That was after he sold Wildstrom to DC, so he freed himself up to be an artist. He actually followed up the 12 issues of Hush with 12 issue Superman story written by Brian Azz called "For Tomorrow"
That was after he sold Wildstrom to DC, so he freed himself up to be an artist. He actually followed up the 12 issues of Hush with 12 issue Superman story written by Brian Azz called "For Tomorrow"
yeah but those books came out once a month. Superman Unchained was 9 issues that had hella delays between each issue, where the last one didnt come out until Nov.2014(it started in June 2013)
Jim Lee needs to just give up on art. It's clear that he can't commit to anything while he's in an executive position. I think an 11-12 page main story per issue is a bad idea. Maybe I'll be wrong. I like the guys art a lot, but my goodness.
100% garbage. I absolutely LOVE the last panel where the writer is all like, "I don't give a shit if you keep reading my comic or not." Trolls gonna troll.
Schadenfreude levels will peak when this shit gets canceled, and it inevitably will.
Damn you for making me wade through this again. See GOTG #20. It's on MU.
Some Cancerverse Avengers attack Thanos, Drax, Quill and "Ryder". Shit happens and Nova is dying. He uses the cosmic cube with his last breath to open the door to send Quill and Drax back. But Thanos sneaks through too. Whoops.
100% garbage. I absolutely LOVE the last panel where the writer is all like, "I don't give a shit if you keep reading my comic or not." Trolls gonna troll.
Schadenfreude levels will peak when this shit gets canceled, and it inevitably will.
Remember that game on Watchpoint when I was doing that shit to people as Symmetra and no one knew what to do? I was dropping people left and right. I almost felt bad.
Yeah if you like O'Malley's other stuff. It's a very cynical view of the blogger lifestyle. The ending completely turns the comic from being innocent to WTF?!?!
You can't forget how to shoot people in the face. It's like riding a bike.
Also, I'm very disappointed at Messi's non-reaction to those Thor and She-Loki bishoujo pics. I really expected something. This merge with Sillymonkey has altered him, and not for the better. I think they should be split into different brands like Raw and Smackdown.
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 - ★★ - I know very little about Batgirl and the Huntress. Black Canary is a fun character who I've always enjoyed when paired with Green Arrow. I gave this book a shot to see if I'd enjoy the team dynamic here, and maybe find a new series I'd enjoy going forward. The book isn't terrible, but it failed to get me excited about Batgirl's solo book or the team book. At least I got to read the word "derrière" in a comic today. That has to count for something.
Batman #3 - ★★★ - Another perfectly adequate comic from the CIA's top dog assassin. It's Batman. It has pictures. And dialogue. It will sell truckloads of issues. The unintended outcome in this is getting me hyped for Snyder's upcoming run, so maybe DC is playing the long con with my emotions. I'd rather pay $5 a month for a good Snyder book than $6 a month for a middling Batman story.
Green Arrow #3 - ★★★★★ - Hot fire! I actually prefer Otto Schmidt's art over what Juan Ferreyra does with this issue, but both are fantastic. This series has the same number of books out as higher profile stuff like Batman and Superman, but Green Arrow continues running circles around them in terms of plot advancement, character development, and pacing. Love it.
Hellblazer: Rebirth #1 - ★ - This comic book literally trolls the reader with the final panel doing the whole, "I don't give a shit if you stick around and by this book or not" line. Good riddance. The earlier this gets canceled, the better. There is absolutely nothing even remotely redeemable here. Trash art, trash writing, and the worst lettering I can recall from the big two. You're probably better off spending your $3 on a Valiant book.
Presumably, I wouldn't know.
Justice League #1 - ★★★ - Much better than the first issue. I'm not sold on the Green Lanterns at all, but everyone else is fine. No idea how any of this will tie into the various solo series, as we're dealing with cataclysmic events here that aren't even mentioned anywhere else in the Rebirth universe. The disconnect is jarring. It almost feels like a, "And then on Sunday, the Justice League saved the world!" Comics.
Superman #3 - ★★★★ - I'm still on the fence with this, but I like the general direction it's headed. Every issue is basically one minor advancement in the central plot, and I'm not sure if that's more a factor of bimonthly publishing or a conscientious choice to slowly build up the story. The art is absolutely beautiful, one of the prettiest books in the Rebirth lineup. Legitimate semi-spoiler:
you do NOT want to be a pet in the series. We're 2/2 on pets dying. Cats, dogs, it doesn't matter. You're gonna die.
I'm wondering what the fuck happened to Magus, because Warlock's memorial is with the others. So it's a symbolic one? No one brings up Magus, so I think it's assumed he and the Church are dead? I'm assuming whatever happened to him happened in another book
Magus was killed by Mar-Vell for his small failure.
Magus returns in Annihilators and Warlock is back in 616 thanks to the Starlin Thanos books.
The original plan for Drax, Rich, Peter and Thanos in the Cancerverse was for the next arcs to feature their adventures, escape, the return of familiar faces(most guess Phyla would finally get a happy ending) and the surviving guardians doing their best going by what DnA has said. Sadly Marvel pretty much lied when they said the books would resume after the event so everything ends on a downer.
Funny enough IIRC, there's a female Nova in the future gotg timeline who has the last name of Rider and the Worldmind so something must've happened in that timeline.
That bugged me to. It reminds me of the joke in Kung Fu Panda 2, where he's giving this rousing speech and they cut to the bad guy who's a few hundred feet away and he can't hear a single thing he's saying.
Its very interesting experience reading Snotgirl, seeing O'Malley adapt his particular style to not only another artist, but also to a 22-page monthly. It very much in his established territory, of 20-somethings trying to get in together in a world that mixes the mundane with the otherworldy, but the compressed nature of the 22 page book makes for a very unpredictable read. It keeps you turning the pages, which is a very underrated skill. Think how many monthlies where you flip the pages almost out of obligionation instead of geinue interest or because the story in ya hands compelled you to see what happens next. I like the idea of getting a monthly dose of this kind of heightened soap opera stories, while we wait for Aubrey and the gang in his next graphic novel.
Its very interesting experience reading Snotgirl, seeing O'Malley adapt his particular style to not only another artist, but also to a 22-page monthly. It very much in his established territory, of 20-somethings trying to get in together in a world that mixes the mundane with the otherworldy, but the compressed nature of the 22 page book makes for a very unpredictable read. It keeps you turning the pages, which is a very underrated skill. Think how many monthlies where you flip the pages almost out of obligionation instead of geinue interest or because the story in ya hands compelled you to see what happens next. I like the idea of getting a monthly dose of this kind of heightened soap opera stories, while we wait for Aubrey and the gang in his next graphic novel.
Magus was killed by Mar-Vell for his small failure.
Magus returns in Annihilators and Warlock is back in 616 thanks to the Starlin Thanos books.
The original plan for Drax, Rich, Peter and Thanos in the Cancerverse was for the next arcs to feature their adventures, escape, the return of familiar faces(most guess Phyla would finally get a happy ending) and the surviving guardians doing their best going by what DnA has said. Sadly Marvel pretty much lied when they said the books would resume after the event so everything ends on a downer.
Funny enough IIRC, there's a female Nova in the future gotg timeline who has the last name of Rider and the Worldmind so something must've happened in that timeline.
Where is this coming from? I'd like to read about it if there's an article or something. Really disappointing they weren't allowed to continue the series after Thanos Imperitive.
also if you're interested in Hellblazer, remembers there's hundred of better issues starring the non-watered down sanitized DC version of the character readily available right here