Broken record time: How is Ron Wimberly not on a Blade book?
You're making me really sad right now...
Broken record time: How is Ron Wimberly not on a Blade book?
Actually since I made that post, I found a random seller on Amazon that had vol 3 for $6 new. Strange, but I bought it. I think I may start this soon.
You might have missed it, but I also ordered the Sleeper omni this morning. Did I do good senpai?
There *was* a general comics makers thread but I'm pretty sure it's dead nowDoes anyone know if GAF have a webcomic makers' community thread?
We live in a fallen worldBroken record time: How is Ron Wimberly not on a Blade book?
Broken record time: How is Ron Wimberly not on a Blade book?
Is there a Batman story were Waynes Identity is made avaiable to a larger public?
Where he was thrown in jail and feeled punished for not beeing able to go out to fight crime without revealing his identity.There might be an elseworlds that does, but there was also Bruce Wayne: Murderer? and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive that almost explore that territory.
IST order:
all I need is Shadowman to have all the Valiant Deluxe stuff, keep waiting on it cause of all the bad stuff I hear about it.
My love for Valiant is being tested.
I just received my first OHC from them.
it has a dust jacket
I always thought the dialogue in cape comics was cheesy as fuck---and my opinion hasn't changed, why does every character seem to need to talk smart at least once per issue---but it's starting to grow on me. Nothing really effects me emotionally, as far as I've read, except perhaps the real-world stuff Kamella goes through, I guess I'm cynical and iconoclastic to be upset over "60 kids died!" melodrama. I admit, some of the jokes are funny, and I guess the hit ratio is bigger than the miss in most cases. Also it's hard to get a read on certain character's personalities, but I guess when it comes to comics the most important stuff to care about in terms of character are there overall "prominent" elements and powers and just go with the plot for everything else.
My love for Valiant is being tested.
I just received my first OHC from them.
it has a dust jacket
Wait, all the talking up you've done for them and you didn't have a single OHC yet? My world is shattered.
Valiant was a mistake. Nothing but trash.
Wait, all the talking up you've done for them and you didn't have a single OHC yet? My world is shattered.
Did you ever get/read that Dr. Mirage?
I was gambling that they were extraordinary like everything else they do. But this... I can't condone this.
in spite of the dust cover, it's quite excellent
In true DC style the main story revolves aroundBatman.
She's a New God, they wearDid they explain why Wonder Woman had such a goofy helmet?
It's just that good. I have been so impressed by the stories told thus far.
The X-Men '92 variants by Nakayama are such a tease.![]()
Got it, didn't read it yet. It's in "the stack."
Don't they have glued bindings?
i should try my hand at making bagels.
So, i'm a long time mango reader and decided to dive into cape comics/create an OT thread about my rad experiences:
The X-Men '92 variants by Nakayama are such a tease.![]()
She's a New God. They don't really explain the helmet. I assume it represents her people's culture.Did they explain why Wonder Woman had such a goofy helmet?
That thread was so close to being cool. Then we got the "I don't read comics, but here's all my complaints about them" crowd.
It was always going end up like that, Poodle.
Gods and Monsters also shows female nipples. Not in full detail but they are there. Bruce Timm couldn't hold back his lewdness.
I guess I will bring this to the register then...
The X-Men '92 variants by Nakayama are such a tease.![]()
Too good, I totally had that Storm action figure. She had a thing you pulled down on her back and a lightning bolt on her chest lit up.
There not Harley's if thats what your hoping cuz she's not in the movie. Cuz she's dead.I guess I will bring this to the register then...
I like how that's the determining factor for Messi.
Wow, $150 million budget for the Gambit movie. Viewtiful must be really happy.
Wow, $150 million budget for the Gambit movie. Viewtiful must be really happy.
Wow, $150 million budget for the Gambit movie. Viewtiful must be really happy.
There not Harley's if thats what your hoping cuz she's not in the movie. Cuz she's dead.