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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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I didn't expect to go into AoU and have the crazy killer robot doing stand up or for characters to make quips as they die. If they want Black Panther to be funny you best believe there's going to be jokes however ill-fitting they are.

I guess we'll see with how they tackle Dr Strange. :p
Maybe they recognize that people just dont want FUN FUN FUN! all the time.


Kitty's fuckin' awesome now.


Its real easy for Havok for say "don't see me as a mutant brehs" when he looks like an Aryan supermodel with cool powers. Lot of mutants have SHIT powers with real deformities with no obvious advantage. They're stuck as a shark or their entire body is see-through or they have eyes all over their body or they have 3 faces that look like pigs. End up like the Morlocks, forced underground away from the pretty people and normal society. People are always gonna judge them as mutants, I mean thats what they are man.

Xavier aint shit for how treated them Morlocks either ayy lmao. Got all these attractive mutants up in the X-Mansion, always preaching about tolerance and acceptance, but as soon as that nigga find out about these ugly/useless mutants living underground, he like "Nah we full up tho #NoNikkas"

Truly JC, you bless us all with your posts. 🙏


Kitty is one of my top favs right now. I love her costume. Not sure how I feel about this apparent change into star lord tho. I like her messing with the mutants.


Kitty's fuckin' awesome now.


Eh not really. She took up the role of stern mentor/no nonsense military officer in ANXM that I wondered if she had a personality of her own most of the time.

And that Havok speech is pretty offensive. The way he worded it sounds like he was in favor of assimilation rather than natural integration. Just really bad all around. Remender didn't handle the criticism well either, tweeting that anyone who disagreed should drink hobo piss.
Happy birthday, Psych and Boxy! Not you though Zombine. Fuck your birthday!!!!!!!!
happy belated birthday zombine!

also re: Kitty - there's hard evidence of her being objectively The Worst but... i like her fine, still


Eh not really. She took up the role of stern mentor/no nonsense military officer in ANXM that I wondered if she had a personality of her own most of the time.

And that Havok speech is pretty offensive. The way he worded it sounds like he was in favor of assimilation rather than natural integration. Just really bad all around. Remender didn't handle the criticism well either, tweeting that anyone who disagreed should drink hobo piss.


Happy birthday, btw!

Astonishing made her a badass

Ah, it was so fantastic.
Happy birthday, Psych and Boxy! Not you though Zombine. Fuck your birthday!!!!!!!!
happy belated birthday zombine!

also re: Kitty - there's hard evidence of her being objectively The Worst but... i like her fine, still

Gambit Avatar Man talking about objectively The Worst mutants

much lulz were had at the JC household


I take it you dislike Joss?

That's a big leap from me not liking the script lol I have no issues with the guy, hell Buffy and Angel pretty much formed my childhood. I just think a lot of the problems with the film are at it's core and wouldn't be fixed by sellotaping whatever bits and pieces that were left on the floor of the editing room back onto the film.
Continuing my backlog reading

Secret identities 1-3 : fun series! This is hitting the chord that books like Noble causes or Dynamo 5 used to fill. Good superhero it's with the emphasis on the backed drama! Having a superhero team with all these skeletons in their closets and a mole in the team trying to find them all is a fun dynamic. Check it out. Good fun so far.

Rachel rising #34 Jet and Earl. Awwwwww. This is going to end badly isn't it? I'm rooting for ya buddy!!
Well after he told everybody to drown in hobo piss he said he was going to drink some himself. So he realized he didn't handle the criticism well.

But yeah the mutant allegory doesn't work due to the pretty supermodel types then the Nightcrawler types then the Rockslide types.

There feelings on things are going to be totally different.


That's a big leap from me not liking the script lol I have no issues with the guy, hell Buffy and Angel pretty much formed my childhood.

...is it though? Astonishing has a pretty fantastic script. I mean, what did you dislike about it?


Stuck with it, huh?

Yeah, I thought it was okay at best. Really not what I was expecting from the finale of a trilogy.
There goes on of my favorite gaming franchises, which played their part in my return to comic books :(

Now its Riddler Throphys time... 97.4 percent, I just want to try it at least.
That's a big leap from me not liking the script lol I have no issues with the guy, hell Buffy and Angel pretty much formed my childhood.

Yeah my bad I assumed. It's just that I see a lot of people on here who didn't like the movie or had issues with it also really dislike Joss.

But yeah my bad.

Thing is, Ultron's character being more quippy makes sense with in the context, since he's taking after Tony as opposed to Pym. Pym is a far more no nonsense character (as indicated in Ant-Man) as opposed to Tony, who is far more quippy and jokey. While I agree the script has issues, and Ultron is one of those issues, his behavior does make a great deal of sense.


i feel like if over five people here wish someone a happy birthday it greatly devalues my birthday wishing remarks.

