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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


We should boycott comics until we get our figures.

I think that's a fantastic idea

Diamond constantly updates release dates and shit on their site. I use them all the time to keep up with statue releases because DC Direct has a tendency to delay a lot. Current date for Etrigan is August 3
, until it gets delayed again

Edit: oh Jesus. My BvS Wonder Woman statue got delayed (third time) to December 28. Just waiting for the cancellation announcement now. Wonder if they had to resculpt the entire thing.

Aug 3rd? We'll see, we'll see...
I wasn't reading comics at the time when Anti-Venom became a thing, and when I heard about it, I couldn't believe that it was a thing.

I didn't know about Anti-Venom until the Spider-Man: Edge of Time game came out (I was on a comics break at the time) and he had a big role in it. I assumed it was made up guff for the game. How wrong I was.


We'll see what they have planned with Venom besause we don't know who it is. Even if it ends up being Brock it has been over a decade and the character has gone through some things. As I said before, I'm not a Venom fan though so eh.

The stink has never washed off. He's still an awful, awful character. Anti-Venom sucks.

C'mon now.
I just finished Grant Morrisons Action Comics run. What the fuck. Grant is my favorite writer. I usually love his crazy, existential shit. But this was a fuckin mess.

Idk why people recommend this run. I mean the first arc with Braniac was pretty good, as was the Super Obama one shot, but the rest is just dumb.
Simon Bisley is drawing a Lobo story in Harley's Black Book

I've been watching the news because I enjoy them aimlessly rambling about Trump's vp choice but then the truck attack. I thought maybe a few people were killed and then it's 30 then 60 and 100 injured.

I just saw a GAF thread right when it happened, before anyone knew what was going on. Fuck this shit.

Sou Da

I don't understand those people.

Eddie Brock Venom was always a terrible character. He worked out all right as a villain the first few times because he could bring a fight to Spider-Man in ways few villains could, neutralizing or easily countering almost his entire power set, and he knew all this personal shit about Peter because of his time with the symbiote. But eventually they stopped coming up with interesting ways to use him, the antihero popularity wave hit and they decided hey, let's make Venom a good guy. So we got Lethal Protector, which was an awful story. Virtually every story where Eddie Brock Venom was a good guy was legit cringe-inducing, bottom-tier garbage comics. The character was so completely ruined by the time Mac Gargan took over that him taking the symbiote was a relief. Fucking Mac Gargan.

Enter Flash Thompson. Here is a guy who has gone through a pretty incredible redemptive arc in his own right. He's a Real American Hero who lost his legs as a soldier (incidentally, that makes him one of the only fucking disabled characters starring in a comic book at either of the big two). By making Flash Venom Marvel got to have their cake and eat it too...they had a guy who could be an actual hero, not, ya know, a psychopath like Brock. They were able to create all kinds of interesting stories that acknowledged Flash's disability in a respectful way. And the bond between symbiote and host had much greater depth and authenticity than any of these fucking Venoms or Venom ripoffs running around. I could go on and on. Flash is a vastly superior Venom in every way.

And now Marvel is gonna throw that out? Gee another good sign that Marvel really gives a shit about diversity...let's get rid of our only disabled character!

Seriously this kinda pisses me off.

You havin' a laugh?
absolute Wonder Woman 1-18 of the new 52 run has been announced! Fuckkk yes.

Great run

Debatable. And bad timing since the current series has to fix everything that this run broke.

I can enjoy this run as it is, but no one can say that it not damage to Wonder Woman.
Damaged all the sub-par stories that came before it, you mean.

Quoting myself from the Rebirth thread:

Classic Perez after 1st Crysis is the best Wonder Woman period. It is a little bit cheesy sometimes and too much classical look (togas!) but remains timeless. It is on comixology, so check it!

I loved Azzarello n52 for a while, until I unterstood how much he butchered the character. Sure it was a bit of fresh air, a nice new look for the gods, the changes in her outfit were great (silver instead of gold, looked much more like a body armor) but..... 1) Changed her origin - ok, mud baby was a little bit dumb, but Perez had the best explanation for it, making her a demigod was a drastic change. 2) The Amazons. At first it was interesting, having a more savage, like the legends, amazons. But when you look deeper, savage warriors that rapes and kills sailors.... That was not a message of peace, was it? Makes you wonder how Wonder Woman came from them, and what is her mission really. An ambassador of peace? From who?


well not really...yet
I recently got the Perez Wonder Woman omnibus and definitely agree it's the better take.

Still love the Azz run though. Definitely will buy the absolute editions.

Feel like Rucka might be able to kind of give us a good mix of both hopefully.
Quoting myself from the Rebirth thread:

I totally get the love of the old Perez stuff. But at the same time I thought the focus on Greek mythology was a nice shift from what DC had been doing previously with the character. New 52 was meant to be a reboot of DC's line, and the Azzarello / Chiang run accomplished that. It changed some of the long-running continuity of Wonder Woman, certainly, but I thought it was a refreshing take on her. Just because a story doesn't adhere to old continuity doesn't mean it isn't a story worth telling. Chiang's art really did wonders for the story, too.
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