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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


I think Secret Wars is their only event comic that is genuinely great. Other events have their moments, but they're messy.

The original, the new one or that Nick Fury story that confusingly has the name "Secret War (single war)"? If the former, i'd agree it's solid but I don't have enough exposure to the big Marvel crossovers to say they're all messes.


Didn't Hank Pym use the name at one point too? Waifus and husbandos.

Dark Reign but he cray cray

It's funny how a big question when ANAD began was what happened to Wasp and with now we have two featured in three books with Jan even getting a nice costume update.

And yet they never answered what happened post AXIS, it was only around the Ant-Man movie when more people gave a fuck again and now Hope and maybe Jan are in Antman/Wasp, giving a chance to have them do the 2 people have the same thing Marvel is doing right now. The question is how long is she gonna be the shit until she falls into Runaways territory.


Dark Reign but he cray cray

And yet they never answered what happened post AXIS, it was only around the Ant-Man movie when more people gave a fuck again and now Hope and maybe Jan are in Antman/Wasp, giving a chance to have them do the 2 people have the same thing Marvel is doing right now.

We don't know what happened with Alex either so we'll see lol.

We are through the looking glass here, people.

(Sauce, tumblr so beware of NSFW)


Overwatch...patch already i can't do this hero stacking it has to stop.

My one comic today felt like an achievement so i didn't read a second. We still have a few months before Trump takes over so i'm not in a rush.


Unconfirmed Member
I read the first I volume of Low today. I did not like it. Cool concept, but the execution lost me quickly and never brought me back around. Oh well, bought it on sale so I'm only out $5.
I read the first I volume of Low today. I did not like it. Cool concept, but the execution lost me quickly and never brought me back around. Oh well, bought it on sale so I'm only out $5.

I really liked the first two arcs. There's a definite Bioshock vibe in some of the imagery, though the themes are quite different. The last couple issues though, it's starting to feel like a different book.


Just read vol 1 of Vision. It was damn good. Shame I have to wait till December for the last volume. At least the Omegaman Tp comes out in August.


I heard good things about the IDW Ghostbusters series so I started to read it tonight...I really can't stand this art style...please tell me it changes after vol. 1.
I liked Battle of the Atom. I wish the O5 got sent back by the end but it was still good.
I felt Battle of the Atom was...annoying. It felt like every one was very stupid and didn't know how to reasonably hash anything out at all.
I recently found out how Kyle died in Injustice.

..................it's pretty brutal.
Do tell. It'll probably make me sad.
The relaunch sucked and only got good with the Beverly issue. I assume the ANAD restart kinda messed things up but like Ant-Man, I assume this was planned.

Quick question that I might make a OT, do you guys like when comics get political? I follow a guy on Twitter who hates the recent Marvel books because of the LIBERAL AGENDA! (Turning some heroes into women is somehow a issue) and it got me wondering, aren't some books based on the political climate at the time? Hulk was made in fear of the Cold War, Iron Man was made due to the rich outnumbering the poor back in the 60s.
Fiction as a whole has always been used as a platform to send a message, whether it be political, philosophical, environmental, etc. That said, I'm not one for following politics (even though I most certainly should considering they govern the world I live in), but I have been loving the way books like SamCap have been tackling political issues. It feels like a good chunk of Marvel books have been dealing with race, lately.
The start, had to be.
Probably that, and all the Joker stuff that takes place later on.
reminder that Gruenwald made Captain America really sad about shooting a terrorist with a gun cuz he's never shot guns despite being in WW2


That seems...dumb.
We don't know what happened with Alex either so we'll see lol.
At some point, someone's gotta address their daughter.


Comic books have always been political, especially books like Captain America with the Nixon thing mentioned a while back as an example. I not too knowledgeable about politics, but Marvel was built up by liberals so I don't get that complaint when it comes up.
Comic books have always been political, especially books like Captain America with the Nixon thing mentioned a while back as an example. I not too knowledgeable about politics, but Marvel was built up by liberals so I don't get that complaint when it comes up.
Because now there's people of color and women that are leading it and the typical white male audience doesn't like dealing with the idea that they might be racist/sexist whether or not they're aware of it. Not to mention that LGBT is rising more to prominence.

It's easy for that demographic -- white heterosexual males -- to immediately feel like the finger is being pointed at them. If I recall, there was a study a few months ago (there was a thread on it, but I can recall) that basically said "whenever issues of race are brought up with white people, they immediately get really defensive as if they're being accused directly." I would imagine the same thing happens with males and sexism, and/or with heterosexuals and homo-/transphobia. And since white heterosexual males are still seen as the majority demographic when it comes to comics, all of a sudden things are "too political."

So that's why it's a big deal now. If that makes sense. I'm trying to keep from getting longwinded (I get kind of aimless) and sounding ignorant.
Why doesn't Doom have a pink shark helicopter anymore.

This is actually a pretty good look for Ben.

Damn, this Kirby guy can draw. They should try him on other books too.

The omnibus includes the letter pages too, which is awesome. 50 years and the nit-picking hasn't really changed much...

I read the first I volume of Low today. I did not like it. Cool concept, but the execution lost me quickly and never brought me back around. Oh well, bought it on sale so I'm only out $5.

Yep. After Fear Agent, both Low and Black Science were major disappointments for me. (Black Science I actually disliked).
Comixology is having a Star Trek sale too. Is the IDW 2011 series worth reading?

Edited: I am liking Black Science so far (vol. 1). It does have a 60s family sci-fi vibe, specially Lost in Space.
The crossover I want is Spider-Man/Back to the Future. Good story potential there with the people Peter could see again, plus Peter and Doc Brown being geniuses together.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just finished East of West volume 3

Shit is getting real 😎

Babylon and Balloon are both little badasses
Sinestro rips out his finger that has the ring. Kyle, without the ring to power him, suffocates and dies in space. Sinestro takes it one step further............

Yeah, he dead.

Is this part of the normal continuity or a completly separated book?

For me Kyle was always the most powerful Lantern, mainly because he is able to use his imagination (and will power) at fullest (Hal looked always dumb to me because he mainly could only image big green fists). Sinestro would be no match for it.

And I thought the Lanterns could have a limited control of their rings even if they are not wearing it. And the ring would try to get back to its user, no?
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