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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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A call for totalitarian censorship of the creative industry is a surefire sign of opinions you should put plenty of stock into.

Sad to see this attack piece doing the rounds, regardless of the books quality or lack thereof. No bueno bloggin'.

You mean the linked piece which addresses the quality of the comic and says it's up to you if you really want to buy it while presenting reasons the piece's author feels you shouldn't? I'm not sure where you're getting "[a] call for totalitarian censorship of the creative industry" from that.
A call for totalitarian censorship of the creative industry is a surefire sign of opinions you should put plenty of stock into.

Sad to see this attack piece doing the rounds, regardless of the books quality or lack thereof. No bueno bloggin'.

This comic should never have been made because there is too long a history of white people writing stories about racism and blackness, too long a history of white people shaping these tales to their own purposes, too long a history of white people writing about what they genuinely cannot understand. And above all, too long of a history of white people, particularly men, being able to do this. Not even a perfect, eleven out of ten comic would have justified the continued erasure of black voices.
you really think telling two white guys to not co-opt what should be a narrative driven by black creators is equal to saying the entire industry should be censored?

Well, the industry is like 98% white so maybe you're right!
Just read Batman #42

Story continues to develop in interesting directions. Mr. Bloom is shaping up to be... I dunno. High-tech villains aren't really what I generally associate with Batman, but considering the new suit, it's rather appropriate in a way. The side arc with
is shaping up into something very cool, though.

you really think telling two white guys to not co-opt what should be a narrative driven by black creators is equal to saying the entire industry should be censored?

Well, the industry is like 98% white so maybe you're right!

Can't say I've ever been fond of this argument. Either of these arguments, really. Identity, background, and privilege all inform viewpoints, but they don't dictate them. White people can have valid thoughts on the issues surrounding racism, and tell a story dealing with those issues. As for co-opting a story that "should" be told by black creators... well, firstly, from what I understand reading that piece, this is not a story that should have seen the light of day period, regardless of the writer's melanin content, so I'm not sure that "should" is right word to use. But even if it was worth telling, even if Strange Fruit was the 11/10 comic that they were describing, there's nothing (other than institutional issues in the industry itself which, as you said, could stand to be a hell of a lot more diverse) that would prevent black creators from going over the same ground. We (people in general, but comics in particular) have been telling the same stories for thousands and thousands of years.
Archie #1 *****/*****


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'm not sure where you're getting "[a] call for totalitarian censorship of the creative industry" from that.

my general thesis is this–Strange Fruit #1 could literally have been comics’ Second Coming of the Messiah and I would still think it shouldn’t have been made.

Whats that rowdy galleon pulling into port, dad?
Thatsa censor-ship, son!


I wish people would stop saying this. Their have been plenty of fantastic Ultimate runs from Millar, Bendis, Hickman, Vaughn, and Warren Ellis. Is there a lot of junk and bad storylines? Of course! every universe has them but the quality stuff is REALLY high quality. Hickman, Bendis, Ellis, and Brian Wood even managed to salvage the Ultimate Universe after Jeph Loeb destroyed it but the problem then was the sales weren't there as New 52 was just debuting at the same time and despite everyone protesting reboots they sure bought ten copies of each #1 book eating up the market share that would have gone to Ultimate comics.

That's, an interesting take on it I guess. Having just read everything Post-Ultimatum over the last week or so I can't say I agree that they managed to salvage it. I mean sure they picked up the pieces and kept going but everything and everyone feels so broken and abused even up to where I am now.

Don't get me wrong, there were good bits here and there, but all in all it just feels like an experiment that ran its course.
Can't say I've ever been fond of this argument. Either of these arguments, really. Identity, background, and privilege all inform viewpoints, but they don't dictate them. White people can have valid thoughts on the issues surrounding racism, and tell a story dealing with those issues. As for co-opting a story that "should" be told by black creators... well, firstly, from what I understand reading that piece, this is not a story that should have seen the light of day period, regardless of the writer's melanin content, so I'm not sure that "should" is right word to use. But even if it was worth telling, even if Strange Fruit was the 11/10 comic that they were describing, there's nothing (other than institutional issues in the industry itself which, as you said, could stand to be a hell of a lot more diverse) that would prevent black creators from going over the same ground. We (people in general, but comics in particular) have been telling the same stories for thousands and thousands of years.
Hmmm yes. I do agree with you that a white man or woman or really any person could be able to write a comic where the protagonist is black or native american or anything really but we have to take it all in context.

