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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.




It's ok Zombibe. We all know how much you like Frank Miller.

The guy's name is Brett Parson, and he's been the highlight of the new Tank Girl comics. He really hasn't done a whole lot outside of that and his Vertigo story in SFX Slam.





Dude's talent is fucking EXTREME. I'm following him and really waiting for any news of his own original series or something. Put this dude on a monthly.


The guy's name is Brett Parson, and he's been the highlight of the new Tank Girl comics. He really hasn't done a whole lot outside of that and his Vertigo story in SFX Slam.





Dude's talent is fucking EXTREME. I'm following him and really waiting for any news of his own original series or something. Put this dude on a monthly.

I nearly bought tank girl because if this art. Would I like it.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The guy's name is Brett Parson, and he's been the highlight of the new Tank Girl comics. He really hasn't done a whole lot outside of that and his Vertigo story in SFX Slam.





Dude's talent is fucking EXTREME. I'm following him and really waiting for any news of his own original series or something. Put this dude on a monthly.

Good stuff.

That Beetlejuice pic brings back memories of watching the cartoon every day before grade school.


I nearly bought tank girl because if this art. Would I like it.

You'd love the art, but you may be iffy on the story. Tank Girl has an established world, but most of the stories are just little shorts within it. One chapter may be her escaping a prison for no reason, the other will be her daydreaming an intense battle where she's killing everyone. You know the personalities, you know who's who, but each chapter is pretty well self contained.
I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

I know your down but we are going to worry until you are in here cracking jokes and talking comics with us again. Until then, we want you to get the help you need to keep on going because there is so much in life worth living for.

Def. like the new avvy.

I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

Of the two, I would recommend moving out.

And we're gonna be worried until you get your feet back under you, breh. That's how it works :)
I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

Nah, we are worried till we get you back to your normal self. Find people to talk to.

Guarantee there are people here who haven't had an easy life either.
That moment when you realize your favorite new artist has done next to nothing in the comic world, yet all the potential is there :/

well I wouldnt say that getting some fan art retweeted by Kieron Gillen is 'next to nothing' but Im a relative newcomer Zombine...

I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

Psych, we all love you here and we certainly want to see you happy. Im sure many of us can relate to your rough times and are more than willing to talk and listen about any issues that are causing such terrible distress.

Please, seek professional help if at all possible.
I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

You're not going to make us stop worrying just by telling us to.

Please, consider whatever options are at your disposal. I don't know what specific problems you're facing, but suicide is never the answer. If there's something you can do to change your circumstances, however difficult, work at it. It will be tough, I know; it's already very tough. But once it's all done, you'll be so much happier for it.

Whatever your dad is doing to you, he's not worth your life. No one should have that much control over what your life means, especially when it's to devalue it. Fuck him. Live to spite his sorry ass. If you can move out and move on, do it.

At the very least, talk to someone who knows more than any of us in here. We're here to give you any support you need, but I think ultimately you'll need someone who is trained to talk to others to help you. Even the free hotline will go a long way. I guarantee you'll be better for it.
I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that.

There's a pretty big gap between moving out and ending it, man. I would strongly urge you not to do the latter. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Cliché as that sounds, it's true. You can't control other people, but you have a say in how much power you allow them to have over you. You just need to find that one reason to keep going. Even if it's something stupid like an upcoming movie or video game or some shit you're looking forward to.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
If I do the Marvel 1 penny thing what are the absolute must reads I should do in this month?

I am pretty sure I want to get through the hickman fantastic four since I heard there is decent time travel and stuff. But other than that I dunno.

