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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Man, Weirdworld was such a disappointment. Not what I was expecting at all.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I literally cannot concentrate on work at all. My head is just buzzing as I'm staring blankly at my screen. So excited for this weekend. The only thing I'm bummed about is that I'm only going to be there one night.
I literally cannot concentrate on work at all. My head is just buzzing as I'm staring blankly at my screen. So excited for this weekend. The only thing I'm bummed about is that I'm only going to be there one night.

I thought only the possibility of great savings excited the Kippster.
Yeah, I don't know what Gillen is doing. I think he has Peter Pan syndrome. The plot is glacially placed and I just don't feel anything for the characters. Maybe it will be better collected, but I read twenty seven issues of The Massive and I'm not about to find out.

27 issues of the massive?

I liked the first three issues. Dropped after Kristian Donaldson was off the book. How can you make 27 issues of environmentalists riding around in a sub?
27 issues of the massive?

I liked the first three issues. Dropped after Kristian Donaldson was off the book. How can you make 27 issues of environmentalists riding around in a sub?

A massive pile of shit is what that was. Did they ever wrap up the main plot in any way that was remotely interesting?
Welp, a too little too late apology is better than being a shithead/defensive about what you've put out there... right?


James Robinson
My lack of response to opinions on Airboy #2 is not from indifference. In contact with GLAAD. Will issue statement tomorrow. Night night.

Yeah, I'd say so, since of course he should've known better but listening and doing better next time is the best you could do at this point. Also liked this piece, idk if it was linked here before. Robinson's response probably won't be any worse than the ones from his peers, at any rate


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well today's outage gave me time to almost totally catch up with "Nameless"! Why didn't anyone tell me how badass and strange it all was?
Man, y'all remember Ryan Stegman's first and only ASM issue?

I hope he comes back to it one day. Even if he is drawing Spider-Man all the time in other series I would like to see him on the main title.

I didn't like that issue, but I remember distinctly liking his art. He improved BIG time over his yeoman work on Incredible Herc.

but he got even better as time went on like in Superior Spider-Man or his brief stint on FF. LMAO @ him drawing those SS covers but inside it was *gulp* *whispers* Khoi Pham


don't know WTF that nigga is doing on the Uncanny Avengers cover tho. All-New, All-Different indeed. Is this a John McCrea reference or something

don't know WTF that nigga is doing on the Uncanny Avengers cover tho. All-New, All-Different indeed. Is this a John McCrea reference or something

That image fills me with dread because I know the dude is better then that.

Spidey's ankle is just bone, torso's are all weirdly thin.

Were they all just attacked by Jeb Lee?
Yeeaahhh that Uncanny Avengers piece is probably the worst thing I've seen from Stegman. His Scarlet Spider covers were great and then... that.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
The comixology Image/Eisner sales have made me grab tons of first issues of a lot of series...anyone got word on whether these are really great and worth buying the whole runs of?

Rumble (great start!)
Sex Criminals
Wicked + Divine
Ex Machina

Bii said:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm finally dropping The Wicked + The Divine after 12 issues. Slow plot progression, lack of character development and it's so fucking boring. I should have went with my instincts six issues ago but the "maybe the next one will pick up the pace" mentality kept me in arm's length.
........Oh. But man, it seems so cool...
Like I said probably a cover change. Remender's cover for UA was probably his typical of serious pose in the middle. Quick cover change when Remender said he was leaving.
The comixology Image/Eisner sales have made me grab tons of first issues of a lot of series...anyone got word on whether these are really great and worth buying the whole runs of?

Rumble (great start!)
Sex Criminals
Wicked + Divine
Ex Machina

........Oh. But man, it seems so cool...
I really like Sex Criminals.
The comixology Image/Eisner sales have made me grab tons of first issues of a lot of series...anyone got word on whether these are really great and worth buying the whole runs of?

Rumble (great start!)
Sex Criminals
Wicked + Divine
Ex Machina

........Oh. But man, it seems so cool...

Sex Criminals is the only one I've read from this list. It's pretty good.

I think the one thing I would recommend to anyone from the Image side is The Fade Out.


With that said, anyone wanna buy my Alias omnibus? Haha
For real though, I'll sell it for like $35 + shipping if someone here wants it. No reason to keep a book on my shelf that I didn't enjoy that everyone else enjoys.
I would legit be willing to do that if you're actually interested in doing so. Wasn't planning on grabbing it for a while, but it's sitting in my IST wishlist with the intent of picking it up eventually, so if you're looking to get rid of it that definitely sounds doable.

Also, GAF is back, awesome! Was actually ironically doing stuff for most of the time since it came back so I only just got caught up.
The comixology Image/Eisner sales have made me grab tons of first issues of a lot of series...anyone got word on whether these are really great and worth buying the whole runs of?

Rumble (great start!)
Sex Criminals
Wicked + Divine
Ex Machina

I like Sex Crims a lot, Wic Div is good too, but i'm behind


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I really like Sex Criminals.

Sex Criminals is the only one I've read from this list. It's pretty good.

I think the one thing I would recommend to anyone from the Image side is The Fade Out.

I like Sex Crims a lot, Wic Div is good too, but i'm behind
Great, that first issue was so well done.

And already got the whole run of The Fade Out, it's pretty tremendous so far. Copperhead is the one I'm wondering if it's worth getting or not though, the premise and art are fantastic but the first two issues are pretty slow.


Here's a very good article I found about the shift from Thought Balloons to First Person Captions in mainstream comics. A very plausible if unsexy history lesson/theory and explanation over how the thought balloon, despite being a distinctively comic book invention, went out of style and the narration caption took its place.

Thanks for linking the article, JC... I really enjoyed it. I'm surprised thought balloons stuck around for as long as they did, honestly.
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