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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

I think King's Alfred is better than his Batman.
I didn't get the "I don't trust Alfred" thing. It seems out of character if it was a joke, and out of character if it wasn't one. Though I suppose we don't know much about King's Batman's character in the first place.

The Fix is still good comics, and Vote Loki is still a really good premise with some good bits that would be much better and more interesting with a better creative team.

Haven't read Kingpin yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

King seems to be playing up the humor a little; Alfred in particular, but Bruce's very dry sense of what's funny seems to be making a comeback.

It's been a slow burn, but things are definitely moving forward. No clue what Tragicomedy and JC are on, as per usual. Unless your ideal here is just nothing but action setpieces, I dunno.
King seems to be playing up the humor a little; Alfred in particular, but Bruce's very dry sense of what's funny seems to be making a comeback.

It's been a slow burn, but things are definitely moving forward. No clue what Tragicomedy and JC are on, as per usual. Unless your ideal here is just nothing but action setpieces, I dunno.

maybe they don't like creepy stuff being afraid of skellingtons and frankemsteins? #HollywoodHandbook


The same way Marvel does it? Have artists on an arc and then swap out?

Some books are doing it that way and some are switching each issue. An arc is one thing and that's fine but having a different artist each issue is kinda jarring. Marvel usually keeps the same team together aside from the random issue here and there to give the artist a break. DC is doing it to keep the books coming out faster which doesn't always equal quality.

How rare are the DCBS variant covers for their hardcover trades like the Deadly Class book? I won't be able to buy it until tomorrow and wasn't sure if it will be available.
It's been a slow burn, but things are definitely moving forward. No clue what Tragicomedy and JC are on, as per usual. Unless your ideal here is just nothing but action setpieces, I dunno.

3 spoopy 5 tragicomedy

I don't even know what that meme is, but it sounds like a well constructed counter to my opinions on the book. Also, I find your "no clue what they're on about, per usual" response pretty funny considering you openly agreed with me that Batman Rebirth was a big disappointment. You must not know what you're on or are being selective with your memory.

I'm fine either way. Your opinion holds equal weight to mine. Glad you're enjoying there book.

And Birdie was right, this art on Aquaman is jarringly bad. Everyone is a He-Man clone!


I kinda figured this would be happening and I'm not going to read the comments on other sites because I'm sure they'll make me upset lol. Bendis himself said he has seen comments like “Why do we need Riri Williams we already have Miles?” and that's obviously tame.
Oh god, the book is actually being renumbered. All the books will. I was really hoping Marvel's entire line wouldn't be relaunched with a higher price point again.
They obviously aren't going to renumber ever book.
Marve relaunch looks hype. Gotta see how this is going to affect the other mutants
I doubt this is affecting too many mutants given Death of X is so close.
That is a werid decision.
It started fine, but it's just not moving the story along. It's paced like books were paced in 2004. Back when writing for the trade was real and every idea got a six-issue arc whether it needed one or not.
That's how ever Bendis book goes. He always reads better in trade even going back to the original USM run in 2000.

Nothing wrong with preferring Tony, especially when the new character is very boring
So far we've seen her in like five pages and this week she
punched out a truck
so we'll see lol

Couldn't disagree more. There has been exactly one satisfying action piece across three issues, unless you're being very loose with what you define as action. Punching
doesn't fit the bill. That's just like...a regular occurrence for Batman.

I don't think I'm writing off the book, seeing as I've bought all three issues. I'm arguing that the book was hyped to hell and hasn't come remotely close to delivering on its promise. I can't even argue that it has bad pacing, because that would require it to have some form of pacing whatsoever. It has none.

There may be some massive payoff down the road. Who knows? So far, it's been a hot mess. Not even close to as good as what Snyder gave us.
King pulling a Bendis?
I don't even know what that meme is, but it sounds like a well constructed counter to my opinions on the book. Also, I find your "no clue what they're on about, per usual" response pretty funny considering you openly agreed with me that Batman Rebirth was a big disappointment. You must not know what you're on or are being selective with your memory.