For Psych by Matt Fraction.

whiskyjack asked: Sorry to put this on you but I have an honest question about depression an suicide. Isn't it completely possible for it to be a alternative for someone. Can't there be someone out there who genuinely is tired and doesn't want to continue. I know there is beauty and wonderful things in this world. There are things to look forward to. There will be more pain but also more laughter. But what if I'm not interested?

well… well first off, i’d say, seek professional help immediately. because i am wildly unqualified to answer your question with anything but experience. and first off, my experience says, if you are in such a deep and dark place where you say things like this to total strangers on the internet, you need to be in contact with someone that can help you start to heal.

second, i’d say… you’re wrong. i’d say the things any of us don’t know, especially about tomorrow, could blanket every grain of sand on every beach of the world with bullshit. And to simply assume you are done tomorrow because you are done today is a mistake. a factual mistake, an error, a critical miscalculation.

i’d say, read Tad Friend’s piece JUMPERS in which he seeks and finds and talks to people that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge – and lived. And they all say the same variations this: “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped.”

And know that this piece has kept me in my seat on more than a couple dark nights.

And i’d say – i’d say i felt that way before too, and i was wrong.

And then i’d tell you something i don’t even think my wife knows. this happend years before we met – shit, more than a decade – and it’s not the first time i came close to suicide was on a thanksgiving night. i’d eaten well and then as the house shut down i went into the bathroom, drew a bath as hot as i could manage to stand, and climbed into the tub with a razor blade.

As i started to cut, as the corner touched my skin and that jolt of pain fired into my head, i stopped and thought – y'know, last chance. Are you SURE?

And i was tired. I sounded like you, that i knew there’d be ups again and downs but i was just so fucking TIRED i couldn’t stand the thought of having to get there. I felt this… this never-ending crush of days that were grey and tepid but for some reason i was supposed to greet each one with a smile. the constant pressure of having to keep my shit in all the time was just exhausting.

I wondered, then – well, is there anything you’re curious about. Anything you want to see play out. And i thought of a comic i was reading and i’d not figured out the end of the current storyline. And i realized I had curiosity. And that was the hook i’d hang my hat on. that by wanting to see how something played out I wasn’t really ready. That little sprout of a thing poking up through all that black earth kept me around a little longer.

I realized then that it had been so long since i’d laughed. I was numbed out and shut down and just… i missed laughing. maybe if i laughed a little i could get moving again. so i’d wait for my comic to conclude, try to find a few laughs, and then reevaluate.

So I’m in the bathtub and i got this real sharp-ass razor, right? And i look down and there’s all my bits floating in the water like they do and i thought okay, let’s get funny and i got to work.

I shaved off exactly half my pubic hair vertically. The end result was a ‘fro of pubes that looked like a Chia Pet that only half-worked. I started to laugh as I did it. And every time i’d piss, looking down made me laugh.

Because JESUS what a nightmare.

Shortly thereafter I got very heavily into Chuck Jones and Tex Avery. Way less chafing and way more funny.

jesus. i was still in high school at the time. dig if you will a picture of the chubby weirdo that was always giggling at his dick in the bathroom. that was me.

And then I guess I’d tell you about Dave, who did the same thing as me a few years later, only DIDN’T have my hilarious Chia Dick strategy in mind and got the razor in and up. And as he started to bleed out “Brown Eyed Girl” came on the radio and he realized he’d never get to hear that again so, in a bloody comedy of errors – I swear to god this is true – he got out of the tub, tried to get dressed the best he could, went downstairs calling for help only to find his family gone, went out to his car, and drove to doug’s house only to find doug not home and so, then, finally, he blacked out from blood loss sitting there in his car, playing a van morrison CD on repeat, until, by luck, Doug’s mom came home and found him.

Fucking Van Morrison, y'know?

A song, a comic, something dumb, something small. From that seed can come everything else, I swear to god.

I guess last I’d say… I’d say that, look – if you reached out to me for an answer, than I have to reach back out to you and insist you hear it. Because it means, what, you know me? My work? You read my stuff and thought, well, fuck, if anyone would know why I shouldn’t end my life, if anyone alive is QUALIFIED TO SAVE ME it’s the guy that had britney spears punch a bear? okay – okay, then, so as THAT GUY I’m saying: Get help. Now, today, tonight, whenever – get to a phone and find a doctor that can try to help you heal, that can try to recolorize your world again, that can help you start caring again. All you need is that one tiny thing, that speck, that little grain of sand. the World Series, AVENGERS 2, Tina Fey’s new show, the first issue of PRETTY DEADLY, some slice of the world you’ve never seen, some drink you love, who the fuck will love your dog like you do if you’re gone, what if jabrams KILLS it on the new STAR WARS, the hell are you doing for Halloween, you ever feed a dolphin with your bare hand? because i have and I am fucking telling you IT IS A THING TO EXPERIENCE and oh god WHAT FUCKING FONT WILL STARBUCKS USE ON THE CHRISTMAS DRINK SLEEVES THIS YEAR – i don’t care what or how dumb but i promise you somewhere in your life is that one fleck of dust that can help start you on the road back. That’s all it takes. One fucking mote, drifting through your head.

