Yeah it was me. Glad you got it. Hope it arrived in good conditionI got the AVX floppies you sent me! I think that was you. Thank you.
Yeah it was me. Glad you got it. Hope it arrived in good conditionI got the AVX floppies you sent me! I think that was you. Thank you.
Locke & Key is excellent.
Goodness. Just read two more issues of Sleeper. Soooooooo good. This comic is just amazing. More people need to read it.
The last comic forum I posted in were all into Ed Brubaker. The Bru wrote a lot of great series over the decades.
So has Remender. Check out Strange Girl if you haven't yet.
probably super late to this but this is a great idea for a blog
probably super late to this but this is a great idea for a blog
I'll get to Remender in due time, right now though I have a craving for re-reading Bru's Cap run and his Criminal series.
Some neat stuff in there thanks for linking it.
i was looking more at the year by year retrospective on dope artists tracking their growth over the decades but yes, things associated with Peanuts are pretty sweet too!
Still completly blown away what a insane good movie The Warriors was. Just wow.
I really want to play those now, to bad these werent published here :/I need to watch that already. The games are also quite good, namely the PS2 and PSP games.
Man, fuck Alex Summers.
"The M-word represents everything I hate."
Bendis, you made a poor writing decision on this day.
Then again, my girl Kitty bringing the heat
Dat last panel, Bendis likely can't stop himself from putting in a dumb quip like that...
Good stuff though, although when it comes to Kitty and her being a mutant I am reminded of that one panel from the 80s which I'll refrain from posting, but wasn't the Alex Summers thing from Rememnder's run?
Dat last panel, Bendis likely can't stop himself from putting in a dumb quip like that...
Good stuff though, although when it comes to Kitty and her being a mutant I am reminded of that one panel from the 80s which I'll refrain from posting, but wasn't the Alex Summers thing from Rememnder's run?
Ah, so that wasn't Bendis.
All-New X-Men is weird. At first I liked it, but now I'm not sure.
Jean Grey is annoying as hell. She's never been a particular favorite of mine on the squad, always very vanilla, but now she's annoying. She does some cool shit, but goddamn. Still, I understand that her mind reading powers got jumpstarted and she can't really control them, and that's just part of the arc.
The Beast love thing, though...yeesh. Hank you creepy.
On the other hand, I do like Kitty, so that's a large plus.
That is awesome, thank you for linking to it.
Also, is anyone interested in a digital code for All-New Hawkeye #4?
I see adults in Gamestop all the time. I never feel weird in there.
I know right? The omnibus is some great value. And it's got great binding too.
Okay, okay. Fine.
Two absolutely gorgeous hardcovers at that. No stupid dustcover. Just gorgeous art on the hardcover itself. And some incredible binding. Oh, and tons of bonus content. Those are some great OHCs.
if this is what the vagueposts built up to, i cannot say i'm disappointed
Probably because it's so fuckin goodwhy am I so into this Taylor Swift song? :/
Because you're a marvel fanboy!why am I so into this Taylor Swift song? :/
With super mega ultra bonus Birdie (née CBR) jacket quotes.
Marvel likes her too!why am I so into this Taylor Swift song? :/
I hope to get a quote on a Hellboy trade that says "Hellboy is the Bakemonogatari of comics"Okay, yep. There's definitely no doubting that this is a Birdie quote. Haha
But real talk: it must be pretty surreal to have your quote sandwiched between quotes from Howard Chaykin and Frank Miller
The real question is when are we going to start getting quotes on trades that have emojis in them.
Does Hellboy have lewd teeth brushing? I take it that's the plot for Hellboy in Hell.
What taylor swift song are we talking about here? I hope it's "Style"
probably super late to this but this is a great idea for a blog
The real question is when are we going to start getting quotes on trades that have emojis in them.
Get back to sleeperI think I might read more of Colossal Conan today. I kinda miss that book. I've read like 600 pages of it and still have over 600 pages to go. Haha
Edit: Oh damn, Colossal Conan is selling for like $150 now. I think I'm finally getting to the point in my comics lifestyle where the books I bought when they were released are OOP and going for crazy prices.
Get back to sleeper
I think I might read more of Colossal Conan today. I kinda miss that book. I've read like 600 pages of it and still have over 600 pages to go. Haha
Edit: Oh damn, Colossal Conan is selling for like $150 now. I think I'm finally getting to the point in my comics lifestyle where the books I bought when they were released are OOP and going for crazy prices.
Get back to sleeper
yeah, catch up with the rest of the world
Finish Hellboy
That Thor Issue were Jane Foster reveals Thor that she has cancer :/