such a light read. That would otherwise be a trade-wait but the previous with these guys is enough to swing it as a monthly follow from me.

Kaijumax #3 on the other hand. Wow. Each issue feels packed with content. It continues to be amazing. The rap in issue 3 was one of the highlights. Interesting to read some of his thoughts regarding the series and his creative process. I'd never even thought of it in those terms.

Everyone should at least try out the first issue or two using the Oni code on comixology.


Mind MGMT is pretty damn good, I suggest just picking up the first volume and going in blind, the one thing probably bad about it is the art might take some getting used to. I'll be honest it was a little unsettling to me at first but it really grew on me.

My fiance's favorite book. We have been subbed since the first issue. Not really sure how we caught wind of it but it hooked us because of our love for shows like Lost. Sad to see the final arc coming to a close.



Very happy for him. Really, and an encouraging development for other artists who continue on their labor of love without seemingly getting any traction.

He was saying on Twitter that comic store sales were terrible though. Which is disheartening. He is hearing lots of stories of people going in and the store only had one or two copies and they were gone release day, hence the pre-order code.

Book stores and Amazon were great. Hell it's in the bestsellers at Barnes and Noble here.


Island was good stuff, I even made a point to trek to a shop and get it in print. It's nice to see someone taking a chance on the anthology format again, and I have really Hugh hopes that Graham and Rios will deliver quality content on a monthly basis. While the debut issue was incredibly strong across the board, the real highlight for me was Ludroe's Daggerproof Mummy.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh man, last night at work I was just thinking about how much I want to go home and read comics. Kipp is BACK BABY.

Also, whatsinaname, I think I might have to be a jerk and rescind my offer to do a mini-reading-club for Orion this weekend... I'm really getting into Sleeper and think I might just keep going with that. Orion is next up after Sleeper though, so I'll let you know when I'm reading it.

I think this is appropriate:

Lol. That's incredible. That "Would you ever eat at Arby's?" killed me.
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