And because you asked me I am answering you because i know, motherfucker, i know, i know, i know the hole you are fucking in because I was there myself and if you look hard you can still see my writing on those walls and if you stare long enough i swear to god it’s pointing to up

1 year ago 22,923 notes
If I do the Marvel 1 penny thing what are the absolute must reads I should do in this month?

I am pretty sure I want to get through the hickman fantastic four since I heard there is decent time travel and stuff. But other than that I dunno.


You are going to get a huge list. Post what you are interested in.


I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

Man, we're not gonna stop til we know you're ok. If it takes moving out to get everything order than that should be your first step. Obviously I dunno your situation, but you can't give your dad (or anyone) that much control over yourself. And please, get yourself some help and find someone to talk to.
I'm still here. Contemplating stuff, whether I should end it or finally move out. The point is, I'm not doing too well, too many straws on the camel's back and all that. I talked to Kipp about a lot of what my life is like, and it's not pleasant (which is an understatement).

Thanks for worrying, but I urge everyone to not worry anymore, no matter what road I take.

Like hell we won't worry. I've personally been on the edge and I'm very happy I never went any further. As others have suggested, you really should very strongly consider getting in contact with services trained on this. They can find ways to help that the rest of us here probably can't quite offer.


I don't know why but I though Comic-Con was last week up until today lol. I was just assuming the lack of news was due to a bad year.


Guarantee there are people here who haven't had an easy life either.

My life was absolute dog shit for years and I did nothing in a basement for 2 years with extreme depression and just sat there playing games. I pulled myself out by basically giving the finger to everyone who doubted I'd be anything.

I would say that from 18-23 I really fucked up bad. I'm still picking up the pieces from where I left off there. I distanced myself from everyone I knew and I still haven't gotten those people back.

I would say that from talking to Psychbat quite a bit, he is actually setting himself up for success and is doing a lot of good shit that I still haven't done for myself. A fuck ton of opportunity is going to open up for him shortly, he's just gotta hang tight for a bit longer.

That fuckin degree is gonna take him places.
Deff gonna grab that humble bundle. What do you guys think of 52 ? Should I read it ? Lot of callbacks in Morrison's batman, what do you guys think ? If so, should i buy infinite crisis as well ? only 25 bucks for all of 52 and infinite crisis !

yes definitely. IC is ok as well.

52 is the best DC weekly by a wide margin and if you want to count it as an event, I'd say the best event as well.
And because you asked me I am answering you because i know, motherfucker, i know, i know, i know the hole you are fucking in because I was there myself and if you look hard you can still see my writing on those walls and if you stare long enough i swear to god it’s pointing to up


(you ever notice matt fraction sounds like a matt fraction character)
My life was absolute dog shit for years and I did nothing in a basement for 2 years with extreme depression and just sat there playing games. I pulled myself out by basically giving the finger to everyone who doubted I'd be anything.

I would say that from 18-23 I really fucked up bad. I'm still picking up the pieces from where I left off there. I distanced myself from everyone I knew and I still haven't gotten those people back.

I would say that from talking to Psychbat quite a bit, he is actually setting himself up for success and is doing a lot of good shit that I still haven't done for myself. A fuck ton of opportunity is going to open up for him shortly.

