Finished Civil War #1. Surprised at how much I enjoyed this tie in. The art isn't really for me but the story kept me engaged. Nice to see some twists on some characters outfits like Spidey. It's a different kind of book compared to the rest of the Secret Wars books I've read. It's much more about talking and arguing.
. Recommended.
That's enough comics for tonight, got a good bit read from my backlog. I will say that I am enjoying almost all of the tie ins for Secret Wars that I have read. Really enjoying Secret Wars so far. Just wish the next main issue didn't get delayed but the tie ins are covering that gap.
That said, shit popped off at the end so it seems a whole heap of fighting is about to go down
That's enough comics for tonight, got a good bit read from my backlog. I will say that I am enjoying almost all of the tie ins for Secret Wars that I have read. Really enjoying Secret Wars so far. Just wish the next main issue didn't get delayed but the tie ins are covering that gap.
edit: Sorry, double post.