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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Can someone tell me what this comic is called. I remember reading it few months ago, it's fairly new I think and ongoing, basically it's a kid that goes missing but he goes to another world where they think he's a chosen one, he later comes back to his world as a grown up, and I'll spoiler this part just in case
starts killing some folks from the world where he got into, gets reunited with his family and we learn he betrayed the people that thought he was the chosen one
. So yeah that's it roughly, anyone remembers the name? I didn't write it down on my list of comics I'm reading -_-
Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

I'm kind of transitioning right now between physical and digital, but my plan is to buy trades of books I particularly enjoyed, and digital versions of things I just want to read.


I started Battle Chasers today and honestly I freaking loved it. It's not like the writing was anything special, but it just sort of worked. It was incredibly charming and fun.
- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university
Digital wins for me 99% of the time unless a Library edition or absolute edition catches my eye. But then I just double dip. And even then I have thousands of comics at my fingertips with digital all in one slim tablet. Can't beat that. You do have to be patient and pounce on the CMX deals but you can net better value than physical trades

And I use an iPad Air 2 for reading


but as your tastes develop and expand, the thirst will become all too real.

1) Well, I already layed out what I intend to read. And it's actually a lot. East of West, 100 Bullets, Sandman, Preacher, American Vampire, lots of Batman, Deadpool, Kabuki, Hellblazer, Fables. If I get everything physical, it'll occupy a lot of space and it's gonna be heavy!

However, I should say that if you don't want this hobby to tear up your finances, you have to develop an almost zen-like patience.

2) I think I'm safe regarding this statement since I survived through 6 years of Steam Sales. Now there's nothing that can hurt me.
And having a full agenda everyday and only having weekends for hobbies, plus only buying what I'll read at the moment (no backlog), going Digital would be the best bet.

And since I'd onyl use the tablet to read, there's no need to get anything fancy. Running the Comixology/Amazon apps is all I need.
And it'll be the best way, too

Part of the reason I like this thread is I get to look at expensive things that people have bought, without buying them myself. It's a pretty sweet deal.

I wouldn't mind getting a few more books signed eventually though, and maybe a few more sketches, if/when I have money again.
I started Battle Chasers today and honestly I freaking loved it. It's not like the writing was anything special, but it just sort of worked. It was incredibly charming and fun.

It's pretty great! Not high art, by any stretch, but charming and a lot of fun.

And of course the art is fantastic.


Sometimes I wonder why I don't do this. They release pics of all of these things from every angle. It would be so much easier to just download all the pics and sort them into folders. XD

But that's the Kipp method.

There was a picture taken of the Koto Wonder Woman 12'' that i liked better than the actual statue before i returned it. Not sure if it's just lighting or if it was a preview version of the statue and was changed during mass production.

Hey all, hopefully you can help me.

When I was at a comic book shop a loooong time ago (maybe 3 months ago), I remember always seeing a compendium size (or quite possible smaller) book that contain a lot of comic issue 1-6 for some of Robert Kirkman's work (it could even have some of Image comics other works). I remember the book containing Outcast, Thief of Thieves, Invincible and some others. I am not 100% sure on ToT, Invincible being apart of the book but I know for sure Outcast was apart of the collection.

For the life me I have scoured Amazon and Image comics website and I can't seem to find this book, does anyone have any idea what this book was called? I am trying to buy it for a co-worker as a bday gift.


NM: I found it. It was Image Firsts Compendium Volume One. Apparently Amazon does not carry it.
Thanks for the answer. So, here's another one:

- How do you guys decided between buying the digital version and the physical book?

It would be easier for me going all digital, since I'd have the comics anywhere anytime. And I could get new editions on launch day, not 1 month later paying $20~$30 for shipping.
And the comics would be cheaper too...

Shit, I think I should go all-digital on Comics too. Already done it with all my games/music/books.

New question: Where do you guys read? Which tablet? I lost mine last year at the university
For single issues, I've just moved onto buying almost completely digitally. I hate having them take up space and it's less work to actually buy them (don't have to go to the shop once a week).

For collections and whatnot, it completely depends on price. Comixology has really good sales pretty frequently and I tend to blind buy things if they're cheap. I was able to get both Umbrella Academy books for like $11 versus like $20 for just the first one physically for example. I do prefer to have my favorite series in print however. Gotta have that sick shelf. Plus, at least in America, physical trades are usually cheaper to order online than buying them digitally unless it's out of print or something.

I don't have a tablet so I just read things on my computer. I'd probably go for an iPad myself but I really couldn't give a personal recommendation.
Hi guys. ^_^/
Welcome back!
Is the game a real thing that is actually happening, or have they been talking it up for ages with nothing to show? All I remember was seeing this:


Game seems to be real, though of course release schedule is anybody's guess. That's from... I wanna say March? A few months ago, not so long.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So Marvel Unlimited. I've just read the first issue of the b&w 2004 Dracula adaption. It's very good so far! Very close to the novel.
I still need your Marvel horror recommendations, though!

