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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Inhumans should essentially be a cosmic Game of Thrones, bringing the two most unique aspects of the Inhumans together: the immensely varying philosophies of the Inhumans towards not only humans, but themselves. How the Terrigen Mist should be utilized, the different warring factions (Attilan, Ennilux, Lash's group, etc.). Then you have Attilan's Royal Family drama in and of itself, with Maximus, Black Bolt, and the Unspoken One all vying for the throne.

I really hope they do this in the movie...


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I just subscribed to Marvel Unlimited. I'm looking forward to Hawkeye and Mrs.Marvel. I'm primarily a Horror nerd. What is Marvel's best horror shit? I already added some black and white Dracula adaption from 2004 to my library.

I've heard of Werewolf by Night but I only saw two issues listed. What gives? Help a dork out.


For more than 50 years, there's a comic series in Brazil called "Turma da Mônica" which revolves around 4 kids doing kids things. It's actually really good, well written, funny and has a charmingly simple art style.


And for some time now, they're releasing some stories focused more on grown ups, with a refined art style and sensitive stories.

This one, Bidu: Paths, is the story about how a street dog (Bidu) met and became best friends with Franjinha (his owner in the stories).

As far as I know, these stories are Brazil only, with some of them releasing on Portugal.

My question is: Is there any big comics in your Country that aren't available worldwide, but you think it should?


I don't even notice it in the first picture. Does it really bother you that much that you'd risk trying to touch it up? How often do you really look at it close up?

It's like a large dead pixel on a statue that i stare at all the time. Worst case scenario the reds don't match up and it's an off-red instead of black. I got a plan.


literally every single panel of this page is amazing

I think my favorite is him discovering his secret identity based on a matter of speaking. "On Top...OH SHIT!"

Silver Age Flash is so cheesy that it's amazing. Except the Kid Flash back up stories, they are god awful and make me long for the not quite as bad Elongated Man back ups.


Is that The Flash equivalent of those weird promotional Spidey comics with the human wall? I refuse to believe that's a proper issue, he even has a tops eye mask lol


Some (most?) of you read on tablets, right?
Where do you guys buy your digital comics? Amazon? Or is there a dedicated service to it?

There's a comic strip that's kind of famous in Spain that my mom always talks about called Zipi y Zape. The premise is similar, but I have no idea if it's any good.

Some (most?) of you read on tablets, right?
Where do you guys buy your digital comics? Amazon? Or is there a dedicated service to it?

For buying comics, Comixology is perhaps the best app. Kindle has some comics that CMX doesn't. There's also the Dark Horse app for DH stuff that isn't on CMX yet.

There are also two subscription services that I know of: Marvel Unlimited and Scribd. MU has a bunch of Marvel stuff, obviously; Scribd has some Marvel stuff, a lot of IDW, Valiant, Boom, Archie, Top Cow, and Dynamite, some Top Shelf and Zenescope.
I had a ridiculous idea this morning. The oversized tablet. So you could turn all your CMX HD purchased comics into an Absolute/Library edition. Totally impractical for a company to make, yet something I'd buy


I had a ridiculous idea this morning. The oversized tablet. So you could turn all your CMX HD purchased comics into an Absolute/Library edition. Totally impractical for a company to make, yet something I'd buy

They have been talking about an Ipad Pro rumored thingy for awhile now, 12.9'' and people talking about not knowing what to do with it.

We know.

Would be awesome. My tablet died, so I'm reading comics on my monitor for the moment.

Tackling my Humble backlog, I just read the big Saga collection from the last Image bundle, I think it was #1-18. Wooooooooooow. What a comic! I need more! I would buy more, but I lost my card today so I can't. That Fiona Staples art.
So I think someone might have mentioned it awhile ago, but Morrison's Annihilator - no-brainer to preorder the first HC?

EDIT: also, on a scale of Final Crisis to Doom Patrol, how is The Invisibles?


I'm still rocking an iPad 2. I'll update if they released a bigger one.

i have an ipad 3 and ipad air 2 currently, something is getting traded in for the Beast. I don't think i'd want to do anything but comics on it though....i don't want a 12.9'' tablet for the small amount of games i play or browsing gaf. How large do Olivia Wilde gifs need to be?
How exactly is Franklin Richards so powerful?

He is a mutant, and due to Comic Book Science/his parents radiation-altered DNA/MAGIC, he actually had stupidly godlike powers ever since he was a toddler(usually mutant powers dont show up til teenage years because puberty metaphor)


Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

It would be easier for me going all digital, since I'd have the comics anywhere anytime. And I could get new editions on launch day, not 1 month later paying $20~$30 for shipping.
And the comics would be cheaper too...

Shit, I think I should go all-digital on Comics too. Already done it with all my games/music/books.

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university


Man...listening to Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men...

I love X-Men so much it hurts. This podcast only serves to reinforce my love.

Me too. I listened to the first part of their Mutant Massacre episode and started reading the actual issues after. They're a good show.

if you love the X-Men, you're gonna love The Inhumans


please love them

come on please

I don't know about them seemingly being prioritized above muties, but I do think they're cool. I wish Medusa was on an Avengers team.

Hi guys. ^_^/


Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

It would be easier for me going all digital, since I'd have the comics anywhere anytime. And I could get new editions on launch day, not 1 month later paying $20~$30 for shipping.
And the comics would be cheaper too...

Shit, I think I should go all-digital on Comics too. Already done it with all my games/music/books.

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university

Price, availability, quality of the collected edition, price price price price, if i want to read it sooner or wait for it to hit MU/trade.
Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

It would be easier for me going all digital, since I'd have the comics anywhere anytime. And I could get new editions on launch day, not 1 month later paying $20~$30 for shipping.
And the comics would be cheaper too...

Shit, I think I should go all-digital on Comics too. Already done it with all my games/music/books.

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university

Digital for everything, except stuff I want the physical copy of as a keepsake. For me, that's stuff like Snyder Batman, Hawkeye, Dungeons & Dragons: Fell's Five, Rat Queens, just general favourites.

I'm definitely gonna buy the Sunstone trades soon as well. Just have to hope they don't get randomly picked off the shelf by visitors.
Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

It would be easier for me going all digital, since I'd have the comics anywhere anytime. And I could get new editions on launch day, not 1 month later paying $20~$30 for shipping.
And the comics would be cheaper too...

Shit, I think I should go all-digital on Comics too. Already done it with all my games/music/books.

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university

Which way you go should be entirely up to your tastes and availability. Personally, I do mostly trades and some digital, but obviously my availability for both is pretty high so I can afford to choose. There's no shame in going all digital for someone who doesn't have easy access to other formats.

However, I should say that if you don't want this hobby to tear up your finances, you have to develop an almost zen-like patience. I would buy every single comic day 1 if I could afford it; but, it's not practical at all. Trust me, it may seem like you're interested in only a handful of comics right now, but as your tastes develop and expand, the thirst will become all too real.

I personally read 90% at home, but I do travel pretty often. I usually buy a bunch of digital comics whenever I do. I have a Kindle Fire HD (I think? Used to be my dad's and I traded my Nexus 7 to him lol).
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