Man I have no idea how you floppies guys do it.
If I did the whole weekly thing it would def be digital
Theres too many great books coming out and Id very quickly get a very big pile of floppies all over the place.
goddamn lol
Yeah its hard,, and I guess I like Non-cape books the most it seems,, and thanks to Image there's constantly new books coming out that interest me.
But as far as floppies go,, I love em. Its half the fun/hobby for me, having the physical book, the smelllllss, and just being able to collect them.
There are def cons to it also.
FBP is dead, man. Rafa and I are about to have a funeral pyre for that joint--come join us.
Also, I honestly thing Spider-Gwen is vapid shit with a pretty art-coat. It's not quite Ghost Rider-levels of horseshit, but it ain't very good.
I honestly don't give a shit about Spider-Gwen.
When I went to C2E2 this year Robbi Rodriguez did a quick sketch for me,,, it was of Spider-Gwen.... I didn't want that LOL
But he was busy so I didn't get to tell him ,,, "hey sketch anything you want,, and fyi id prefer any But Spider gwen" lol
FBP was one of the first series I really read in whole when I got back into comics.. and It just amazed me,, sat there thinking about what I just read for a good minute.. and started it over and read them again. (I bought like the first 3 or 4 issues of that very first arc)
Anyways.. yes FBP is dead... Its gotta be coming to an end soon right?
surprised it made it this far (22 issues)