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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


Unconfirmed Member
You know what bugs me? Miss America Chavez used to have a ton of cool outfits


But now she mostly only uses the one. It's still cool, but I miss the originality.


I've not seen X-Men, but that's a fairly low bar set by BvS. If it's worse than that, it must be awful.

My wife has a thing for X-Men movies. She loves Wolverine and the team in general, so I usually end up seeing everything in the franchise. The trailers for Apocalypse lead me to believe it's the worst one yet. She saw the same damn trailer and asked me to get it when it comes out on digital. Impressions, man.

Eh, it's about as good as DOFP.
Literally the best thing Whedon has ever written across all media, all shows and movies included.

Absolute perfection.
Absolutely 100% true
Well now this won't end well, but I'm sure I'll love every minute
my pet theory is that Waid took on the Avengers job knowing full well he could reteam with Ramos for the Marvel version of Impulse a year later.

Funny because Scott kind of looks like Impulse without them bigass feet
Ah, yes, the writer of Strange Fruit

that's who I want doing a book about contemporary activism

also, fuck you Brevoort
The Hitler comparison is extreme, but he's not completely wrong on that front
introducing the all-new, all-different X-Hitlers

there's Hitler, Hitler's Second Wife, Metal Hitler, Deep Sea Hitler, Jewish Hitler, Furry Hitler, Magic Lady Hitler, Asian Lady Ninja Hitler, Fireworks Hitler, Bald Hitler, Weather Hitler and Bub Hitler

they fight Frog Hitler
Scott, Emma Frost, Colossus, Namor, Kitty Pryde/Magneto, Beast, Magik, Psylocke, Jubilee, Xavier, Storm, and Wolverine?
Lil' Avengers vs. Lil' Hitlers by Skottie Young

Would buy
Cassandra Nova murdered millions of mutants and then, through the power of comic book storytelling, joined the X-Men as Ernst.
Wait when has that been a thing?!
I need this book now. I'm curious to see what this means for the Avengers book though.

I like both of those guys lol.

He's using Hitler as an example of a man that did terrible things and people would have a hard time trusting for obvious reasons, not saying Scott is Hitler.
Still an extreme example, I think.
Best goddamn X-Man there was (besides Magik).

I'd rather have her MIA knowing what Marvel would probably do with her otherwise. I wonder if they're waiting for some big reveal where she'll be a villain again.
At the end of Bendis' run, when Scott disbands the team, she did say she was going back to the Hellfire Club. And they haven't done anything with the HC since then
They dumped him to recover him from Bendis ass fucking his character for the length of his run. Watch him come back and be the ultimate good guy.
I have zero issue with what Bendis did. It isn't the first time Scott went too far and got checked for it. Him becoming a revolutionary and then having a breakdown made sense to me. I feel like Bendis drop kicked him and then redeemed him with #600's ending. You can blame editorial for fucking him by making him the leader of a genocidal movement on the Inhumans. An event so terrible that no one has actually said what exactly happened
All of the O5 need to go back where they came from. That shoukd have happened after Secret Wars.
The thirst for a real x men book is real
Extraordinary is doing rather well on that front, I feel
Who is a realistic target you guys would want for your "real" X-Men book? Art and story.

Ewing and Del Mundo

Stefano Casselli and Al Ewing
I wasn't thinking Ewing, but I'll take him. Only with Acuña on art.
I could use some Valiant recs. I'm looking for good series where I won't have to buy a pile of books to catch up. Like, X-O Manowar is way up there is issues, so that's out. I already have the Valiant on my list.
Reading New 52 Justice League. Five issues in and I'm enjoying it so far. Except for Cyborg as part of the team. Terrible decision. He didn't work in the 80s, and he doesn't work in 2016.
But he's black tho
I want one of those books to be Blade.

Pls Marvel
What the hell has happened to that book? Didn't they put out promos for it out like, right as ANAD was starting?
Green Lantern is a huge douche in the New 52 Justice League. Every scene with him so far is some variation of blustery "I'm the best" bullshit immediately followed by him getting his ass kicked. Is this Rayner? Dude is straight trash.
A) Yes, I feel like Johns spent a chunk of the New 52 just shitting on Hal and making him the worst as a retort to everyone saying he's a Hal Jordan dick rider and B) don't be like that
Eh, it's about as good as DOFP.
It's far worse, and this is coming from someone who didn't like DoFP at all
Had no idea Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel had been already running, I was really looking forward to it but never found anything on it (presumably because i kept searching for "Batman 66 Meets Avengers")

looking at the art in the preview and i have a feeling i'm gonna be disappointed, though


I was really close to pulling the trigger on that Geoff Johns Teen Titans omnibus that keeps getting mentioned. I'm a Johns fanboy and equally a Teen Titans fanboy. I've already read most of the stories in that sucker but I looked up pictures and video of it and I noped right out of there. That thing is freaking ridiculous in size. I can't even see how you can possibly read that thing it's just comically huge. It would only serve as eye candy on a shelf.