I've got to say that the Smart Panel feature really sucks though. It cuts key words out of nearly each panel, an issue I never have in Comixology or the Dark Horse app. Is perhaps this book in particular poorly converted to use this feature?

Also several times I had to remove issue 1 of Dracula from my library, put it back, and redownload it to make it show in my library as anything more than a sample. Is this maybe just new account issues or does this crap happen like all the time?
There was a picture taken of the Koto Wonder Woman 12'' that i liked better than the actual statue before i returned it. Not sure if it's just lighting or if it was a preview version of the statue and was changed during mass production.

Yeah, mine doesn't look like that. The one in that picture must be a prototype. She looks like she has an angry look on her face, there.


Game seems to be real, though of course release schedule is anybody's guess. That's from... I wanna say March? A few months ago, not so long.

lol so sometime in 2020 and it looks as if Battle Chasers will get a visual overhaul as well.

Joe Mad said:
For the comic, Madureira doesn't have a publisher or a release date to announce, and says part of the appeal for him at this point is seeing the franchise evolve as his tastes have evolved. "I partially just want to update it," he says. "I think it's going to get a visual overhaul too. My art style and storytelling style, everything's sort of changed and evolved over the years."

Damn that makes me sweat, because Inhuman is gorgeous.


Can someone tell me what this comic is called. I remember reading it few months ago, it's fairly new I think and ongoing, basically it's a kid that goes missing but he goes to another world where they think he's a chosen one, he later comes back to his world as a grown up, and I'll spoiler this part just in case
starts killing some folks from the world where he got into, gets reunited with his family and we learn he betrayed the people that thought he was the chosen one
. So yeah that's it roughly, anyone remembers the name? I didn't write it down on my list of comics I'm reading -_-

Well, I started reading Birthright only because of the description demented gave.

I love it so far.


Off to a great start with this beta...

between this, Arkham Knight PC version, and MCC...why can't the games I want just fuckin' work, nigga???

It's a collective effort to make Joe work.

One dayyyy
One dayyyy
One dayyyy

All my life I been I been waiting for
I been praying for Joe mad to say
That battle chasers is on its way

One dayyy
One dayyy
One dayyy
Goddamn man, cuz when you actually get IN a game of SFV, it looks and feels like fuckin' sex.

but you gotta roll the dice for 30 minutes and hope for the best....Capcom pls I want to love you

Sou Da

I'm looking over Alex Ross's design again and man that glowy spider-symbol is going to look like ass in sequential art once the Ramos tier artists get back.
After EVO I picked up ultra SFIV on ps4. Got my Saturn pad to work with it and played a little.

I'm sooo bad. But after a bit I've won two matches online! I'm such a casual so of course I play ken. But I know no combos and just the various specials and whatnot.


Question about ComiXology:

How does it organize the different comics?

For example: If I buy Batman #1 from Scott Snyder, Batman & Robin Volume 1 and Fables #1. Does it simply organize is alphabetically, does it separate it by folder (Like a Batman folder with the 2 editions mixed inside and a Fables folder) or does it separate from Collection (like, Batman from Scott in a folder where all the future releases will be together; a Batman & Robin where all the 3 Volumes will be together; and a Fables edition where all the volumes will be together)?
Question about ComiXology:

How does it organize the different comics?

For example: If I buy Batman #1 from Scott Snyder, Batman & Robin Volume 1 and Fables #1. Does it simply organize is alphabetically, does it separate it by folder (Like a Batman folder with the 2 editions mixed inside and a Fables folder) or does it separate from Collection (like, Batman from Scott in a folder where all the future releases will be together; a Batman & Robin where all the 3 Volumes will be together; and a Fables edition where all the volumes will be together)?

Sorts by Series, and sorts your series by letter. So both Batman & Robin and just plain Batman will be on the B page, and all your titles from each series will be on their respective series page. If you have multiple series by the same name, they'll get their own separate pages.
After EVO I picked up ultra SFIV on ps4. Got my Saturn pad to work with it and played a little.

I'm sooo bad. But after a bit I've won two matches online! I'm such a casual so of course I play ken. But I know no combos and just the various specials and whatnot.

I'm afraid to go back to USF4. I've been thinking about picking up Chronophantasma Extend for PS4.


Sorts by Series, and sorts your series by letter. So both Batman & Robin and just plain Batman will be on the B page, and all your titles from each series will be on their respective series page. If you have multiple series by the same name, they'll get their own separate pages.

So it's basically a folder in a folder in a folder...? Like, really well organized?
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