the HUGE one is that the "Terry is the evil mastermind" thing has yet to be properly explained, and it's been long enough since the reveal that I'm half wondering if they didn't know themselves and just did it for the twist. Like, how exactly did he form the Five and why are they all listening to him? And equally important, why the hell did he spend all that time making the Justice League and having them fight against the Five? Then there's the whole thing with Locus, and ESPECIALLY whatevers going on with their unwritten Golden Age level moral stupidity. Like, the Five are insanely powerful and have inslaved half of the universe or whatever. And Locus is pretty much godlike power and obliterates them in their first meeting (though she is thought out worse and worse in each subsequent "fight"). But when they sucker punch her and knock her out, they don't even discuss the possibility of killing her, they just leave her there to be woken up and immediately a huge threat again. And then again the second time, though I beleive they may not have had the chance that time. And then the third time, they... put her in magic super coma with the others? How is completely shutting her down, brain and all, with the hopes that it'll be forever, any different than killing her? Like, I'm not usually bugged by the "why do they stick so firmly to the no killing" thing, but here it's just an insanely poor decision that's dooming a large chunk of the universe with no possible hope of an imprisonment or anything that's not, again, essentially death, but with the chance of being broken free to screw up the universe again. Oh, and then they actively suggest and follow through on "their word" of just letting Terry go to, again, ruin like half the universe. The book could've just had it so that it was somehow Terry forcing them to let it go, and it would've resulted in a more effective seeming villain and less questionable heroes. In a similar note, can't help but feel it would've been way, way more powerful having the moment you first see a "volunteer" of the regeneration be when they have to revive Teri, rather than just having it as another notch in the "Terry is evil, guys" belt. As for smaller things: like I said, Terry still isn't explained at all, but Kali also doesn't feel like she fits with the godlike powers of the others, and I totally thought she was an underling at first. And Teri kind of going from super genius without perfect morality to naive teen sidekick learning the ropes doesn't feel quite right, though I'm willing to write that off as the "thing wrong with the regeneration process", or maybe just too much Barry in there.