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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


Detective Comics is setting unrealistic targets for Rebirth especially Eddie Barrows art. Give the others a chance Team Detective

Eddie Barrows doing his best work. The other artist is great, too. More interesting panel work.

Easily the best for me. No one is even close. Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Arrow have also been good.

I forgot did we establish as a community that Tony Daniel is a bad artist? I can't get down with that. Say what you will about Justice League but the art is good. He is the poor man's Jason Fabok.

That's because you're a Batwoman fanboy. :p No, it IS really good, though.

Tony Daniel is a good artist. I've never understood the hate (though it's not prevalent or anything). He's not up there with Ivan Reis or anything but he's certainly better than someone like Brett Booth.

I've been out of the comics loop for a bit, so I need to catch up.

Looking forward to reading King's Batman, because the first issue was excellent but the way some of you are talking the later issues aren't good.

Of course, sometimes ComicGAF is prone to a little hyperbole..., ;p

Curious to see for myself.

If you though the first issue was excellent, you'll probably like it.


I've been out of the comics loop for a bit, so I need to catch up.

Looking forward to reading King's Batman, because the first issue was excellent but the way some of you are talking the later issues aren't good.

Of course, sometimes ComicGAF is prone to a little hyperbole..., ;p

Curious to see for myself.

Issues are good, but no crazy set pieces and stuff like the first issue.

Let's not go crazy here

Best colorists are Bellaire, Stewart, and Hollingsworth. Don't @ me.
I stated bellaire was good, but I don't think she will win. fill like we are about to have that thing where everyone chimes in with their favorite colorist/artist with pics.
Did he really say this? Holy shit lol

Yep, during the big Rebirth reveal panel. Some bullshit about being an analyst and seeing the darkness up close and understanding it, blah, blah, blah. It was psychobabble 101.

I don't know what's worse at this point:

1) King's horseshit about the CIA and how he funnels that experience into his writing. I mean, unless the book is about a nerdy intel analyst reading reports and preparing PowerPoint slides, stop.
I'd read that comic, by the way.

2) King dropping names and exaggerating his credentials in hyping a funny book, only to immediately backtrack and say he's tired of CIA questions. You talk about the psyche of terrorists and then give us the Gotham Wondertwins. We're going to lose Vision for this?

3) The fact that his Batman is a boring, retread mess. We didn't know how good we had it with Snyder, family. King has me contemplating dropping Batman for the first time in years, and putting those six bucks towards Snyder's All Star. And I never drop Batman, even if it's my only DC book.


I really think there's an unwritten rule that Hal and Kyle fans can't be happy at the same time in order to keep that trashy feud going.

Issues are good, but no crazy set pieces and stuff like the first issue.

I stated bellaire was good, but I don't think she will win. fill like we are about to have that thing where everyone chimes in with their favorite colorist/artist with pics.
I just mentioned Jordie because her losing is a legit sign of the apocalypse.


3) The fact that his Batman is a boring, retread mess. We didn't know how good we had it with Snyder, family. King has me contemplating dropping Batman for the first time in years, and putting those six bucks towards Snyder's All Star. And I never drop Batman, even if it's my only DC book.

Snyder's Batman run was gold. Will go down in history as one of the greats, considering it's long length and big memorable arcs.

Grayson is the only other thing I've read from King (co-written by him and Seeley), and it was only the first trade paperback worth. I thought it was great, but it was co-written. However, despite my big disappointment of Batman, it's not going to sour my hype for reading Vision and Omega Men, which were both almost universally praised. But, I mean, I can't help but feel let down by the guy here.


She won't lose.

anything is possible XD

I really think there's an unwritten rule that Hal and Kyle fans can't be happy at the same time in order to keep that trashy feud going.

I just mentioned Jordie because her losing is a legit sign of the apocalypse.


Man, I dunno, there's some stuff in Batman #2, in that Hugo Strange scene, the parts where you're dealing with the mindset behind terrorist action, that really feel informed, at least in part, by King's CIA experience. It's there, but, there's a lot of Batman single-handedly riding a plane to safety and doing hella sick judo maneuvers on Grundy in the way. Which, I'm gonna go ahead and say, is the kind of thing I want from the main Batman ongoing.
Snyder's Batman run was gold. Will go down in history as one of the greats, considering it's long length and big memorable arcs.

