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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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but I am taking tiny steps forward
Actually since I made that post, I found a random seller on Amazon that had vol 3 for $6 new. Strange, but I bought it. I think I may start this soon.

You might have missed it, but I also ordered the Sleeper omni this morning. Did I do good senpai?

Awww yes. Sweet.

And oh nice! I did miss that! You done real good. Sleeper is so awesome. And the omnibus itself is a really nice package as well.

You've got a lot of great comics reading ahead of you :D


There might be an elseworlds that does, but there was also Bruce Wayne: Murderer? and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive that almost explore that territory.
Where he was thrown in jail and feeled punished for not beeing able to go out to fight crime without revealing his identity.

Man, enjoyed the hell out of this book, it were a couple of great years for Batman and Detectice Comics, with War Games, Broken City, Bruce Wayne Murderer, etc.
Need to collect all the 00s stuff at some point.
IST order:

all I need is Shadowman to have all the Valiant Deluxe stuff, keep waiting on it cause of all the bad stuff I hear about it.
i should try my hand at making bagels.


So, i'm a long time mango reader and decided to dive into cape comics/create an OT thread about my rad experiences:

I always thought the dialogue in cape comics was cheesy as fuck---and my opinion hasn't changed, why does every character seem to need to talk smart at least once per issue---but it's starting to grow on me. Nothing really effects me emotionally, as far as I've read, except perhaps the real-world stuff Kamella goes through, I guess I'm cynical and iconoclastic to be upset over "60 kids died!" melodrama. I admit, some of the jokes are funny, and I guess the hit ratio is bigger than the miss in most cases. Also it's hard to get a read on certain character's personalities, but I guess when it comes to comics the most important stuff to care about in terms of character are there overall "prominent" elements and powers and just go with the plot for everything else.
Gods and Monsters was pretty good although it felt like a movie pilot for a tv series. It lacked detail in some bits of story surrounding the characters and the world.

In true DC style the main story revolves around
The X-Men '92 variants by Nakayama are such a tease. :(


Did they explain why Wonder Woman had such a goofy helmet?
She's a New God, they wear goofy Kirby-inspired helmets.
It's just that good. I have been so impressed by the stories told thus far.

I have to say I was pretty iffy on it. Then my friend forced me to borrow his copies and read them, and I finished what's out of the main series so far, and I'm like halfway through the Darth Vader books. I have to be honest I'm really impressed with how fucking good they are.


The X-Men '92 variants by Nakayama are such a tease. :(

I'd really like to read this, I've never bought one of those digital first comics with the panels all seperated out before.

Too good, I totally had that Storm action figure. She had a thing you pulled down on her back and a lightning bolt on her chest lit up.

Hah i totally had this along with a brown costume Wolverine with claws you had to clip to keep them out. I loved that show growing up.


There not Harley's if thats what your hoping cuz she's not in the movie. Cuz she's dead.

Oh god I've made a huge mistake :(

I bought this because I thought she was in it.

Oh in better news. I found Fables:Cinderella Vol 1 and 2 in the store today. Excited to start.
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