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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You



I binged the last several episodes of AoS all night.

I liked it, but the show delves too much in it's own black and white morals and hardly anyone calls out anyone else on their bullshit it's crazy.


As for spoiler talk, I think I've gotten over it and the time limit on when it is okay to talk about spoilers without fear of someone shutting you up depends on the medium. Like, a comic book can be talked about without spoiler bars the day after it's released, I find that acceptable because it doesn't usually take long for people to read a single issue and most people get around it reading it on the first day. For movies, that's harder to gauge when it's acceptable to talk about what happens in a movie. It can be a few weeks or a few months (e.g. TFA) or in some cases, for the truly annoying, an entire year. I don't like it when someone puts the spoiler in the thread title, I get annoyed that someone would just carelessly spread previously unknown information around like everyone knew about it. Everyone remember the Batman Endgame thread? The one where it was speculated that Joker was older than he appeared to be? That was so annoying and the worst part about it was: the jackass who made the thread defended his action with saying "well this is my thread, my rules". I was like "shut the fuck up".

Bear with me, I have no idea where I'm going with this. I'm sleepy as fuck.

But personally, I find that if a single person who hasn't seen or read or played a movie, book or video game well after the fact that it has been released for a while to just suddenly halt conversation because of fear of spoilers... then that's just being rude. And the fact that there is a significant portion of the internet that acts this way online and in real life I'm not against it if there is a joke at the expense of their sensibilities. Key & Peele did it right.
The argument that "it's in official promotional material, so it's fine" doesn't really fly. The one and only objective of promotional material is to put butts in seats. To tell tickets. To make money. And to accomplish that goal, the studio has has no qualms about spoiling details that would be better experienced in context, or even to willfully misrepresent the film. Preserving the ideal experience for the audience is not a priority or even a secondary objective.

Go back and listen to The Official Lost Podcast sometime, and one of the recurring things on that show is Lindelof and Cuse expressing frustrating at things the network chose to use in promos. Just recently, Simon Pegg was out there telling people not to watch that final trailer for Star Trek Beyond. In Iron Man 3, the action sequence with all the old suits joining the fight was featured regularly in trailers, but when you watch the actual movie, you see that it was conceived and cut for that to work better as a surprise. You only see one suit on camera at first, then the shot expands to reveal an entire army. It's a cool moment that is rendered inert by commercials, so that clearly goes against the intent of the creators and undermines the audience's ability to have the best experience with that scene.

But the magic thing about this debate is that no one has to agree with a single word I'm saying here, because spoiler tags exist, and if people don't mind this stuff, there are no rules against posting it and nothing stopping people from choosing to uncover spoilers and read them. But denying that choice to people who do care is pretty shitty.

Well said.

I can understand why people lash out at "spoilerphobes" (god I hate that term) for stuff that has been out for a long time. But on an internet message board, spoiler tags do not stifle discussion. At all. It's a dumb argument that makes no sense. Yeah, it's true when you're having a discussion in real life that having to dodge plot points to appease people who have already chosen to be involved in the discussion, that discussion can be stifled. But when you can say whatever you want about the work in question and all you have to do is black bar it as a courtesy? All that does is give people a choice.

It's the hostility that gets me in the end, the "oh fuck off spoilerphobe" attitude. It's ironic, because all it does is further drag down the discussion. Like that whole thread is a dumpster fire and the hostility is to blame more than anything.


do you still have your hair?

then its a happy birthday

Kinda sorta not really. But I have a kick ass super full and groomed beard that connects so I guess it is a happy birthday.

My hair is currently on strike and is moving to my face. Better property value and lower school taxes.
Kinda sorta not really. But I have a kick ass super full and groomed beard that connects so I guess it is a happy birthday.

My hair is currently on strike and is moving to my face. Better property value and lower school taxes.

I have a full head of hair at 36 but I can't grow a decent beard on the sides of my face to save my life. I think you win this one, personally. I'd rather have the beard.


Agreed. For me, it's annoying that they put the spoiler in the title, which completely removes people's ability to choose whether they engage with it or not.

I don't really care about spoilers that much (years of accidentally spoiling myself when trying to look things up on line will do that to you) but I get that other people care more about it than I do. It's about respecting other people, not arguing about what counts as a spoiler and what doesn't.

Why aren't mods changing the title. It's a simple solution. Now I have to avoid ot until it is gone.
I have a full head of hair at 36 but I can't grow a decent beard on the sides of my face to save my life. I think you win this one, personally. I'd rather have the beard.

I've never dared tried the beard with no hair on top of my head. I know some people can pull it off, I just don't know if I'm one of them.

Why aren't mods changing the title. It's a simple solution. Now I have to avoid ot until it is gone.

You're probably better off avoiding it anyway. I'm going to see the movie day one, tho.
Why aren't mods changing the title. It's a simple solution. Now I have to avoid ot until it is gone.

It's on page three now but I suppose it could still be bumped at any time.

I agree it's dumb they won't change the title but it is the official moderator position that if it's officially released and it's not a plot point it isn't a spoiler. Which is garbage imho and I'm glad we get to be a little more strict in here.


It's on page three now but I suppose it could still be bumped at any time.

I agree it's dumb they won't change the title but it is the official moderator position that if it's officially released and it's not a plot point it isn't a spoiler. Which is garbage imho and I'm glad we get to be a little more strict in here.


See killing joke spoiler a day or two ago.
Ugh, weed smells fucking disgusting. When people sell used items, the "from non-smoking home" tag should include weed too and not just cigarettes. I might just dump this HC I got today (Luba).

It's on page three now but I suppose it could still be bumped at any time.

I agree it's dumb they won't change the title but it is the official moderator position that if it's officially released and it's not a plot point it isn't a spoiler. Which is garbage imho and I'm glad we get to be a little more strict in here.


