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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

I was completely with the complaints of Batman until this last issue. I thought it was great and exactly what I expected from King.

I'm anticipating it getting better with most the writers of all the Rebirth books getting more in the groove with the twice monthly schedule.
Batgirl #1:

So, I read the first volume of Prez last night, and I really enjoyed it. Which I was worried about, both because the title of the volume focusing on corndogs had me worried I was getting into some sort of low grade Deadpool "lol, this food sounds funny so I will reference it a lot" style humor, and because I REALLY disliked the political stuff in Ex Machina (got about 3 volumes in before getting sick of the strawmen and the way the main character felt like he was just there to deliver the author's political commentary at the reader. Which kind of applies here as well, but for several reasons I'm too lazy to lay out, I felt like it worked a TON better with this book. Oh, and I think I had issues with the art on Ex Machina too, but it's been a while).

So yeah, pleasantly pleased with that one, considering I was a little worried going in to it.

Prez is a really great book. Lots of completely relevant political commentary in there. Can't wait for the book to come back soon.

Look what was waiting for me when I came home:

It's a book!


Elboxy and bkatastrophe have the best reviews here. The gifs and write ups are good stuff.

Mess If you are going to a theme park I hope it is island of adventures/universal. Unless you never been to Disney then you gotta go at least once.

Other guy: detective comics rebirth started at #934 I believe. If I am wrong it shouldn't be too hard to find since it is the only book with clay face as a team member.

I am going to try and read some black panther today but I gotta get my mind ready.
Speaking about colourists, I love Tom Luths work on Groo. Makes the very detailed art very easy to decipher (on top of looking excellent).

Yep, during the big Rebirth reveal panel. Some bullshit about being an analyst and seeing the darkness up close and understanding it, blah, blah, blah. It was psychobabble 101.

I don't know what's worse at this point:

1) King's horseshit about the CIA and how he funnels that experience into his writing. I mean, unless the book is about a nerdy intel analyst reading reports and preparing PowerPoint slides, stop.
I'd read that comic, by the way.

Like Queen & Country? (Well, a part of it at least. I love all the "behind the scenes" of the James Bond type action).

Doom Patrol is going full Morrison as I get into volume 3 (not that it wasn't before).

I get that this what you go to Morrison for, but when you have sentences like, "We're talking here of the Orthodoxy of the Insect Mesh. The one true church of the cage. Our enemies are the ultraquist geomancers... Whose refusal to accept the sanctity of the pheromone communion preceded their attempt to secede from the orthodoxy."

I mean, what?

And this whole issue was like this. Just two different sides spouting abstract concept after abstract concept with made up words on top of made up words. I take it that they're giving two sides of the same story, as we have heroes on both sides, but it's just absolute nonsense.

Book 3 is the one with best arc in superhero comics ever
The Painting that Ate Paris

Civil War II #4 - Bendis is doing a great job of keeping up the momentum and tension from the last issue, and as invested as I am in this already, the thing that excites me is that I feel like we haven't seen anything yet. Carol is so thoroughly wrong and Tony is so measured and reasonable that I can't help but feel like we're being set up for a huge reversal.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #9 - I didn't get the emotional resonance out of this that I was looking for. I realize that's a subjective thing, and maybe it worked on that level for others, but after being so moved by the previous two issues, I was expecting more from this in light of recent events. Del Mundo is a very gifted artist, but I don't think he was a good fit for this material. I know many people dismiss Frank Cho as a titty artist, but he's one of the best at the big two these days at character acting through facial expressions, which still being a big superhero comic. So while I think the problems start with the script here, I would have liked to see what Cho could have done with it.

Also, I'm still looking for a better explanation of how these two series add up. The closer they get to each other, the harder it is to let it slide. I want the discrepancies to be addressed more explicitly and not just brought up in passing.


Unconfirmed Member
Book 3 is the one with best arc in superhero comics ever
The Painting that Ate Paris

This was the one a few after that. There was that, then Danny the Street, then whatever you'd call this one.
Rhea woke up, they all go to space, half of them with one kind of alien, half with the other, and there's a big floating rock face, and Robotman gets spider legs.
I'm literally incapable of describing it clearer.
This was the one a few after that. There was that, then Danny the Street, then whatever you'd call this one.
Rhea woke up, they all go to space, half of them with one kind of alien, half with the other, and there's a big floating rock face, and Robotman gets spider legs.
I'm literally incapable of describing it clearer.

ayy lmao

That's a long arc, but its probably the most alienating. A lot of my favorite issues are coming after that, including the return of some fan favorite characters and big dramatic stories for our main cast


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm enjoying Civil War II, but man, Bendis is doing a terrible job with Carol. She comes across as a total idiot. How can anyone agree with her side?

