All issues written by Ennis are without superheroes. Can't comment past that.
He never made his way to Ireland, sadly. My comics childhood was going to the newsagents the Beano, the Dandy, Transformers UK (with Zoids by Grant Morrison andG.I. JoeAction Force!) and reading my older brothers' stash of 2000 AD, Dan Dare and Roy of the Rovers.
Then I picked up this with my own pocket money one week....:
....and the rest is history!
and lo, it was good.
why would Gambit write like that, is he stupid? its one thing for the speech bubbles to be written like that since its to emulate the accent, but he wouldnt also actually write like that >_>
lol this is BRILLIANT
where is this from
not sure just saw it on twitter. I guess it could be shopped
Oh, sure.. Age of Apocalypse #1has Blink but no morph? BULLSHIT
Spoiler doesn't retain to any real story but i know some people like surprises if this can even be considered a surprise.
Too much NTR in Starfire.
Kori pls.
this is great, lol. I think this is Sam Alden?Lol (Reddit)
hey some people just grow up with an entirely different dialect! i don't discriminate, motherfuckerThis is your mentally challenged character Serpentine
Too much NTR in Starfire.
Kori pls.
Please keep these lewd discussions away from Starfire thank youWait which NTR are we talking about.
This can go so many possible ways right now.
Is Blackest Night a good read? Either of the N52 Lantern events?
Fear Agent on sale you say?
And bought. I've been wanting to read that for AGES
this is great, lol. I think this is Sam Alden?
Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
Fear Agent on sale you say?
And bought. I've been wanting to read that for AGES
If I'd never read any Archie before and I wanted to buy a nice big chunk all at once for a reasonable price on Comixology what should I get?
Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
Just finished reading the first Miles Morales Ult Spider-Man series. Great stuff, almost makes me wish they hadn't canned the Ultimate Universe altogether, but it really was the only thing worth saving.
On to Cataclysm.
Edit: just realized Hunger, the lead in for Cataclysm, is a followup to the Age of Ultron series. Ugh.
In a vacuum, two white guys making a comic about a superpowered black man in 1920s Mississippi wouldnt be bad. But considering how little the industry gives a shit about about finding and fostering black creators, Strange Fruit seems tactless.Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
lol this is BRILLIANT
where is this from
why would Gambit write like that, is he stupid? its one thing for the speech bubbles to be written like that since its to emulate the accent, but he wouldnt also actually write like that >_>
Serpentine was correct, it's from X-Men '92 #4
I got Absolute Transmet and it looks great. I didn't see any problems with the blown up art when I flipped through it.
Strange Fruit is a waste of time and talent. Find some black comic book creators and support them with those few bucks you were about to spend on it instead.
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and literally came here to post this responseholy lol is that really the last page of the comic??