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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Neo Member
Airboy #2 isn't at all as bad as the reviews make it sound. Robinson's character uses the t-word, which as the reviews admit is still a common word today and something a jerk like him would realistically say. And Airboy's reaction to something he doesn't understand is also realistically portrayed. But Robinson's character also explains to Airboy that the pre-op transwoman he had sex with was not a man.

There's a tendency in today's reviewing to assume that if a character says a bad thing then we must never read that character again. But that's a very anti-art, anti-nuance attitude. The reviews are basically saying "this made me uncomforable and complicated my reaction to the characters, so it's bad." It's a very Comics Code attitude that elevates only the stories that have uncomplicated, safe messages (war is wrong, sexism is bad).

Besides, not using a word that a jerky character would realistically say just softens the character. It's like not using the n-word in the film of Gone With the Wind didn't make the story less racist, it just softened the characters by not portraying their racism accurately.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Id love to pester artists more about their process but I've been told its 'harassment' if I ask too much :p

It's okay, Ed. I know you're itching to ask me about my process. I'll answer you one question out of the kindness of my heart.


Airboy #2 isn't at all as bad as the reviews make it sound. Robinson's character uses the t-word, which as the reviews admit is still a common word today and something a jerk like him would realistically say. And Airboy's reaction to something he doesn't understand is also realistically portrayed. But Robinson's character also explains to Airboy that the pre-op transwoman he had sex with was not a man.

There's a tendency in today's reviewing to assume that if a character says a bad thing then we must never read that character again. But that's a very anti-art, anti-nuance attitude. The reviews are basically saying "this made me uncomforable and complicated my reaction to the characters, so it's bad." It's a very Comics Code attitude that elevates only the stories that have uncomplicated, safe messages (war is wrong, sexism is bad).

Besides, not using a word that a jerky character would realistically say just softens the character. It's like not using the n-word in the film of Gone With the Wind didn't make the story less racist, it just softened the characters by not portraying their racism accurately.

That is about what I expected was the case.


i like all zero issues equally.
it's not like the book was that amazing to begin with. the final issues have been incredibly poignant if you have even the most passing familiarity with american literary history.

Yep, which is one of the reasons why I wish it would have lasted as long as originally intended. I have a suspicion there was going to be more with the literary references.

And I dunno about anyone else, but I take criticism of a book more seriously when people don't use words like lulz and waifu in their arguments. But that's just me.
Expected a bit more from Captain Canuck. Sure, it has explosions, in media res, quebecian snipers and mind-controlling sentient liquid gold, but it lacks some je ne sais quoi...


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Toxin (Eddie) is still a thing right?


Airboy #2 isn't at all as bad as the reviews make it sound. Robinson's character uses the t-word, which as the reviews admit is still a common word today and something a jerk like him would realistically say. And Airboy's reaction to something he doesn't understand is also realistically portrayed. But Robinson's character also explains to Airboy that the pre-op transwoman he had sex with was not a man.

There's a tendency in today's reviewing to assume that if a character says a bad thing then we must never read that character again. But that's a very anti-art, anti-nuance attitude. The reviews are basically saying "this made me uncomforable and complicated my reaction to the characters, so it's bad." It's a very Comics Code attitude that elevates only the stories that have uncomplicated, safe messages (war is wrong, sexism is bad).

Besides, not using a word that a jerky character would realistically say just softens the character. It's like not using the n-word in the film of Gone With the Wind didn't make the story less racist, it just softened the characters by not portraying their racism accurately.

That's super dubious logic. For one, the only thing anyone's said is that Airboy #2's handling of the topic of trans women is super fucking shitty, and it goes beyond the extremely casual dropping of a slur which people have used to justify murders and plenty of super shitty discrimination, there's an entire thing around that that's as shitty.

For two, if anyone's going to make the use of transmisogynistic slurs okay, I do not think it should be James Robinson, a cis man whose life is not impacted by the use of the word in any way, shape or form. Saying it comes from "a jerky character" is extremely weakass logic, especially when the earlier issue covered pretty much the same territory without having to drop slurs against the heavily marginalized.

This is the very basic stuff. For more, everyone should read this Emma Houxbois piece at The Rainbow Hub, which comes at it from the perspective of someone directly affected by the situation, and therefore much more qualified to speak on it than me.


Just read Secret Wars #4
...hmm didn't seem like much happened I did get a chuckle though from
Doom killing Phoenix-clops.
But Doom still being afraid of Reed is prob. the best thing that's happened in this series so far
We can spoiler tag images now?


Secret Wars #4: This is shaping up to be an amazing crossover. Things escalate, Cyclops talks some good trash, and the survivors come to terms with Doom's new reality.
Image Link

Unfortunately, he gets jobbed hard to show how powerful Doom is now. Now the survivors are thrown to the ends of Battleworld. What will they find?

