What Jack Kirb-
The James Stokoe Godzilla hardcover. 152 pages, $34.99 list price, $24.99 at IST. Measly 30% off.
Starting up 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors for the first time.
My first visual novel. I hope its good.
I read it very recently (well, the first third of it, to be exact) and it felt very empty. The characters are usually one-dimensional and it felt like the run was built around what the author thought were "awesome moments".
oh yeah. Main reason I hadn't picked up the TMNT trades up until now.
Some good cheap DC stuff on sale at Comixology at the moment. I grabbed a load of green lantern stuff + Crisis (Again lol) and Batman RIP.
Also Doomed. Not because I think it's any good but it was dirt cheap, over 500 pages and I suspect might read better in one collection.
Can you give me a hand? I am looking for all Universe wide Ultimate Marvel events.
So far I listened
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Cataclysm: The UltimatesLast Standnot really
Am I missing something?
Ultimate Galactus Trilogy just felt into my mind.Ultimate War? Ultimate Doom/Enemy/I forget the other one?
52 is on sale. Buy and read the best event ever.
52 is on sale. Buy and read the best event ever.
52 is on sale. Buy and read the best event ever.
Guys I listened to music today. I found someone on YouTube that I like..Joy Williams
Everytime I hear 52 mentioned, it makes me miss Renee Montoya all the more.
Guys I listened to music today. I found someone on YouTube that I like..Joy Williams
I bought the volumes of TPBs, I bought the volumes on CMX, I bought the single issues on CMX and I own the Omnibus. HAPPY!?
That said it is amazing.
I'm listening to that Damien Rice song I posted earlier on repeat :|
Yay, Young Han Solo movie confirmed o/
Which song? 9 Crimes or something?
This Damien Rice song is my lifeblood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijftZIE9b7g
They just need to cast Chris Pratt and I am happy.Well, we know who won't be starring in it.
They just need to cast Chris Pratt and I am happy.
He'd be a lackluster choice in my opinion. He's attached to too many franchises already. Go after a less well known actor like Boyega/Ridley.Chris Pratt is too muscular to be a 'young' Han Solo. He's bigger than Ford was in ANH.
Only just recently started listening to his newest album. I have no idea how I didn't find out it got released last year. But yeah, that song in particular really jives with me.
They just need to cast Chris Pratt and I am happy.
This movie will be anyway about he won the Millenium Falcon and meet Chewbacca.
Woooo, so excited.
Great track. I was really surprised by this album.
Quick translation: Remender was going to write Extraordinary X-Men.
Got pissed off about something from editorial which is what caused him to leave.
Quick translation: Remender was going to write Extraordinary X-Men.
Got pissed off about something from editorial which is what caused him to leave.
Awww snap, just grabbed Ellis' Moon Knight from Amazon at 48% off.
He says there was a change of direction when the previous editor Mike marts left and the new guy came in."You gonna have Ramos, Land, or Bagley for your relaunch, which is it Rick"
"yeah...*looks at Wes Craig/Lee Louhridge and Sean Gordon Murphy/Matt Hollingsworth pages coming in*...I'm out"
Starting up 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors for the first time.
My first visual novel. I hope its good.
Most surprisingly, Ramos is actually mexican. I'm gonna have to kick him out of the industry to make it. The Mexican quota of one is already filled up
Rob Liefeld is gonna hide 24 Deadpool sketches around SDCC. Is there any reason i shouldn't devote 100% of my time there to finding one
Rob Liefeld is gonna hide 24 Deadpool sketches around SDCC. Is there any reason i shouldn't devote 100% of my time there to finding one
Enjoy it. It's fucking off the hook.
It's bee's knees.
Lol dammit. So my neighbor finally scheduled a meeting for me with the other owners of the Frozen Yogurt place on Friday at 5:30pm. I just realized that I'd be driving through rush hour traffic to get to there from my 8-5 job so I had to ask her if we could reschedule to 5:45 instead. Reeeally helping myself out here by annoying these owners before they even meet me. Haha
Thats amazing! Making comics is tough and exhausting but ridiculously rewarding.I apologize if this is the wrong place for this kind of thing, but I am just overwhelmed with excitement, and I wanted to share this with you all.
They physical copy of my first comic book, The Gamma Gals, Issue #1 arrived today in the mail, and I'm just over the moon. I've been drawing comic books since 1993, when I was 14 years old, and it has been my dream to one day actually complete one and have it on my shelf. 22 years later, I finally completed my first issue, and the physical copy arrived today! I can't tell you how fantastic of a feeling it is to see something through to the end, and then be able to hold it in my hands and flip the pages.
I'm not trying to pimp my book or sell it, I just wanted to share with GAF this milestone in my life as an artist. This is literally the fulfillment of a 22 year old dream, and I hope that other people who may read this post can get some encouragement from it if they were in a similar period of listlessness as myself. Don't be discouraged, and don't be your own worst enemy and talk yourself out of trying!
Thanks! I just assume any guy with a hispanic name is a Spanish Jobber (TM)You didn't know that? ah well, I believe in you Ed.
Bring a copy of the picture you posted of your bouldering expedition. Then that job will be in the bag.
Noted. Honestly, I feel like that should have been so completely obvious. I've poked my head around there a few times before, hah.
Oh definitely. I'm starting from the ground up on all fronts. A mountain to climb, that's for sure, but damned if it isn't an enjoyable one.
That's where I read a majority of my comics (and possibly also the reason I am not up to date on newer comics). Set a lot of holds, then read them as they come in.
For example, I am picking up I Kill Giants today.