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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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yep, at the same time as trying to drum up some comics discussion.

Well now I feel bad. All I remember is the sandwich.

I went back and looked and I don't have much to say about Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies other than I hated the first issue and I'm still not sure what to think of Renew Your Vows.


Well now I feel bad. All I remember is the sandwich.

I went back and looked and I don't have much to say about Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies other than I hated the first issue and I'm still not sure what to think of Renew Your Vows.

Renew #2 showed me he was more than capable of turning that story into something decent. They are heading in the right direction.
Renew #2 showed me he was more than capable of turning that story into something decent. They are heading in the right direction.

I definitely liked it better than the first and it left me looking forward to #3. It doesn't make much sense to me that this infinitely powerful villain leaves his super hero tracking to lamers like Rhino and Boomerang but I'm willing to let it ride.

Speaking of the infinitely powerful villain, he seems like the ultimate jobber.


She hasn't gone up for sale yet. But she's being made by Mondo.

Oh man this isn't going to be one of those have to sit by the computer and buy it the second it goes up but oh shit it sold out in two seconds type deals is it? Trying to get Mondo posters kills me inside.

I read the first two issues of Secret Six, this Cat Man is a lot less goofy than the previous one yet he isn't at the same time? It's weird but not bad weird. I laughed at him threatening to spray the fake cop. The art is wildly inconsistent which is a shame because in both it's starts off good before tapering off. Ventriloquist seems to be this versions Rag Doll and I'm a-okay with that. Strix seems cool, I like the thing with the notes. She already seems more interesting than Talon. I hope Jeanette shows up at some point.
They really need to step up that DLC quality, though. Some costumes and a bunch of challenge maps aren't going to cut it this time.
They don't have any challenge maps, tho. I hate the AR challenges. I WANT CHALLENGE MAPS, DAMN IT!
Agreed on that too haha Nighwing was unique when it came to the bat family. They all wear red! He stood out among them in the blue. I'm enjoying Grayson but I hope he eventually goes back to a classic Nighwing look.

Or better yet goes back to being Batman..

I don't want him as Batman. DIck should be Dick, Batman is Bruce. I understand his run as Batman is good, and maybe he does make a good Batman, but he's Nightwing to me. He always will be. If he succeeds Bruce as Batman, then his whole life of trying to separate himself from the shadow of Batman and all that would be for nothing, I feel like.

That being said, the red costume even has Batman's arm blades. Fucking hell, it's a terrible costume.

Locke & Key is good.

Damn right


Oh man this isn't going to be one of those have to sit by the computer and buy it the second it goes up but oh shit it sold out in two seconds type deals is it? Trying to get Mondo posters kills me inside.

I read the first two issues of Secret Six, this Cat Man is a lot less goofy than the previous one yet he isn't at the same time? It's weird but not bad weird. I laughed at him threatening to spray the fake cop. The art is wildly inconsistent which is a shame because in both it's starts off good before tapering off. Ventriloquist seems to be this versions Rag Doll and I'm a-okay with that. Strix seems cool, I like the thing with the notes. She already seems more interesting than Talon. I hope Jeanette shows up at some point.

It's totally going to be like that with Mondo.

Oh and keep reading Secret Six. Shits about to change.
What I mean to say is they need to get rid of anything with the word "challenge" in it. AR Challenges and Challenge Maps can all GTFO.

Story content only. :D

Nah Freeza, let me stop you right there.

Story content is always meh for me in the Arkham games. Challenge maps and characters for those maps all the way.




Shut it down. Miles won.
What I mean to say is they need to get rid of anything with the word "challenge" in it. AR Challenges and Challenge Maps can all GTFO.

Story content only. :D

I disagree. What was nice about the challenge maps is that you have all these enemy types, but there's not a lot of times where you really go against them outside of story scenarios. Challenge Maps let the player utilize the combat and predator systems to their fullest potential. Especially when you consider all the new enemy types, and the fact that AK feels incredibly predator oriented over combat oriented, it would be nice to have those maps. There's ton of replay value with the maps.

I appreciate the focus on story content, and I appreciate the effort going into them, but I would love to play as Harley for more than 10 minutes.
I disagree. What was nice about the challenge maps is that you have all these enemy types, but there's not a lot of times where you really go against them outside of story scenarios. Challenge Maps let the player utilize the combat and predator systems to their fullest potential. Especially when you consider all the new enemy types, and the fact that AK feels incredibly predator oriented over combat oriented, it would be nice to have those maps. There's ton of replay value with the maps.

I appreciate the focus on story content, and I appreciate the effort going into them, but I would love to play as Harley for more than 10 minutes.

Man, you totally get it.
As far as pre-orders, I'm probably going to pre-order Sword Coast Legends on Steam as my birthday present to myself. In fairness, it's an isometric RPG, how badly could they fuck it up? Plus, I love D&D and I'll take any game that isn't completely shit like Neverwinter at this rate.

I just want my proper Eberron RPG game, and maybe an Eberron comic. My favourite fantasy setting and it might as well not exist. =(

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Marla Hooch, what a hitter!

Real talk, they had surviving players from the league that movie was based on at the All Star Game Fan Fest. My wife met and talked to them and got their autographs on a cool print about the real life Rockford Peaches

Awesome. It's one of my favorite movies.

Avoid the Clap, Jimmy Dugan
After I got done with AK, I went back and played AC's maps. A lot of fun, especially with how different all those characters handle, even in the combat.

Yeah, that's exactly what I did after finishing the game lol

With the amount of time I spent on the challenge maps in City, I bought the season pass knowing I'd spend a lot of time with them this go around. Sadly, I thought there would be some at launch as well.
I've been reading comics all day today and yesterday. Where you been?

I read a good chunk of Fables: Sons of Empire yesterday. Reminded me why I love that damn book.

I have to house sit, so I brought All-New X-Men vol. 3 and New 52 Green Arrow vol. 6 with me to read.

Goddamnit I love superhero books so much.
Yeah, that's exactly what I did after finishing the game lol

With the amount of time I spent on the challenge maps in City, I bought the season pass knowing I'd spend a lot of time with them this go around. Sadly, I thought there would be some at launch as well.

I honest to god want a game that's just challenge maps with every single character in the franchise that has been playable. I'm talking Bats, Joker, Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Azrael (but make him different from Bats this time), Deathstroke, League of Shadows Bruce, and Selina.

I want all of them. I know it's intensively unrealistic and will 100% never happen, but it'll never stop being a wanted thing.
Man, imagine if Steam refunds were around when Aliens: Colonial Marines came out. I'd love to see the sort of mental gymnastics Randy Pitchford would have to use to justify that game in that scenario.

Dude truly believes in caveat emptor, so i wouldn't be surprised if the twat did an article bitching about how refunds are being abused and his games should be excused from that system.
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