Koto going in hard this year.
There are not 52 other books better than Ms. Marvel.
You messed up.
I KNOW... still on the fence,, every time Im thinking about it I think well I can just wait for TPB,, then I get the next issue and enjoy the hell out of it.
DAMMIT,,, maybe Ms. Marvel stays
Ms. Marvel stays. Dammit.
I KNOW... still on the fence,, every time Im thinking about it I think well I can just wait for TPB,, then I get the next issue and enjoy the hell out of it.
DAMMIT,,, maybe Ms. Marvel stays
If Pizza Dog dies, so help me god
If Marvel Unlimited wasn't such a great value, it'd be such a shit service.
Nah bro. Drop that boring ass book. Keep better lady books in your life.
The dogs always die guys. Accept it. You can't have a dog be a main character and let it live. It's one of the core rules of storytelling.
The dogs always die guys. Accept it. You can't have a dog be a main character and let it live. It's one of the core rules of storytelling.
I've been slowly cutting books the last week or two.
I counted like 2 weeks ago I was at around 59 books a month,,, and that's not including random #1's or books you fuckers make me want to buy lol.
Right now im at 53 a Mo. (*5 of those books are mini-series ending soon)
Some cuts that hurt:
Ms. Marvel (still on the fence, I have the whole run so far)
Black Widow
Probably Superman (rather keep Action Comics)
Also,, crappy thing about getting most my books through DCBS im ordering 2 months in advance,, so like Ales Kots new book Wolf,, looks bad ass, right up my alley art and story.. I already have #1 - #3 ordered.. haven't read #1 yet. lol
I ordered #1 & #2 E for Extinction, going off the preview (I thought Burnham was doing art :/), not planning on getting #3 on)
Alright you damn enablers !!!
She stays
I probably would have ended up going to my LCS for it anyways lol
My head just exploded...
Here are ThyLadyBooks I get:
Ms. Marvel
Spider-Gwen (purely for Robbis artRat QueensCOME BACK TO FBP.. ITS DYING!
RunLoveKill (kinda sorta)
FBP is dead, man. Rafa and I are about to have a funeral pyre for that joint--come join us.
Also, I honestly thing Spider-Gwen is vapid shit with a pretty art-coat. It's not quite Ghost Rider-levels of horseshit, but it ain't very good.
Also, this is really annoying. One of the muscles near my ribs is twitching. Over. And over. And over.
Guys what if Hawkeye is a disappointing end? What if you waited all this time and its just mediocre? What if its even trash tier?
omfg that happens to you too!? what IS that
What if the world ends on Tuesday?
What if the world ends on Tuesday?
Guys what if Hawkeye is a disappointing end? What if you waited all this time and its just mediocre? What if its even Nu52 tier?
Not sure. It probably just means I'm dying.
Guys what if Hawkeye is a disappointing end? What if you waited all this time and its just mediocre? What if its even trash tier?
The comic ends with a splash page of Kate telling Clint "That's a good eye you got there, a real hawk-eye."
Man I have no idea how you floppies guys do it.I've been slowly cutting books the last week or two.
I counted like 2 weeks ago I was at around 59 books a month,,, and that's not including random #1's or books you fuckers make me want to buy lol.
Right now im at 53 a Mo. (*5 of those books are mini-series ending soon)
Some cuts that hurt:
Ms. Marvel (still on the fence, I have the whole run so far)
Black Widow
Probably Superman (rather keep Action Comics)
Also,, crappy thing about getting most my books through DCBS im ordering 2 months in advance,, so like Ales Kots new book Wolf,, looks bad ass, right up my alley art and story.. I already have #1 - #3 ordered.. haven't read #1 yet. lol
I ordered #1 & #2 E for Extinction, going off the preview (I thought Burnham was doing art :/), not planning on getting #3 on)
Kipp has this motivational poster hanging over his office door
Kipp has this motivational poster hanging over his office door
At least his memory will live on in wetflame's avatar.
Also, this is really annoying. One of the muscles near my ribs is twitching. Over. And over. And over.
My head just exploded...
Here are ThyLadyBooks I get:
Ms. Marvel
Spider-Gwen (purely for Robbis artRat QueensCOME BACK TO FBP.. ITS DYING!
RunLoveKill (kinda sorta)
No yeah, that's called a heart. You're finally growing one, Kipp!
Looks like she's using the May Parker/Arana body...which is the right choice for teenage Gwen.
Hopefully she gets an unmasked head and the red spray effects around the eyes don't go terribly wrong during production.
Also: Yessssssssssss. Speed Demon comes with Silvermane's head on an RC car.