Even as a God, Doom is all about Reed Richards. I'd say he loves him more than Susan. Look at those eyes. Those are sex eyes.
Image Link

Ultimate End #3: Both sides fight over ideology.
Banner meets Banner like Stark met Stark in the previous issue. Also Punisher?
Honestly the book feels like its trying to make the case that the older Ultimate characters taint everything they touch.
Image Link

A-Force #2: Better than issue #1! We've set up the primaries, we have the major conflict and Red and Green are opposed like colors should be. I like the new character, but they should probably give her a name.

Green Lantern #42: The best part is Hal's banter with his spaceship, but that's not enough to keep me reading Hal Jordan. Peace be with you, book.
Image Link

Omega Men #2: Still a bit too gritty, but it turned out better than I expected.
Definitely a Kyle Rayner book, sort of a GL Heart of Darkness.
Image Link

Action Comics #42: Superman vs. Police Brutality. There's really no other way to put this issue. Pak is writing the fuck out of this book.
image Link

Does that actually work?


Sonic Boom #9

Yup this is gettin' good~
In danger of beating a dead horse here, but heres a pretty decent write up about how rape in media, including comics, is very often poorly written and misunderstands the realities of it. I disagree that 'sexual assault is almost always unnecessary' in story telling. I do agree that a very very large percentage of stories with rape in them handle the whole thing very poorly, but it is a human experience that I think should not be automatically omitted.

I think asking for rape to never be used in storytelling is almost like pretending it doesnt exist. Creators just have to work their hardest at really understanding rape and the people that experience it in order not to use it as a crutch to make the story 'edgy' or 'mature.' Basically dont treat it like Mark Millar does.

It's okay, Ed. I know you're itching to ask me about my process. I'll answer you one question out of the kindness of my heart.
Hmm how do you break down rafas script?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hmm how do you break down rafas script?

Great question. Rafa actually doesn't give me a script, but instead establishes a telepathic link with me so that there are no misunderstandings whatsoever and I end up drawing precisely what he has envisioned. One could say I'm simply Rafa's puppet, but I think that's downplaying my incredible talent.


Alright, so for All New, All Different, I'm looking at...

For sures...
All New, All Different Avengers
Doctor Strange
The Mighty Thor
Ms. Marvel
Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 2099
Web Warriors
Extraordinary X-Men
All New X-Men
All New Wolverine

Uncanny Avengers (if it doesn't look so horrid)
Captain Marvel
Angela Asgard's Assassin
Old Man Logan

So not too much of a change besides the new titles.
Losing Daredevil, Punisher, Uncanny X-Men, Star-Lord, Loki, Moon Knight, Rocket Raccoon (became Groot), so it basically evens out.

Cannot wait till Secret Wars ends and I stop spending $80 a week.


I've been so sick today that I haven't even had the motivation to turn my iPad on and download some books. What have you guys enjoyed so far?

Hows 8house:Archlighht? We Stand On Guard? The Spire?
i got called in to work so that cut in to comics time, and now i have to go to my other work where i also won't have comics time. what the heck, on the day so many cool new books came out
All I have to add to the transgender discussion is that I'm currently listening to Against Me! and they're awesome.

But seriously, this song is so kickass.

like one of my fav bands going. so good


but I am taking tiny steps forward
like one of my fav bands going. so good

Yesss. So good. Their first two albums in particular are just too good. I'm jamming out so hard at my desk right now. And I listened to that song in particular like 4 times in a row. Haha
I've been so sick today that I haven't even had the motivation to turn my iPad on and download some books. What have you guys enjoyed so far?

Hows 8house:Archlighht? We Stand On Guard? The Spire?

Slow but pretty, very BKVish, and awesome

also read Squirrel Girl
I've been so sick today that I haven't even had the motivation to turn my iPad on and download some books. What have you guys enjoyed so far?

Hows 8house:Archlighht? We Stand On Guard? The Spire?
Are you reading Squirrel Girl? Today's issue was great!
Only read Secret Wars and Deadly Class today,

Deadly Class
Geezus at all that teen angst, I feel like I'm back in high school reading this issue.
Marcus running full speed down a dark path. End of the issue was pretty harsh, is Saya playing a game here?

Yes, yes she is

but seriously I hope we never have an issue like this again, at least for awhile

Secret Wars
I knew Cyclops was going to get jobbed hard, but I still thought he was going to be a raging fire, but all we got was Doom blowing out a candle.

Exciting things coming

RIP Sheriff


Best thing about All New, All Different is that it's just Amazing Spider-Man.
Now I don't have to debate whether to put it with "T" or "A".


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Best thing about All New, All Different is that it's just Amazing Spider-Man.
Now I don't have to debate whether to put it with "T" or "A".

Everything always about T and A with you comics people. SMH.
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