At least in the original Civil War story, it was easy to see where both sides were coming from. It isn't here.


Future Quest #2-3
Ok so these last two issues were basically about introducing and explaining who the Herculoids were. Which was nice because I forgot about them. We also got a cool side story with Birdman being awesome and the introduction of the space ghost team. Space ghost seems to know about the main baddie.

This is such a great comic, all the small bits and minor nods are well done. Birdman yelling "Birdman" eveytime he powers up gets me everytime XD.

#3 was actually a super complex backstory for some of the characters revealed in #2. I liked it.

4/5 why isn't this a cartoon yet? such a great ongoing plot.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Action Comics is really dull, think I'll drop it.

Superman is a better comic.

Tony was a straight-up supervillain in the original Civil War.

Yes, but the point they were making was relatable. Heroes cause damage and weren't held accountable for that. I could see them being forced to register in real life.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Superman has been pretty cool so far. The ending of the last issue was messed up, we'll see what comes from that.

The newest Walking Dead proves Kirkman can still blindside me with plot twists. That, and Negan can be hilarious.
How is Uncanny X-Men these days? I'm kind of behind on current Marvel, I suscribe to Unlimited but I mostly use it to read classic runs. I haven't read X-Men in a while and I miss those characters so I'd like to give it a shot a long as I can avoid Bendis.

And my reviews from the Rebirth thread:

Action Comics #960: I understand the hate for this but I found it to be a really fun guilty pleasure that lives up to the series' name. It's all about action and Kirkham delivers on that front. I really like the way he draws Doomsday and Wonder Woman, she almost looks like a manga character (in a good way). It's a strange contrast to the more character driven Lois & Clark series that Jurgens was writing a few months ago. I don't know that I would recommend it to other people but I really like it. 3/5

Wonder Woman #4 : After a pretty rough start this is getting better and better with every issue. Rucka is going for a completely different tone than in his previous WW run and after a period of adjustment, it's starting to pay off nicely, I can't wait to see where this goes. Liam Sharp's artwork is a bit uneven, it's really beautiful and detailed on some pages but sometimes he struggles to convey movement or action. 3.5/5

Batgirl #1: Damn, that was good! One of my favorite Rebirth books. I haven't read Batgirl since Simone's run (which I disliked) at the beginning ot the New 52 and I'm still somewhat bitter over Barbara not being Oracle anymore but this was just a perfectly crafted and fun superhero book. I love the Japanese setting, the writer uses a lot of clichés of 60s and 70s asian cinema and they are very well executed. I'm looking forward to the fighting tournament next issue, I love those types of film so it's nice to see Batgirl in that universe. Superb artwork from Albuquerque, it reminded me a bit of Leinil Yu in some panels. I also liked the way they handled the different languages in the speech bubbles, very original. 4.5/5 Winner of the Best Rebirth first issue Award!

I still have a huge number of issues to get through as I'm still not done with some of last week's comics. I'm kind of dreading Titans #1. I wanted to try at least the first issue of every new series but that Rebirth issue was rough.
How is Uncanny X-Men these days? I'm kind of behind on current Marvel, I suscribe to Unlimited but I mostly use it to read classic runs. I haven't read X-Men in a while and I miss those characters so I'd like to give it a shot a long as I can avoid Bendis.

Better off reading classic X-men again


I'm enjoying Civil War II, but man, Bendis is doing a terrible job with Carol. She comes across as a total idiot. How can anyone agree with her side?

At least in the original Civil War story, it was easy to see where both sides were coming from. It isn't here.

Yeah I agree, it seems like they're just painting her even more as the bad guy with what happened with that woman. Like someone else said, it seems like they're setting us up for some kind of reversal that'll make Stark seem in the wrong.
Extraordinary X-Men #12
One little nitpick:
They've cured Horseman before, so killing Apocalypse wouldn't have mattered at all. Although then again, a Life Seed would just tabula rasa Colossus, and any attempt otherwise would just cause his powers to resurge. But it's not like Apoc would have helped them anyways.