I've had a relatively easy life, but I had a couple of years where I let my friends define my worth and relied on them for validation. I was skirting my responsibilities. I would run away to get high with friends whenever my parents would tell me anything. Girls couldn't stand to be around me. I realized how bad I was fucking things up before too long, and I also pushed away a lot of those friends. But I'll tell you, when I took a closer look, I realized how terrible those people were to be around in the first place. So I broke off from them and I haven't looked back since then.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that Zombine, but I am immensely happy that this is where you ended up.

(you ever notice matt fraction sounds like a matt fraction character)

dammit JC you're ruining the illusion

Teenage girls using memes? No way, that shit doesn't happen.
For Psych by Matt Fraction.

Not gonna lie, I follow the Matt Fraction philosophy for life too. Just having one thing to look forward to every week-- a video game, a comic book, a show, whatever-- really helps a lot no matter how dumb it is.

I read that post last year and it got me really good. I keep it bookmarked for when I'm feeling really down in the dumps. I had what felt like a really bad spell of depression this year and just rereading it every now and then helped a lot.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My life was absolute dog shit for years and I did nothing in a basement for 2 years with extreme depression and just sat there playing games. I pulled myself out by basically giving the finger to everyone who doubted I'd be anything.

I would say that from 18-23 I really fucked up bad. I'm still picking up the pieces from where I left off there. I distanced myself from everyone I knew and I still haven't gotten those people back.

Sounds like my life except I'm 10-15 years older and dead set on opting out at some point. But not while my dog is still alive.
Not gonna lie, I follow the Matt Fraction philosophy for life too. Just having one thing to look forward to every week-- a video game, a comic book, a show, whatever-- really helps a lot no matter how dumb it is.

I read that post last year and it got me really good. I keep it bookmarked for when I'm feeling really down in the dumps. I had what felt like a really bad spell of depression this year and just rereading it every now and then helped a lot.

Mine is summed up quickly:

Emotionally neglected
Verbally abused

All my life. Live in the south born with a bad stutter and speech impediment that made my rs sound like ws.

Family thought I was retarded and treated me like shit. Schools did as well till standardized testing began. Then scored higher than 90% of everyone.

Family accused one of fluke, accused one of me cheating, and said they didn't matter. Then started to treat me descent but still treated me worse than there chosen ones.

Go through bouts of depression due to this. Like had one from the middle of June to 4th of July.

So yeah, look forward to the little things.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
If I do the Marvel 1 penny thing what are the absolute must reads I should do in this month?

I am pretty sure I want to get through the hickman fantastic four since I heard there is decent time travel and stuff. But other than that I dunno.


Hickman FF/F4 is a good choice

ok, you found the one bad panel in 17 issues of glory - that was a fluke for real


Not gonna lie, I follow the Matt Fraction philosophy for life too. Just having one thing to look forward to every week-- a video game, a comic book, a show, whatever-- really helps a lot no matter how dumb it is.

I read that post last year and it got me really good. I keep it bookmarked for when I'm feeling really down in the dumps. I had what felt like a really bad spell of depression this year and just rereading it every now and then helped a lot.
It does, it really does. For the love of God PsychBat, find whatever it is that does that for you and keep your chin up. Don't let the bad times stop you from getting to the good.


What I posted wasn't really about me, it was trying to show Psych that while things may look rosey here on GAF and that we all talk about how we got or did x & y, there is a ton of lingering bullshit beneath the surface that we try to throw out to move forward positively. Dude is doing so much in school that is legit going to change his world around forever.
Not gonna lie, I follow the Matt Fraction philosophy for life too. Just having one thing to look forward to every week-- a video game, a comic book, a show, whatever-- really helps a lot no matter how dumb it is.

I read that post last year and it got me really good. I keep it bookmarked for when I'm feeling really down in the dumps. I had what felt like a really bad spell of depression this year and just rereading it every now and then helped a lot.

Same man. I find the so many little things to live for. I really want to see Jared Letos performance as the Joker so I'm good to go until Aug. 2016 at least. I always find new things to look forward too.
Yeah, just sharing mine to let him know that no matter how soem of us acts, majority of us have baggage.

Look forward to the good things no matter how small.

Like my Wanda funkos.
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