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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

Secret Wars: Inhumans Atillan Rising #1 was pretty interesting. Not sure what to make of MODOK and Infinity Gauntlet. Old Man Logan was not very interesting. Inferno just seems a bit stupid.
Why are they attacking every one year...

There's not been a lot of comic news at the comic-con has there...

I am super envious of how you Europeans can take your holidays anytime in the year.
That's disappointing to hear. I kinda wanted to read a Barbara story, but I'll be honest: that's the only one I wanted. That or Simone's Birds of Prey run. I'll check out the first trade and see how I feel.
From what I've read I've always felt that Dixon had the best take on Babs. He was king of the bat family in the late 90s-early 2000s between Oracle, Nightwing, and Robin.

My recommended list would be:

Batgirl Year One
Dixon's Birds Of Prey run (He started BoP)
Simone's BoP
This Harley variant by Tony Daniel has probably been posted before but I never saw it:


I like the subtlety.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Decent week for me

Predator Vs Judge Dredd Vs Aliens #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pink #2
Judge Dredd #8
East Of West #28

Action Comics #960
Batgirl #1
Detective Comics #937
Flash #3
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1
Nightwing #1
Titans #1
Wonder Woman #3

All-New All-Different Avengers #12
Black Panther #4
Captain America Steve Rogers #3
Captain Marvel #7
Carnage #10
Civil War II #4
Extraordinary X-Men #12
International Iron Man #5
Mighty Thor #9
New Avengers #14
Old Man Logan #9
Totally Awesome Hulk #9
Uncanny Avengers #11
X-Men '92 #5


i'm not finding a lot of stuff to get during these digital sales. Anything under the radar Dark Horse stuff i should be buying?

Also, Batman vs Superman question:

What exactly made Batman want to fight Superman so badly? I didn't understand what was going on with those returned checks he was giving his worker, did he think Superman was writing on them? The buildup just seemed so poorly done, you had the beginning reasoning because of the damage the Zod fight had, but then after that nothing stuck out past obvious set-ups that Batman should have seen through.
DC Rebirth Behind The Scenes panel. Sounds like we have an idea what the new team books next year might be.

Thanks for posting this!

Johns talked about the origins of Rebirth, saying that it started with DiDio showing up at his office early, saying "I want to end everything at #52."

This is DiDio's left over hate for 52.

A fan asked about Kyle Rayner's fate. Johns said Rayner was left off promotional art for Rebirth not to spoil his role in the Green Lantern mythos, but that there are major plans for the character.

Uh huh.

Priest said he was glad not to be pigeonholed into writing another iconic black character in taking over Deathstroke.

Priest's goal for the character is bringing back Marv Wolfman and George Perez's core concept for the character and bringing it to the 2ist century.

This could be a very interesting series.

A young fan asked a long question about whether upcoming series would explore the multiverse. "Christopher, you want to take this one?" joked Priest. "Look kid, I'm older than you. I'm blacker than you...We're gonna pass that question on to Geoff Johns and have him e-mail you."


A fan asked about the Milestone characters. Last SDCC Milestone was announced as a separate universe, but has been delayed in launching. Lee said it's still in the works, citing the idea of "Earth M," a world belonging to the Milestone characters.

What's Milestone? Any interesting characters?


Secret Wars: Inhumans Atillan Rising #1 was pretty interesting. Not sure what to make of MODOK and Infinity Gauntlet. Old Man Logan was not very interesting. Inferno just seems a bit stupid.
Why are they attacking every one year...

There's not been a lot of comic news at the comic-con has there...

I am super envious of how you Europeans can take your holidays anytime in the year.

I actually usually come here for 5 weeks with one at my own expense. But can't due to NYCC this year. We all get 4 weeks paid vacation here if you are full time employed. USA folks don't? Most seem very taken back by the thought of that much time off when I mention it.
I actually usually come here for 5 weeks with one at my own expense. But can't due to NYCC this year. We all get 4 weeks paid vacation here if you are full time employed. USA folks don't? Most seem very taken back by the thought of that much time off when I mention it.

It is very unusual for people to have such long paid vacation in the US, unless they are really long term employees. About 8-10 days in a year is normal. About 25% of people don't have any. And work places like ours who offer "unlimited paid time off" usually run so small and lean that you feel guilty for using that time off.

I work with a lot of clients in europe, and it hurts a little bit when every other week I seem to get "Out of office for 1 week" auto-reply. -_-


I actually usually come here for 5 weeks with one at my own expense. But can't due to NYCC this year. We all get 4 weeks paid vacation here if you are full time employed. USA folks don't? Most seem very taken back by the thought of that much time off when I mention it.

I get 6.5 weeks paid vacation a year; guess I'm the exception. Though I don't think I've ever taken more than one week off at a time.
Just finished catching up on Spidey/Deadpoo, what a fun book that actually makes Deadpool a character instead of a joke.

Also read Nightwing Rebirth, which was pretty okay I guess, not much happened, but Dick and Damien interactions are always fun. Excited for #1 this week.
Are comics way more expensive in Ireland or something?

In a word: yes. It's only going to get worse as well as Sterling gets worse so we get hit with all the hikes. Digital is actually significantly cheaper here, almost a Euro in the difference now. It's why I only buy trades of stuff I want a keepsake for.

What's more upsetting is when I mention around my extended family that I like comics and they go, "you're just like Sheldon!"

It's the worst. It's hard enough being on the spectrum without being compared to a clown from TV.

Everyone without Squirrel Girl on their list: Why?

I stopped buying it because I was only into it for storytime while babysitting my niece and she doesn't really like it that much. She's more into Jane!Thor, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel these days.


Can we just skip the next two pages of people bitching/being dismissive about and people defending Erica Hendersons art. Age is divisive, we get it.


Question about the first volume of Batman and Robin eternal. Is Harper Row gay or is Cass? During the ballet scene there is a clear emotional attachment in my opinion and I'm curious if I am misreading it or if maybe they like each other.

This page



Why does he wear the mask!?
Question about the first volume of Batman and Robin eternal. Is Harper Row gay or is Cass? During the ballet scene there is a clear emotional attachment in my opinion and I'm curious if I am misreading it or if maybe they like each other.

IIRC Harper is gay
I thought Harper was straight/bi. She talks about admiring Tim's body in Batman Eternal, but I think she likes cass as well. Her brother is gay.
Question about the first volume of Batman and Robin eternal. Is Harper Row gay or is Cass? During the ballet scene there is a clear emotional attachment in my opinion and I'm curious if I am misreading it or if maybe they like each other.

This page


Neither confirmed. Harper's brother is gay, but I don't think we've seen Harper herself express any kind of attraction towards anybody (could be wrong tho). Definitely did feel the chemistry between her and Cass, but could just be friendship.


Star Wars #15 and Avengers #3 were both disappointing MU reads, Star Wars was a tired Obi-Wan/young luke watching story and Avengers just continues to be a weak relaunch book in need of another relaunch.
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