How is Uncanny X-Men these days? I'm kind of behind on current Marvel, I suscribe to Unlimited but I mostly use it to read classic runs. I haven't read X-Men in a while and I miss those characters so I'd like to give it a shot a long as I can avoid Bendis.
If you read any of the ongoings, it should be Extraordinary, which started a bit choppy, but has gotten really fucking good with this most recent arc. '92 is good fun as well. Don't touch Uncanny or All-New.
This is such a great comic, all the small bits and minor nods are well done. Birdman yelling "Birdman" eveytime he powers up gets me everytime XD.

#3 was actually a super complex backstory for some of the characters revealed in #2. I liked it.

Bah, forget Birdman. Gloop and Gleep are the best.
So where's everybody at with Rebirth? What are your biggest surprises? Top five books? Biggest letdowns?

My top five:
Superman (biggest surprise)
Detective Comics (also a really nice surprise)
New Super-Man (actually this surprised me too)
Green Arrow

...hmmm I guess I only have a top four. I'm still pulling more than five but nothing really deserving of that last spot. Wonder Woman is closest.

Biggest letdowns:
Justice League
Birds of Prey

Squadron Supreme #9

YUUUUUUP. Underrated book.
Are there any decent X-books going on right now aside from Extraordinary? I'm currently reading through Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and was hoping to find an ongoing series to start reading after. As mentioned a few posts up I've heard some bad things about Uncanny. If not is there anything else good going on right now? I read Invincible Iron-Man, Captain America: Sam Wilson and Amazing Spider-man up until about January.
Are there any decent X-books going on right now aside from Extraordinary? I'm currently reading through Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and was hoping to find an ongoing series to start reading after. As mentioned a few posts up I've heard some bad things about Uncanny. If not is there anything else good going on right now? I read Invincible Iron-Man, Captain America: Sam Wilson and Amazing Spider-man up until about January.

Well, the solo books are really good, both All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan. But I can't recommend any of the team books except Extraordinary, and even that one is kinda iffy at times.

Uncanny Avengers I guess is the closest...it reads like an Avengers book more than an X-book, but it does feature some cool X-characters. Started really rough but it's been solid since Standoff. I would just pick it up starting with the latest arc. If you want some background on the story check out Rage of Ultron.
YUUUUUUP. Underrated book.
Weird how popular Nighthawk is, yet Squadron Supreme is just okay. As far as sales go.

Are there any decent X-books going on right now aside from Extraordinary? I'm currently reading through Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and was hoping to find an ongoing series to start reading after. As mentioned a few posts up I've heard some bad things about Uncanny. If not is there anything else good going on right now? I read Invincible Iron-Man, Captain America: Sam Wilson and Amazing Spider-man up until about January.
Well, the solo books are really good, both All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan. But I can't recommend any of the team books except Extraordinary, and even that one is kinda iffy at times.

Uncanny Avengers I guess is the closest...it reads like an Avengers book more than an X-book, but it does feature some cool X-characters. Started really rough but it's been solid since Standoff. I would just pick it up starting with the latest arc. If you want some background on the story check out Rage of Ultron.
This. I need to read UA, because I liked the Standoff issue I read, and Extraordinary has been really good since the start of Omega World.

'92 is good fun, at least.


So where's everybody at with Rebirth? What are your biggest surprises? Top five books? Biggest letdowns?

My top six:
Detective Comics
Green Arrow
New Super-Man
Wonder Woman

Biggest disappointments:
Justice League
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (not because it's particularly bad, but because it does not live up to what it could be)
Green Lantern
Aquaman (I thought it started off OK, but it's not really holding my interest)

Biggest surprise - Red Hood was better than I thought it would be

Still looking forward to:
Blue Beetle
Teen Titans

All in all, I think Rebirth puts DC in a much better position than they have been in for several years. It also seems like the "house style" people complained about a year or two ago is no longer in effect as the art varies quite a bit from one book to the next.

Speaking of art - it was interesting to see in Action Comics how the armlet on Wonder Woman's arm was there for 2/3 panels and then would disappear in the others. No big deal obviously, but seemed a bit sloppy.
So where's everybody at with Rebirth? What are your biggest surprises? Top five books? Biggest letdowns?