Grayson is the only other thing I've read from King (co-written by him and Seeley), and it was only the first trade paperback worth. I thought it was great, but it was co-written. However, despite my big disappointment of Batman, it's not going to sour my hype for reading Vision and Omega Men, which were both almost universally praised. But, I mean, I can't help but feel let down by the guy here.

I agree with all of that. Hell, I didn't care for what King was saying in interviews, but I was hyped for him on Batman. Vision is the best Marvel book for me in years. What we're getting on Batman isn't just a few rungs lower than that, it's not even on the fucking ladder.

I like Snyder Batman more than Morrison's run, for the record.
We didn't know how good we had it with Snyder, family.
Snyder's run eventually went places, but I thought the Court of Owls stuff he started with was a chore to get through. I didn't think it was that good on its own merits, but that whole "secret organization from the past coming to light" angle was so redundant with Morrison's superior Black Glove stuff being so recent.

I was so bored by that Owl stuff that I almost didn't get to experience the rest of his run because I didn't trust the praise. And that Owl shit went on for two years straight before he finally branched out.


Snyder's Batman run was gold. Will go down in history as one of the greats, considering it's long length and big memorable arcs.

Grayson is the only other thing I've read from King (co-written by him and Seeley), and it was only the first trade paperback worth. I thought it was great, but it was co-written. However, despite my big disappointment of Batman, it's not going to sour my hype for reading Vision and Omega Men, which were both almost universally praised. But, I mean, I can't help but feel let down by the guy here.

they alternated issues for Grayson and while admittedly I didn't read it all from what I remember I dug the King issues and was mostly uninterested in Seeley's
Snyder's run eventually went places, but I thought the Court of Owls stuff he started with was a chore to get through. I didn't think it was that good on its own merits, but that whole "major secrets from the past coming to light" angle was so redundant with Morrison's superior Black Glove stuff being so recent.

I was so bored by that Owl stuff that I almost didn't get to experience the rest of his run because I didn't trust the praise. And that Owl shit went on for two years straight before he finally branched out.

I read both the full Morrison and Snyder runs this year, and I vastly prefer the latter. Morrison always goes off on these crazy ideas of his, almost as if he knows it's what people want and expect from him. Some of them turn out incredibly well, some are just terrible.

As far as the Court of Owls goes, I thought it was incredible and basically the perfect opening salvo for his story. It's my favorite arc in the whole series. If you didn't like it, I think you were wise to stop there.


This Obama speech is fanttttttttttttastic and i had to come to comics-gaf to tell you. Better than when Roman Reigns was champ.


Court of Owls and Zero Year were excellent. Endgame was good. Death in the Family and Superheavy was just ok, if not somewhat disappointing.

Overall though, a hell of a run.


I read both the full Morrison and Snyder runs this year, and I vastly prefer the latter. Morrison always goes off on these crazy ideas of his, almost as if he knows it's what people want and expect from him. Some of them turn out incredibly well, some are just terrible.

As far as the Court of Owls goes, I thought it was incredible and basically the perfect opening salvo for his story. It's my favorite arc in the whole series. If you didn't like it, I think you were wise to stop there.

Agree with all of this. Although personally Zero Year was my favorite arc of the series.

Yeah, Morrison...I mean, it was good, and it had some REALLY high highs! But a lot was just kind of ridiculous and/or nonsensical.

they alternated issues for Grayson and while admittedly I didn't read it all from what I remember I dug the King issues and was mostly uninterested in Seeley's

Oh, that's interesting. I hadn't realized that.
Jordie Bellaire is going to win the colorist awards becaue Jordie is Jordie. You might as well just name the things the Jordie Bellaire awards, because that is exactly what they are.

On King's Batman, it's a bit of a slow start I'll admit, but considering we just got what amounts to an origin issue for the Gotham duo I can't get too chuffed about it. Slow burns can burn HOT, and from what I can tell we're basically done with setup now.

King's work on Grayson was solid, but The OMega Men was something else altogether. It's a very different beast from Vision, but other than a slow issue in the middle, it's nothing but fire. And it's got an absolute mindfuck of an ending. Makes you go back and reread the whole thing in light of those last couple pages. It also fully justifies the "terrorist mentality" angle he's looking to take on Batman. It's good shit, some of the best. I'm fully confident King's Batman run is gonna be one for the books.


