Decided against getting Hal and the Green Lantern Corps #1 tomorrow.
I believe I made the right choice.
It can't be any worse than Green Lanterns #3 by Humphries... can it?
Decided against getting Hal and the Green Lantern Corps #1 tomorrow.
I believe I made the right choice.
It can't be any worse than Green Lanterns #3 by Humphries... can it?
JC alerted me to this but Parlov says his Punisher comic with Ennis is gonna be out soon which is a definite upgrade from "going to finish it soon" in october.
Fury: My War Gone By is probably still the best thing Marvel published this decade so yeaaaah get hyped bois
Just read the Black Magick TP. Man, that 5 issues run was just the set up. I liked it, but with WW bimonthly there is no hope for it to continue, right?
Do it. Do it.
I do them on flex pay so it's like 60 per month for 4 months. It ain't bad. Future Bii has all the cash for these things.
TruthMan I'm hyped for tomorrow. So many books to be excited for!
Superman 3: what is happening?! This is one of my favorite books, of ALL the books I pull a fucking Superman book is in my top 10, maybe top 5.
edit: ehhh upon reflection not top 5...still, though.
Superman #3
Scooby Apocalypse #3
Way more enjoyable than this should be
I saw some pages from International Iron Man on Reddit.
Stark's mother is...
Nobody at all. Her name is Amanda Armstrong, and nothing comes up if you Google "Amanda Armstrong Marvel".
In a just universe, they would have already announced a book featuring the characters introduced in Star Wars 21. What a phenomenal issue.
I saw some pages from International Iron Man on Reddit.
Stark's mother is...
Nobody at all. Her name is Amanda Armstrong, and nothing comes up if you Google "Amanda Armstrong Marvel".
Is that a serious "What is this?" question, or more of a "Why is this so awful that I now have to carve out my eyes for having seen it?"
His art is stunning as in good enough to put up with his average writing but imagine him with a top level writer . Someone like King/Snyder/Nocenti/Morrison/Tomasi that could be something special.You're underselling his art and writing. His art, I would say, is way beyond good. His writing is serviceable but nothing you would ever bring up as an overtly positive thing.
Came across this guy named Earl Grey on Youtube that made me realized that I pretty much know nothing about European comics.
Also, European comics are built to be wayyy larger, kinda jealous of that.
I read every issue up to this one and decided to drop it before I knew this was supposedly the one with the answer. Such a terrible book. Total waste of time and money.Such a fucking perfect issue. Lol so hard at people who just read spoiler pages
Sides hurt
I read every issue up to this one and decided to drop it before I knew this was supposedly the one with the answer. Such a terrible book. Total waste of time and money.
Fantastic Four #11 is such a fascinating issue. The first half of the story is just the Fantastic Four answering fan letters (The line between real world fans and in universe fans seems to be very blurry). Lee/Kirby have recap panels from previous issues to justify to the people writing in that Sue is not just filler.
And the second part of the issue is a farcical Monty Pythonesque story.
I dunno, not in dcbs shipment and preview world says end of August delay. Which place has it?Sillymonkey ZATANNA TAS FIGURE is finally released fam!
From the ashes of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH, critically acclaimed writer Greg Rucka along with illustrators Liam Sharp and Nicola Scott unveil a tale that will forever alter the DC icon in WONDER WOMAN VOL. 1! Collects issues #1, #3, #5, #7, #9 and WONDER WOMAN: REBIRTH #1.
I was wondering if there would be any explicit interplay between the present day and flashback issues, and I suppose this confirms that there won't be.For WW, it looks like they are collecting alternate issues together! (v2 collecting the even issues is in May for some reason).
i'll probably pick up the Green Arrow Rebirth trade just so i know how wrong comics-gaf is about books.
Also, Extraordinary X-Men needs to drop the adjective and just be X-Men. If you're going to put out a bad book at least not name it like it's something special.
I dunno, not in dcbs shipment and preview world says end of August delay. Which place has it?
Previews world also lists it as August 3rd, next week, and my shipment would include that so maybe I'll get it...first week shipping don't fail me.
Well this is pretty awkward considering it is in my hand :/
DC's next catalog is out and contains a lot of rebirth trades.
Looks like they are collecting the first 6 issues (and the rebirth issue) in paperbacks for $17/$18. Most are releasing January 2017. So about three to four months after #6. Not bad! (The Hannah barbara trades are priced the same too).
A nice change from them first releasing small trim HCs and then small trim tpbs.
For WW, it looks like they are collecting alternate issues together! (v2 collecting the even issues is in May for some reason).
A few other collections that looked interesting to me.
Midnighter: The Complete WildStorm Series (Ennis) - tpb
Batman & the Outsiders Vol. 1 (Barr) - HC
Justice League: Breakdowns (Giffen) - tpb
Batman: Knightfall Omnibus Vol. 1 - HC (52+ issues?!)
Wonder Woman & the Justice League America Vol. 1 (Vado) - tpb
Zatanna (Paul Dini) - tpb
Doom Patrol by Gerard Way Vol. 1 - may 2017
Wonder Woman by George Perez Book Two - tpb -_-
Astro City Vol. 14 - march 2017
Books of Magic Book One
DC Universe by Mike Mignola - HC
how's the paint?
Also, you come to my country and you get your zatanna figure before me? War.