I'm pretty happy with Rebirth so far. I don't think it's as mindblowing as some people say it is and there have been some terrible books but overall it's solid. My one disappointment is Wally West though, they made such a big deal about his return but they have removed most of his history and he's stuck in a shitty Titans book and has barely appeared in The Flash.

Top five so far in no particular order:
- Batgirl
- Green Arrow
- New Super-Man
- Superman
- Wonder Woman: this one had a bad start but keeps getting better

- Green Lanterns: I used to love the GL books so much a decade ago, what a letdown
- Aquaman: not terrible but boring and predictable
- Titans: Brett Booth, why?

Well, that's certainly an opinion.
And I have it on good authority that it's the only corrrect one. It's been proven scientifically.

And thanks for everyone's answers about Uncanny X-Men. It seems everytime I ask about a Marvel title I might be interested in, I'm told to stay away! I'll give X-Men 92' a shot and one day I'll actually try to read Miss Marvel. It's been on my list for months but I'm always scared away by the prospect of crossover tie-ins.
Really? Didn't notice much difference. Whoever this new artist is can get it done.
It's actually worse than I even realized, now that I've gone back and looked at the solicitations. In the solicitations, Evan Shaner was listed as the sole artist for issues 1-3. And that's big for me, because I'm a huge fan of Jeff Parker and Evan Shaner as a team. They did a fantastic Flash Gordon run, and Shazam for Convergence.

The first issue ended up having two artists. Evan Shaner did pages 1-19, and 28-30, while Steve Rude did 20-27. I know how that one breaks down by page because I actually have that one.

For issue two, I haven't seen the in-issue credits page to see how it's divided, but CMX credits both Shaner and Jonathan Case.

For issue three, Shaner had nothing to do with it, even though he was the only artist listed in the solicitations. CMX says that issue is drawn by Steve Rude and Aaron Lopresti. Though the credits page is part of the preview and that only mentions Steve Rude. Maybe there's a second story that Lopresti did?

Then I looked for the solicitation for issue four, and that says the contents of that issue were originally planned to be issue three.

I wonder what's going on.
Is Civil War II at least dealing well with the thing Marvel Now II is hinting at?
The discord and rift between the old guard and the younger superheroes?
Is Civil War at least dealing well with the thing Marvel Now Too is hinting at?
The discord and rift between the old guard and the younger superheroes?

Its definitely beginning to take shape, if only in the background. The young Avengers did not react well at all to the Hulk fiasco.


It's actually worse than I even realized, now that I've gone back and looked at the solicitations. In the solicitations, Evan Shaner was listed as the sole artist for issues 1-3. And that's big for me, because I'm a huge fan of Jeff Parker and Evan Shaner as a team. They did a fantastic Flash Gordon run, and Shazam for Convergence.

The first issue ended up having two artists. Evan Shaner did pages 1-19, and 28-30, while Steve Rude did 20-27. I know how that one breaks down by page because I actually have that one.

For issue two, I haven't seen the in-issue credits page to see how it's divided, but CMX credits both Shaner and Jonathan Case.

For issue three, Shaner had nothing to do with it, even though he was the only artist listed in the solicitations. CMX says that issue is drawn by Steve Rude and Aaron Lopresti. Though the credits page is part of the preview and that only mentions Steve Rude. Maybe there's a second story that Lopresti did?

Then I looked for the solicitation for issue four, and that says the contents of that issue were originally planned to be issue three.

I wonder what's going on.
Damn that sucks. Hopefully they get it together
Well, the solo books are really good, both All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan. But I can't recommend any of the team books except Extraordinary, and even that one is kinda iffy at times.

Uncanny Avengers I guess is the closest...it reads like an Avengers book more than an X-book, but it does feature some cool X-characters. Started really rough but it's been solid since Standoff. I would just pick it up starting with the latest arc. If you want some background on the story check out Rage of Ultron.

Weird how popular Nighthawk is, yet Squadron Supreme is just okay. As far as sales go.


This. I need to read UA, because I liked the Standoff issue I read, and Extraordinary has been really good since the start of Omega World.

'92 is good fun, at least.

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll be sure to check them out.
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