This is the guy who goes to conventions and doesn't buy anything
Yeah, this is pre-Poodlestrike continuity here
This is the guy who goes to conventions and doesn't buy anything
Yeah, I've only just started recently. Finished the Son of Batman trade the other day. Planning on picking up Batman RIP next. I think I remember reading Final Crisis is the next book to read.
I have shown my New Kid status, and am ashamed.
Bring back Ted Kord!
So, is there a consensus on the best tablet for comics, or should I just gun for the one that tickles my fancy most?
it's the only book i've ever trade waited for and the only book i ever will.
i'm also not buying "trades" really, just CMX collections
don't forget to get robocop v terminator for like 4 bucks
You're buying comics? iwannaseethereceipts.gif
Yeah, this is pre-Poodlestrike continuity here
See this is why new #1s are good. ComicsGAF is not new-reader friendly. We need a reboot.
Only if we retcon anime out of canon.
Only if we retcon anime out of canon.
Now this, this is a brilliant idea.
Ship Girls never happened.
Now this, this is a brilliant idea.
Ship Girls never happened.
So, is there a consensus on the best tablet for comics, or should I just gun for the one that tickles my fancy most?
Ship girls will always be canon.
Because they have cannons!
Ship Girl will forever be a part of our continuity. Civil War never happened. It was replaced by Freeza Spamming Gate. Messi is no longer king.
I miss hentai guy. He had potential.
Anime and ship girls will be on Earth-2.
Then we blow up Earth-2.
And then there was Jed, who I am 100% has an alt and is actually back here posting.
Oh shoot. I almost forgot about him. Did he get banned or did he just stop posting? I kind of miss that guy.
But no, no way he has an alt. If he did, we'd have a massive fight breaking out every time Morrison's name was mentioned.
Wow first I'm hearing about this Archie relaunch with Waid and Fiona Staples. That's gotta be out of this world.
Oh shoot. I almost forgot about him. Did he get banned or did he just stop posting? I kind of miss that guy.
But no, no way he has an alt. If he did, we'd have a massive fight breaking out every time Morrison's name was mentioned.
Jed got banned because he tried to argue that the KKK weren't bad people. Lol it was the most fucking awkward shit I've ever read.
I know this isn't technically comics, but holy shit guys, D.Gray-man is coming back from hiatus. Time to pick up some 3-in-1s and reread it.
i had to google what that was.
I know this isn't technically comics, but holy shit guys, D.Gray-man is coming back from hiatus. Time to pick up some 3-in-1s and reread it.
If we're going WAAAY off topic here talking about manga, I'm going to throw this out there too:
This Damien Rice song is my lifeblood:
that song makes me want to climb stuff.
What's to Love: Two of the industry's most respected and prolific creators come together for the first time in a deeply personal passion project. J.G. Jones (52, Wanted, Y: The Last Man) and Mark Waid (Irredeemable, Superman: Birthright, Kingdom Come) take on a powerful, beautifully painted story set during the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. Strange Fruit is a challenging, provocative examination of the heroic myth confronting the themes of racism, cultural legacy, and human nature through a literary lens, John Steinbeck's classic novel, Of Mice and Men.
What It Is: It's 1927 in the town of Chatterlee, Mississippi, drowned by heavy rains. The Mississippi River is rising, threatening to break open not only the levees, but also the racial and social divisions of this former plantation town. A fiery messenger from the skies heralds the appearance of a being, one that will rip open the tensions in Chatterlee. Savior, or threat? It depends on where you stand. All the while, the waters are still rapidly rising...
Strange Fruit tomorrow.
Mark Waid and JG Jones
just googled Mark Waid and JG Jones, yep, two old white dudes
just googled Mark Waid and JG Jones, yep, two old white dudes
just googled Mark Waid and JG Jones, yep, two old white dudes
Is Scalped avaiable in a OHC?
yeah but has Mark Waid ever done a serious-topic book
Just bought Gotham Academy #1. I have been looking for some school stuff with mysteries ala Harry Potter. Hopefully this is along those lines.
Have anybody read Ninjak? Is it any good?
Serpentine said:Ninjak continues to be mad decent. "Bruce Wayne if he became a ninja" is good enough of a sell for me that I'd probably buy it even if Clay Mann wasn't drawing them, but he is so I'll keep on. It's got a lot of origin flashbacks (#4 was all villain origins to give Mann a breather) but they're all cool and inventive.
NiceThey're just starting to release it in OHC. The first volume is out.
yeah but has Mark Waid ever done a serious-topic book
I for one welcome our new signing
Welcome Arda!
Not even a fake edit this time?