I suppose to a point, we have to speculate what the writer meant by should

I suppose I am taking it as this 'comic should not exist because it is another example of white authors telling stories that are insensitive by nature' rather than call to stop any white author from writing a story like it.

Should an author be free to write from any perspective? Yes, but there is a long history of white authors telling stories from the perspective of black characters and protagonists while participating in a industry that lets few black authors even tell *their* story. At this rate, we are gonna get the comics version of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man as written by a white guy.

If it was important for Waid and Jones to do the story right, they really should have had a black co author, given the history of the industry. If we had more prominent black authors, this wouldnt be an issue. It would just be a comic liked or didnt.
Hmmm yes. I do agree with you that a white man or woman or really any person could be able to write a comic where the protagonist is black or native american or anything really but we have to take it all in context.

I suppose to a point, we have to speculate what the writer meant by should

I suppose I am taking it as this 'comic should not exist because it is another example of white authors telling stories that are insensitive by nature' rather than call to stop any white author from writing a story like it.

Should an author be free to write from any perspective? Yes, but there is a long history of white authors telling stories from the perspective of black characters and protagonists while participating in a industry that lets few black authors even tell *their* story. At this rate, we are gonna get the comics version of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man as written by a white guy.

If it was important for Waid and Jones to do the story right, they really should have had a black co author, given the history of the industry. If we had more prominent black authors, this wouldnt be an issue. It would just be a comic liked or didnt.

From this point, it seems we agree on everything but the semantics; suffice to say, that's not how I read the piece, especially in the context of reading similarly worded statements with the other meaning.

Anyway, you're spot on about how they really should have sought out a black co-author. Expand the privilege and all that.
The title of the issue is called "The Junk" and it's about.... you guessed it!


Is it about penises?

In non-Liefeld related news, just read Starfire #2 and Gotham Academy #8

Starfire was fun, light hearted, and considerably better paced than the first issue. It's not "holy shit where has this been all my life" like Omega Men or the post-relaunch Action Comics stuff, but I'm enjoying it. Art is on point, very bubbly.

Starting to cool on Gotham Academy, though. I dunno why, the earlier issues had this... almost slice-of-life type feel to them that I enjoyed, especially since they were liberally sprinkled with mystery and some tie ins and references to the fact that, well, this is still Gotham we're talking about. Made for a nice contrast. Now the main plot seems to have gotten a little too strong, the angst has gotten ramped up... I dunno, guys.


Picked up Fear Agent in the sale today. Looking forward to it, seems like something up my alley.

Currently reading DMZ and Preacher. I'm returning to comics after a significant hiatus (20 years or so). Started with the Batman classics and moved on to Y The Last Man (loved it) and now I'm having a good time just browsing through all the comics that I've missed.

I think I prefer the non caped stuff, although Batman Year One, Hush and Black Mirror were really good. I guess that makes me part of the minority in this thread which seems very focused on Marvel and DC super heroes?
Picked up Fear Agent in the sale today. Looking forward to it, seems like something up my alley.

Currently reading DMZ and Preacher. I'm returning to comics after a significant hiatus (20 years or so). Started with the Batman classics and moved on to Y The Last Man (loved it) and now I'm having a good time just browsing through all the comics that I've missed.

I think I prefer the non caped stuff, although Batman Year One, Hush and Black Mirror were really good. I guess that makes me part of the minority in this thread which seems very focused on Marvel and DC super heroes?


We just talk more about marvel and dc because they're easier to bash. Comigaf runs on hate.

Errybody reads at least some non-cape stuff.
Sort of on topic, mostly not. This clickhole piece cracked me up


thats certainly extreme. Nothing more extreme than full cannabalism.

From this point, it seems we agree on everything but the semantics; suffice to say, that's not how I read the piece, especially in the context of reading similarly worded statements with the other meaning.

Anyway, you're spot on about how they really should have sought out a black co-author. Expand the privilege and all that.
alright, agree to mostly agree and only disagree a little haha
oh my lord. Walking Dead was OMG today. What the...
Was that Rosita!? Did they seriously decapitate a pregnant woman?! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH Wat is going on I don't even....
I pulled a muscle and bruised a bone playing Soccer. So I delayed going back to LA for a few days. I realized I forgot to pre-order Archie. I made my dad go out and get me the last copy from the comic book store in Fresno. Guy at the store said they got like 30 in and sold them in an hour.
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