I guess have a happy birthday Psych...you know...if you want to.
reading comics in 2015 lmao

I read comics today. =(

definitely a link between that and watching pro wrestling
IN 2015

I also did this. =(

I'm so uncool.

Re-read the first issue of Thors in preparation for #2. So good. Can't wait.

I read this today, it was even better than the hype suggested. I'm loving all these tie-ins, and I'll be so sad when Secret Wars is over. Can't we just have Battleworld all the time? I don't wanna go back to the Marvel Universe!
Astro City #23 a comic about a gorilla who plays drums, tries out for a band and is named Sticks! Astro City is the best!! I'm giddy every month I'm still getting new Astro City comics in 2015! This series has always been a love letter to cape comics. So amazing
man what the FUCK happened to that book? Sprouse need a fill-in artist already?

It feels like I've been waiting years since the first issue.

I read this today, it was even better than the hype suggested. I'm loving all these tie-ins, and I'll be so sad when Secret Wars is over. Can't we just have Battleworld all the time? I don't wanna go back to the Marvel Universe!

What I've read so far has been great but I've been pretty selective. Sounds like when you take all of the series' into account it's been pretty good.


Yeah my bad I assumed. It's just that I see a lot of people on here who didn't like the movie or had issues with it also really dislike Joss.

But yeah my bad.

Thing is, Ultron's character being more quippy makes sense with in the context, since he's taking after Tony as opposed to Pym. Pym is a far more no nonsense character (as indicated in Ant-Man) as opposed to Tony, who is far more quippy and jokey. While I agree the script has issues, and Ultron is one of those issues, his behavior does make a great deal of sense.

It's okay I've seen a lot of people share that sentiment so I know what you mean.

Thing is I don't think there is anything in the film that lays the foundation for him being Tony 2.0. It's absolute blind luck he is even created so he should be a completely unique entity but nope just a psycho robot Tony. Bruce was just as instrumental in his birth yet he shares no traits with him. He's about as well thought out as the majority of MCU villains, not very.

It might seem like I don't like the film but I actually do lol It just could've been a hell of a lot better.


Astro City #23 a comic about a gorilla who plays drums, tries out for a band and is named Sticks! Astro City is the best!! I'm giddy every month I'm still getting new Astro City comics in 2015! This series has always been a love letter to cape comics. So amazing

I am so glad you brought this up. I was listening to last weeks iFanboy and they made Astro City their book of the week (as they have done many times in the past), and it's piqued my interest. I looked it up and it appears they relaunched the series in 2013, and it's a current ongoing, but there were a ton of series and mini series that came before it. Would I be completely lost if I just started at the beginning of the 2013 series? I mean, the series essentially ran from 1995-2000 O_O
I am so glad you brought this up. I was listening to last weeks iFanboy and they made Astro City their book of the week (as they have done many times in the past), and it's piqued my interest. I looked it up and it appears they relaunched the series in 2013, and it's a current ongoing, but there were a ton of series and mini series that came before it. Would I be completely lost if I just started at the beginning of the 2013 series? I mean, the series essentially ran from 1995-2000 O_O

First off I have to say going back and getting all the previous Astro city comics is totally worth it as they're amazing. But Astro city isn't about heavy continuity. It's a comic about the city and residents where Busiek has an amalgam of almost every DC & Marvel character/team hanging out. He does arcs that focus on some of the heroes and then also does one shot stories of random people or characters that live or come into the city. It's half pulpy cape fun and half slice of life.

So really you can jump right in at the start of any new arc and be totally fine. None of the books or arcs really tie together in any meaningful way. I'd say the only past comic event you might be spoiled on is the Confessor arc done way back in the day (it's my favorite stand alone arc...and of course based on batman). But that only affects the one batman/Superman/Wonder Woman homage arc in the restart. And really where the comic shines is the smaller stories.
It's okay I've seen a lot of people share that sentiment so I know what you mean.

Thing is I don't think there is anything in the film that lays the foundation for him being Tony 2.0. It's absolute blind luck he is even created so he should be a completely unique entity but nope just a psycho robot Tony. Bruce was just as instrumental in his birth yet he shares no traits with him. He's about as well thought out as the majority of MCU villains, not very.

It might seem like I don't like the film but I actually do lol It just could've been a hell of a lot better.

I agree 100% with everything you said, but that's clearly the logic they were going for and what we're supposed to buy.

If only Ultron remained as perfect as his initial intro in the film throughout the entirety of it, he would have been amazing.
Giant Days #3 a fun issue that tackled a more serious topic but still kept it light. I also liked not all the girls attempts to counteract the website were the right way but figured out sweet justice in the end. Esther still maintains the spotlight but it's looking like daisy might be getting the spotlight next issue
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