See Dark Knight spoiler a day or two ago.

ehhhhh I mean you're right. We're not perfect. But when people object to open spoilers there is very little pushback (usually), even for older stuff. Like I'm not about to tell you to go read that suicide squad thread but I'll just say if that crowd could have rounded up the handful of people complaining about spoilers and burned them at the stake, they would have.

At least most everyone generally makes an effort in this thread.
That Killing Joke thing might be the most unavoidable spoiler I've seen. It's like no one anywhere was covering it up or trying to talk about it. It was all over ever corner of social media.
That Killing Joke thing might be the most unavoidable spoiler I've seen. It's like no one anywhere was covering it up or trying to talk about it. It was all over ever corner of social media.

The Captain America thing takes the cake for me but yeah the Killing Joke spoiler was bad too.

And incidentally they are both plot points but mods rarely stepped in for either case. I feel like there's an attitude of "lol comics/comic book movies" among some mods.
The Cap thing was totally unavoidable, but I still saw some futile attempts to cover it up here and there. I couldn't tell you one instance of the Killing Joke thing being covered or talked around.
The Cap thing was totally unavoidable, but I still saw some futile attempts to cover it up here and there. I couldn't tell you one instance of the Killing Joke thing being covered or talked around.

I'm a bit more forgiving about that one, honestly. Not like there was anything quality going on anyway.
I got a little grumpy about the Killing Joke thing at first, but I dropped it as soon as I realized how much of a "thing" it had become. Pointing the finger at any individual misses the bigger picture in that case.


I just started Morrison's Batman and Robin and it's great so far. Only 2 issues in and it lacks the things that I dislike about Morrison but includes what I like about him. His Batman run up to that point didn't hook me but B&R definitely has. Either that or Dickbats is the best Batman no matter who writes him.
I'm a bit more forgiving about that one, honestly. Not like there was anything quality going on anyway.

I am too and now I realize that was maybe a mistake. Let's compare these situations.

The Captain America thing became unavoidable because there are a lot of people who don't care about comics and/or think reading comics is just dumb, so they don't have any consideration for people who do read comics. Yes it's true that it was spoiled (in here and elsewhere) by comic readers but the vast majority of that was people who just don't give a shit what goes on in a Captain America comic book.

The Killing Joke spoiler has become unavoidable because there are a lot of people who think the movie looks like unwatchable shit (myself included), so they don't have any consideration for people who do plan to see the movie. But the fact remains that there are people who care about it (including at least a couple in here) so I'm left reflecting on what happened with the Cap spoiler and how upset that made me, that so many people just didn't give a shit about my experience as a comic book reader because they think comics are stupid.


I've decided that The Killing Joke is a troll job by Moore. Dude was done with capes and was tired of listening to Bolland beg for a batman gig, so he complied. Thing is though, what nobody realized was that what he was going to do was take everyone's favorite toys and smash them then hand them back and be like

"Here you go"

Then walk out the door forever. The betas of group knew that they got taken, but pretended that their broken toy was still nice even though it was a piece of shit.

I've read the book 4 times in the past weekend.
there is exactly one good Alan Moore Batman story, its called "Mortal Clay, its in Batman Annual #11, starring Clayface who's much more suitable for Alan's "misunderstood monster" story than the Joker



Alan Moore's Batman is an Essex boy.

"Oi, I gotta fookin kill you 'r You gotta kill me m8. Shit talk me mum nd mi fam nd u gonna git it m8. I swear on mi fookin life I swear ta fookin God ya pasty white koont.

1 v 1 me m8 I swear ta fookin God I wreck ya."

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Kinda sorta not really. But I have a kick ass super full and groomed beard that connects so I guess it is a happy birthday.

My hair is currently on strike and is moving to my face. Better property value and lower school taxes.

story of my life my dude 👌🏾


story of my life my dude 👌🏾

But ya know...when I had good hair nobody gave a flying fuck. Girls would never go "hey Zombeen, I really dig your thick hair." But now that I have a buzzed down head and a full beard they come up to me and touch it and talk about it.


I've been reading more of The Name of the Wind and i'm starting to think maybe words are better without potato art.

I've also gotten worse at Overwatch for unexplained reasons.
I've been reading more of The Name of the Wind and i'm starting to think maybe words are better without potato art.

I've also gotten worse at Overwatch for unexplained reasons.

If you wanted to start a Quitely discussion, you could have at least picked a competent fantasy book. Rothfuss is the Greg Land of fantasy writing. (Or is that Robert Jordan)
I'm sure everyone's already read some version of this, but Timm's explanation of the Killing Joke thing makes it 1000x creepier.


He's talking about the relationship by talking about Bruce's "parental skills" and Barbara as "a kid".

Like, I think it's possible to make that relationship work depending on how old Bruce is supposed to be and whether we're in a continuity where she was with Dick first. And even then it's a mistake to have a scene of boning. But Timm isn't even defending it as being about peers that have an age difference, he's talking about them as Bruce being a surrogate parent.

I'm sure everyone's already read some version of this, but Timm's explanation of the Killing Joke thing makes it 1000x creepier.


He's talking about the relationship by talking about Bruce's "parental skills" and Barbara as "a kid".


Timm has always seen
Barbara as a girl with seeeeerious daddy issues
so I don't find that too surprising. Still gross, don't get me wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
I was clicking through Image's SDCC Sale, and I have a question.

Does anyone read Elephantmen?

I've never heard anyone talking about it. How did it make it to 70+ issues?


Watching the democratic convention with outbursts of Bernie chants. Never give up, never surrender, let's all welcome president Trump in November.

Also, i still remember Galaxy Quest.
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