I've heard of Jordie Bellaire but to be honest I [unfairly] don't think much about the colorists. I think often about the coloring work, but I rarely look at the credits for who colored it. I know of Dave Stewart, who is a master, but it doesn't go too far beyond that in my knowledge.

Can somebody give me some of the bigger things Bellaire has colored? I'm sure I've read at least some of it.


Jordie Bellaire is going to win the colorist awards becaue Jordie is Jordie. You might as well just name the things the Jordie Bellaire awards, because that is exactly what they are.

On King's Batman, it's a bit of a slow start I'll admit, but considering we just got what amounts to an origin issue for the Gotham duo I can't get too chuffed about it. Slow burns can burn HOT, and from what I can tell we're basically done with setup now.

King's work on Grayson was solid, but The OMega Men was something else altogether. It's a very different beast from Vision, but other than a slow issue in the middle, it's nothing but fire. And it's got an absolute mindfuck of an ending. Makes you go back and reread the whole thing in light of those last couple pages. It also fully justifies the "terrorist mentality" angle he's looking to take on Batman. It's good shit, some of the best. I'm fully confident King's Batman run is gonna be one for the books.

damn she won 2 years in a row. she is trying to kobe


I've heard of Jordie Bellaire but to be honest I [unfairly] don't think much about the colorists. I think often about the coloring work, but I rarely look at the credits for who colored it. I know of Dave Stewart, who is a master, but it doesn't go too far beyond that in my knowledge.

Can somebody give me some of the bigger things Bellaire has colored? I'm sure I've read at least some of it.

You have likely seem way more of her work than you realize.



I've heard of Jordie Bellaire but to be honest I [unfairly] don't think much about the colorists. I think often about the coloring work, but I rarely look at the credits for who colored it. I know of Dave Stewart, who is a master, but it doesn't go too far beyond that in my knowledge.

Can somebody give me some of the bigger things Bellaire has colored? I'm sure I've read at least some of it.
Dave Stewart is the GOAT just for his work with Mignola. his coloring on hellboy blew me away into another dimension


I agree with all of that. Hell, I didn't care for what King was saying in interviews, but I was hyped for him on Batman. Vision is the best Marvel book for me in years. What we're getting on Batman isn't just a few rungs lower than that, it's not even on the fucking ladder.

I like Snyder Batman more than Morrison's run, for the record.

Morrison's "Bat-God" was a cool interpretation but man his run did not hook me. The only thing I haven't read from his run is Batman and Robin, which I'm only starting now and I already enjoy it more than everything else in his run.

Snyder's Batman is my favorite run of all-time though. As someone who started reading weekly comics when the New 52 started, Snyder's Batman had such an effect on me where I really couldn't wait for every issue.
Morrison's Batman was such a ride. You couldn't even anticipate what genre you'd be getting from issue to issue. I can't think of any modern run that stayed so varied and unpredictable after running so long.
Civil War II #4
I'm happy to see
Hawkeye acquitted. I hope Jennifer understands, but I'm pretty sure this puts her firmly on Carol's team.

Guardians of the Galaxy outta nowhere! Next issue should be good!

Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3
Nick Fury's story is the only reason I keep wanting to read this series.

Captain America #3
So if I understand this correctly,
Steve is rebelling against Zemo, right? He staged Dr. Selvig's death? Or did I miss something?


Jordies most notable works are

Batman by CIAs own Tom King
Pretty Deadly
Manhattan Projects
Ellis Moon Knight
Lemire Moon Knight
Princess Leia
Cloonan Punisher
They're not like us
Quantum and Woody
KSD Captain Marvel
The Kitchen


Man, I wish I had read more of those. But Bellaire has given David Finch his best work ever in King's Batman, so I understand the praise.
Can't believe y'all are talking about the best colorists and no one has mentioned Nathan Fairbairn.
Fairbairn can be great, but he does have books where I actively dislike his work. For example, All Star Superman. I dream of what that book would look like with a flatter palette. That ugly gradient shading and glowy highlighting really hurts Quitely's work in that book.
Morrison's run on Batman captured more or less everything I love about superhero comics. It felt like a celebration and a love letter to the medium itself while still having an entertaining storyline. Plus Morrison writes dialogue so well and regular exchanges, like that one with Batwoman and The Hood, are always just fun to follow. I just loved how he had the Batfamily speak to one another.

I couldn't get into Snyder's stuff despite trying several times. I think a lot of it is that I'm just not super interested in solo Batman stuff anymore.
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