You're making me want to read Saga again. I'd order the hardcover now but the package would get lobbed over my side entrance. At least I'll be home most of next week.
I get to the end of a Saga issue and my favorites are still alive I'm like.
I get to the end of a Saga issue and my favorites are still alive I'm like.
Hasn't been much of that around #19-21.
Ghus has a FF style doom timer above his head at all times
BPRD was all fun and games and Plague of Frogs began and shit got real
Ghus is next prepare your tumblrs
Ghus is next prepare your tumblrs
Goddamnit Messi, I just got to the end of #18 last night. Don't make me buy more issues!
Do it. It's soooooo good.
He looks like a baby seal, someone's going to club him to death on-panel.
Ghus is next prepare your tumblrs
Nah man, Ghus is pretty fucking hardcore.
i present to you the new shelf...with twenty other books now on my floor.
When he came out with those adorable buttflap jammies...das it mayne
You peeking in my windows Silly? I have the same shit on my one shelf in that exact order
Hellboy, Fear Agent, Zelda
Only difference is that my shelves are wide so I have a few more absolutes and Sin City on there too.
Also, does Fairest have a good conclusion for the series?
Sillymonkey is secretly the most baller person here
Sillymonkey is secretly the most baller person here
If I was to reword this to "Is it worth $33 for HD Fables Female Hinjinks with a satisfactory ending that is even better when you pay less than 50% of cover price?" The answer is fuck yeah.
i present to you the new shelf...with twenty other books now on my floor.
here is the old shelf:
What's the average filesize per TPB when buying digital?
He doesn't brag about it, which makes it more impressive
Sillymonkey is secretly the most baller person here
He doesn't brag about it, which makes it more impressive
Picked up Act II of the Wonder Woman run. Also picked up volume 1 of Animal Man, I remember seeing some positive reviews in this thread. And something called C.O.W.L. And Dororo (it's fun to say Dororo).
Those look nice. Time to buy lots of smaller books now to improve the packing fraction.
what about the Fairest In All The Lands OGN? If i get Fairest i was thinking about skipping that ....because of money!
Buy it. But everything but that Jack shit. Jack is a douche.
what about the Fairest In All The Lands OGN? If i get Fairest i was thinking about skipping that ....because of money!
Some truly beautiful art in that book.
Just finished Season 1 of Sleeper (AKA the first 12 issues out of the 24 total issues). Daaamn. So so so good.
Consistently amazing. This is one hell of a comic book to end my comics hiatus with.
It's good-tier. Not great-tier or bad-tier but it's definitely borderline Land-tier. It has its moments and it works. Later on its kind of cartoony and has some whack coloring.
As I said, I think some of it is truly beautiful
Like Megan Hetrick
Man you've had some douche posts pre-edit today.
On the list you go
season two might be ever better tbh