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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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These CMX sales are killing me. For the longest time there's been nothing good, and now in the last few weeks with Dark Horse, Eisner winners, Fables, Kaboom! and Skybound sales half off sales I'm finding it really hard to ignore the deals.
These CMX sales are killing me. For the longest time there's been nothing good, and now in the last few weeks with Dark Horse, Eisner winners, Fables, Kaboom! and Skybound sales half off sales I'm finding it really hard to ignore the deals.

Yeah I was tempted to pull a very big fables trigger but then I realized it'd be smarter to spend $300 over the two years it will take me to get through the whole series and spin offs versus $200 today all at once.
Oh man, last night at work I was just thinking about how much I want to go home and read comics. Kipp is BACK BABY.

Also, whatsinaname, I think I might have to be a jerk and rescind my offer to do a mini-reading-club for Orion this weekend... I'm really getting into Sleeper and think I might just keep going with that. Orion is next up after Sleeper though, so I'll let you know when I'm reading it.

No worries. I am in the middle of reading Wonder Woman anyway. Let me know when.


So apparently despite having a big Scott Pilgrim banner on the front page of the site Comixology aren't licensed to sell it in the UK, which is why any links to it break.

That kinda blows.
So apparently despite having a big Scott Pilgrim banner on the front page of the site Comixology aren't licensed to sell it in the UK, which is why any links to it break.

That kinda blows.

Why can I add it to my basket on the Comixology UK site then? Or does it stop you when you try to pay?


oh my approval of over the years meant nothing to you then

ok. I'm not crying or anything. Its these onions somebody is cutting somewhere...damn they strong :mjcry:

i swooped in and approved while the sale was going on. Full price approvals....not going to work.


Full price approvals....not going to work.

Now come one come all to this tragic affair
Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair
So throw on the discount, mix in with the lot
You might checkout and notice you're someone you're not

If you read all your books and don't like what you see
You can find out firsthand what it's like to be me
So gather 'round Tyrant and kiss your money goodbye
I'd encourage your smiles I'll expect JC will cry


Now come one come all to this tragic affair
Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair
So throw on the discount, mix in with the lot
You might checkout and notice you're someone you're not

If you read all your books and don't like what you see
You can find out firsthand what it's like to be me
So gather 'round Tyrant and kiss your money goodbye
I'd encourage your smiles I'll expect JC will cry

I like this. And now i'm listening to My Chemical Romance on spotify a little. "Dead!", specifically.


Yeah I was tempted to pull a very big fables trigger but then I realized it'd be smarter to spend $300 over the two years it will take me to get through the whole series and spin offs versus $200 today all at once.

Yeah I did that with Hellboy and bought the entire run plus all of BPRD. Ended up spending about $120 there. I then realized after pulling out my copy of the 2nd Hellboy Library edition that I fucked up and probably should have just bought those as I went along because I'm going to spend money on them eventually :\


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just finished the Point Blank miniseries that comes before Sleeper proper in the Sleeper omnibus. That was SO GOOD. I think I liked that better than all of the Criminal stories even (well, except The Last of the Innocent maybe. That story was top tier). Just a really, really great comic.
Colin Wilson did some really solid art too. It was pretty typical late 90s style comic art, but it was really well done and pretty impressive.

But yeah, comics are awesome. I really really really enjoyed that.

No worries. I am in the middle of reading Wonder Woman anyway. Let me know when.

All right, cool. Sounds good.

Now come one come all to this tragic affair
Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair
So throw on the discount, mix in with the lot
You might checkout and notice you're someone you're not

If you read all your books and don't like what you see
You can find out firsthand what it's like to be me
So gather 'round Tyrant and kiss your money goodbye
I'd encourage your smiles I'll expect JC will cry



Yeah Wolf was pretty good, i wasn't feeling it at the start but when Freddie appeared everything fell into place. I like the setup Kot is doing and even for a max sized issue there's a lot of teasing to the point where the story flows naturally instead of things being crammed in like I find a lot of first issues fall into. I'm not super into his writing but I'm liking where this is going so I'll add it to the pile.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yeah Wolf was pretty good, i wasn't feeling it at the start but when Freddie appeared everything fell into place. I like the setup Kot is doing and even for a max sized issue there's a lot of teasing to the point where the story flows naturally instead of things being crammed in like I find a lot of first issues fall into. I'm not super into his writing but I'm liking where this is going so I'll add it to the pile.

I thought it all clicked perfectly with the bus scene. Really one of the best street magick scenes I've seen in a comic.

But Freddie is just an awesome character, and I love his introduction.
So, like, is it normal that once you start getting big into physical comics that you start seeing anything at TPB size as being small and any book smaller than that as outright tiny? In regards to height and width, I mean.


Yerp, same problem as with porn.

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