I was putting together an order for IST and I had some of the Uncanny X-Men Omnibus and I decided against them. I feel I was getting them just to put them on the shelf because i've read alot of the stories already in collections and through the Classic X-men line that was coming out awhile ago. I decided to instead focus on books in my list i've been eyeing through recommendations here that I haven't read and need to so i'm picking up a couple of the Runaways collections and a couple of the Y the Last Man deluxe editions. Getting that DCBS exclusive Deadly Class HC as well, been waiting for that to drop. Also thinking of picking up that Avengers Time Run's Out HC collection. I haven't yet gotten to Secret Wars and I figured that would be perfect to start there.
I missed Mosaic. That must have hit in a window when I was trying to avoid spoilers for something.

Still, they publish like 50-60 or maybe more books, so very premature here.
I missed Mosaic. That must have hit in a window when I was trying to avoid spoilers for something.

Still, they publish like 50-60 or maybe more books, so very premature here.
Most of the not already cancelled books will still be there most likely so it's more like maybe 20 actually new books. USAvengers and Champions are already pretty much season 2 of New Avengers and ANAD Avengers.
Most of the not already cancelled books will still be there most likely so it's more like maybe 20 actually new books. USAvengers and Champions are already pretty much season 2 of New Avengers and ANAD Avengers.
Those are good examples of how everything can change. Even the stuff that's sticking around can take another form going forward. Jason Aaron has been on Thor for a very long time, but the protagonist wasn't always the same. This is a good time for them to do changes like that.


I'm glad Justice League Rebirth was a one and done story, now I don't have to worry about going from Hitch to Tony Daniel on art to finish out the story.


Really note sure about Vote Loki but that Hulk Campgin ad in #2 is pretty good stuff.

A bit of a continuity niggle of mine, but Bendis Iron Man series makes it seem like in this new universe MJ and Tony never met. However in the new Amazing issue she clearly has context for things that wouldn't be possible otherwise.


Really note sure about Vote Loki but that Hulk Campgin ad in #2 is pretty good stuff.

A bit of a continuity niggle of mine, but Bendis Iron Man series makes it seem like in this new universe MJ and Tony never met. However in the new Amazing issue she clearly has context for things that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Everybody except for Tony remembers and Jarvis even points it out to him.


Grant and Breyfogle were an amazing Batman team.

Probably some of my earliest comic memories. Grant was also my first attempt at trying to know the writers and follow their work. I would name drop him a lot even though I had no idea what I was talking about lol.


okay here's how I'm gonna explain Flintstones #1

remember that one scene in Mad Men where the Drapers have a picnic and they fucking ruin a beautiful hillside by littering with extreme prejudice before fucking bailing out because it's the 60s? and it gives off this weird political cartoon vibe, where you're like "okay you're examining the dissonance in values between then and now but it's kinda pushing it?"

now imagine 30 pages of that, but it happens in an Actual Cartoon World, so it can cut even deeper, and get even meaner

and you've got a pretty good idea of what it is, holy fuck, what a comic
now imagine 30 pages of that, but it happens in an Actual Cartoon World, so it can cut even deeper, and get even meaner

and you've got a pretty good idea of what it is, holy fuck, what a comic

So what you're telling me is that these Hanna-Barbera retool comics are pretty darn good.


okay here's how I'm gonna explain Flintstones #1

remember that one scene in Mad Men where the Drapers have a picnic and they fucking ruin a beautiful hillside by littering with extreme prejudice before fucking bailing out because it's the 60s? and it gives off this weird political cartoon vibe, where you're like "okay you're examining the dissonance in values between then and now but it's kinda pushing it?"

now imagine 30 pages of that, but it happens in an Actual Cartoon World, so it can cut even deeper, and get even meaner

and you've got a pretty good idea of what it is, holy fuck, what a comic

I'm still only going to buy Future Quest, but I love your recaps of these books.


Nice to see the Hanna Barbera books continue to be good and continue to defy expectations/snark people had pre release
Batman #2
This is a pretty solid issue. I felt it was moving a bit too fast but lets see how the rest of the arc plays out.

Justice League Rebirth

Liked most of the issue, but it was a bit standard. That really poor writing at the end though... Hope that's not recurring.

Also, I'm done catching up on most of the Marvel stuff I want via Unlimited. I want to expand to other publishers. What are some good titles, preferably short (but long are fine too), that I can jump in with.
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