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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

Having now caught up on Totally Awesome Hulk, it's weird how seemingly contradictory it is when you compare it with Civil War II. There are certainly ways it can explained, but even if you explain it, it doesn't really make for the best story when you try to fit them together.

But I'm finding that I'm actually okay that it doesn't add up. I like the way both stories are playing out, and if they matched more, I might like one of them less.
Off to watch Ghostbuster!

I'm starting Simonson's Thor, but I'm trying a new thing where I don't just devour it 12 issues at a time. I'm only going one a day. Last night was the introduction of Beta Ray Bill, today's was their fight for Mjolnir. It's real good so far, and I love how easily BRB picks up the hammer. It makes the idea that none of Thor's friends (save Cap at dramatic moments) can't pick it up a bit ridiculous.

The great thing is that even reading just one issue per day it will feel like you've read the equivalent of a modern day marvel trade.

A dope comic where now you can start to see the influence it had on everything from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns, Paul Verhooeven's Robocop, Wes Craig's work on Deadly Class, etc.

Yeah, definitely noticing that about Dark Knight Returns and Robocop. I am thinking Transmetropolitan too.

My only issue with the book is that the colouring distracts from some of the art at times.
Having now caught up on Totally Awesome Hulk, it's weird how seemingly contradictory it is when you compare it with Civil War II. There are certainly ways it can explained, but even if you explain it, it doesn't really make for the best story when you try to fit them together.

But I'm finding that I'm actually okay that it doesn't add up. I like the way both stories are playing out, and if they matched more, I might like one of them less.

This is actually one of the major criticisms of Bendis I can get behind. He is lousy about continuity. I used to think it was an editorial issue but it seems to pop up in Bendis stories a lot more frequently than anywhere else.

Exhibit A for this is Ultimate End which basically ignored all of the carefully constructed rules of Battleworld that nearly every other writer respected.
I guess I just don't care about continuity that much. Like I would be fine if She-Hulk was critically injured in the more serious books, but still hung out in silly books like Howard the Duck or Hellcat or whatever.

I used to get worked up about that stuff when I was younger, but now I just want to enjoy what I'm reading at the moment, and I'll go along with whatever version of the facts that writer tells me they're using.

I'm not saying it's good to ignore continuity, but I don't personally care anymore.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Vision was amazing

I wonder
How Vin comes back? Isn't he in a new team book? Or is that the sister?
What happened to the Blade relaunch?

Well, we know they held it back from ANAD because they were planning a major multimedia relaunch of Blade and they wanted to make sure everything lined up properly. But it's been awhile since we've heard anything and the fact that it's MIA from the NOW line isn't a good sign for the property.


I'm rarely wrong about things and i'm convinced Trump is going to win in November.

I am going to watch Batman vs. Superman finally when it hits blu ray next week, so that's something positive at least.


Unconfirmed Member
If you've ever liked a sci-fi/fantasy/horror movie from the 80s, or anything written by Stephen King, you should check out Stranger Things on Netflix. I'm four episodes in, and it's fantastic. I'm absolutely in love with it aesthetically.
Deadpool: Back In Black:
During 1984’s SECRET WARS, Deadpool was introduced to an alien symbiote who went on to become Spider-Man’s black costume and, eventually, Venom. OK, OK, maybe that really happened in DEADPOOL’S SECRET SECRET WARS. Point is, did you know that after Spider-Man rejected the costume…it went slinking back to Deadpool on the rebound? And they went on adventures together? You didn’t? Well, you will, now, thanks to this series by Cullen Bunn (The DEADPOOL KILLOGY) & Salva Espin (DEADPOOL & THE MERCS FOR MONEY)!
Even more Deadpool related books...


If you've ever liked a sci-fi/fantasy/horror movie from the 80s, or anything written by Stephen King, you should check out Stranger Things on Netflix. I'm four episodes in, and it's fantastic. I'm absolutely in love with it aesthetically.

this sounds like a good idea. I just finished watching The Last Kingdom season 1 and it was prettttttty good, Marco Polo-tier.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
when I plug Stranger Things nobody cares... fu all
CBR: 10 Times Superheroes Killed Other Superheroes For "The Greater Good".

Edit: New ASM variant cover:
I am going to watch Batman vs. Superman finally when it hits blu ray next week, so that's something positive at least.

Is it, though?
It's not.

when I plug Stranger Things nobody cares... fu all

The Netflix marketing branch thanks you. I watched the trailer last night and think it looks good. It looks more horror than traditional science fiction, though, so I'm not sure I can convince the wife to watch with me. I might be flying solo.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is it, though?
It's not.

The Netflix marketing branch thanks you. I watched the trailer last night and think it looks good. It looks more horror than traditional science fiction, though, so I'm not sure I can convince the wife to watch with me. I might be flying solo.

nah its pg-13 horror, spielberg-esque horror. Its more about the mood/vibe than jump scres nd gore (theres zero gore and a couple of jump scares)
I agree. I'm just saying that someone stating the show having awful ratings is something I have never seen on this forum. Not even in the TV cancellation thread.

On the show itself, I have never thought it was anything beyond "good". It was mostly decent, and anyone saying an episode was great or that it had a compelling character arc is just cringe inducing. Now that I think about it, I have an issue with the fanbase rather than the show itself.
Well I guess you have an issue with me then
The only reason Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is getting another season is that it can go into syndication if they do one more.

It makes me sad that it's continuing and Agent Carter is no more.
I am upset at the loss of AC
Can't relate to the Flash hate. I'm really loving it, but that may be because I haven't read much Flash before. But this is good comics regardless.
New 52 Flash? Because that shit was boring as fuck. Current Rebirth Flash? Haven't read #2 yet, but the Rebirth issue was good and the #1 was okay.

Whoa, I really enjoyed Ghostbusters. Loved Holtzman.

I also received 5000 km per sec from the library. Will start on that later tonight.

If future dystopia is your thing, I must recommend Marshal Law from around the same period.

Ooh, that looks interesting. I'll look it up, thanks!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cant take a focused picture to save my life but meet Bucky


Pug puppies are tiny yo



watched the last few eps of Stranger Thing with himk just spread open sleeping there next to me, so I guess he's not stressed out in the new environment. Today was a decent day.
Loved Ghostbusters. Patty is my favorite. I want to see it again in 3D and I hate 3D. I just have to know what that big battle looks like.

Edit: Yay, I see that my name got changed.
It explains why they didn't want to answer who was using the suit in the Now! 2.0 Venom book unless this is just a random variant cover.

I can't say I'm not curious about how this is going to effect Black Cat, though. I just think it's a terrible idea.

You will always be Sillymonkey to me. Changing your name won't change that m8

You have bigger concerns, though. I'm pretty sure LordOfLore is the new Messi.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You will always be Sillymonkey to me. Changing your name won't change that m8

wait thats sillymonkey? could have at least kept the avatar so people got used to the new name >_>


Felicia becoming Venom would be pretty funny in a throwing everything out but the kitchen sink kinda way. She's been terrible post Superior so why not just go crazy we haven't seen the worst yet.


You will always be Sillymonkey to me. Changing your name won't change that m8

It's going to take more than that to phase me out of comics-gaf!

*reads below*

apparently that's all it took. At least Freeza knows what makes a good sillymonkey post!
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