Detective Comics is setting unrealistic targets for Rebirth especially Eddie Barrows art. Give the others a chance Team Detective
Eddie Barrows doing his best work. The other artist is great, too. More interesting panel work.
Easily the best for me. No one is even close. Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Arrow have also been good.
I forgot did we establish as a community that Tony Daniel is a bad artist? I can't get down with that. Say what you will about Justice League but the art is good. He is the poor man's Jason Fabok.
That's because you're a Batwoman fanboy.
Tony Daniel is a good artist. I've never understood the hate (though it's not prevalent or anything). He's not up there with Ivan Reis or anything but he's certainly better than someone like Brett Booth.
I've been out of the comics loop for a bit, so I need to catch up.
Looking forward to reading King's Batman, because the first issue was excellent but the way some of you are talking the later issues aren't good.
Of course, sometimes ComicGAF is prone to a little hyperbole..., ;p
Curious to see for myself.
If you though the first issue was excellent, you'll probably like it.