I'm fine either way. Your opinion holds equal weight to mine. Glad you're enjoying there book.

And Birdie was right, this art on Aquaman is jarringly bad. Everyone is a He-Man clone!

Just taking the piss, man. Lighten up!


I've said before that All Out War should have never been framed as an event, because it
served as more of a prologue to the events that have unfolded over the past few arcs. There isn't a huge sense of satisfaction coming off of that event. Negan fucks up Rick and Negan gets arrested. Then shit goes down after it is clearly defined as that "event" being over. All it served was to rush certain character deaths like Ezekiel's tiger. It's a very meaningless war and after this past issue it's basically confirmed that Negan is #teamrick and is vying for a second in command/enforcer/general role. So it was genuinely all for nothing.
Oh damn. That is cray
It has other issues. Like it starts off with that fantastic Marquez art in the first arc, but then the second arc is bad Deodato art. And I like Deodato sometimes (less often now than in years past), but sometimes he really ruins stories with his celebrity faces, and that's what he's doing on Iron Man.

Doom's role early on was exciting and I couldn't wait to see how that developed, but so far it hasn't developed. Doom has just continued to do the same thing over and over again, showing up to be helpful while being coy about what his angle is. Instead of progressing that story a little further with each new installment, it seems like he's just going to repeat himself until we get to some big "all at once" reveal of what Doom's motives were, and I just don't think that's good storytelling.

And I hate to harp on it, but it really takes away from things to have Doom looking exactly like Vincent Cassel in Deodato's art. Doom just isn't the kind of person that Cassel plays, and it creates dissonance.

International Iron Man is worse. Than one didn't even have the benefit of a solid first arc to jump off from. It has that same problem as the Doom subplot where instead of slowly moving the story forward with each issue, each issue has a scene of Tony asking why his parents are and this mystery lady being all "you don't want none of this shit, Dewey". And at some point, he'll hit us with the whole answer all at once, but I can't bring myself to buy one more issue to find out.


Why does he wear the mask!?
So far we've seen her in like five pages and this week she
punched out a truck
so we'll see lol

Oh, I am more than willing to give her a chance, just hope she's written well.

Just read Justice League: Rebirth (First book today), was good. Good introduction to the Justice League for people new to our world.
Damn, Fantagraphics is doing amazing work with all of their physical releases. Might be my favourite pub at the moment.

This looks and sounds very interesting.


Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King


Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King retells the myth of the misguided Prince Zahhak who is easily swayed by the devil to murder his father and usurp the thrown. Cursed with monstrous snakes that grow out of the king’s shoulders, the Serpent King grows infamous throughout the land for his treachery and oppression. He rules for one thousand years before a noble and valiant Feraydun gains the strength and army to defeat the unjust King. The fantastic world of Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King literally pops off the page with intricately crafted spreads, two pop-up folds per page, and complex construction that will delight readers young and old with every turn of the page

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
And I hate to harp on it, but it really takes away from things to have Doom looking exactly like Vincent Cassel in Deodato's art. Doom just isn't the kind of person that Cassel plays, and it creates dissonance.

Well this one point shouldn't be an issue for me personally since I don't know who Vincent Cassel is.
I don't even know what that meme is, but it sounds like a well constructed counter to my opinions on the book. Also, I find your "no clue what they're on about, per usual" response pretty funny considering you openly agreed with me that Batman Rebirth was a big disappointment. You must not know what you're on or are being selective with your memory.

I'm fine either way. Your opinion holds equal weight to mine. Glad you're enjoying there book.

And Birdie was right, this art on Aquaman is jarringly bad. Everyone is a He-Man clone!

Sorry, I was making a reference to my favorite podcast Hollywood Handbook. I think he might have been making a Steve Brule reference?


Yeah, what the hell was that! :D :D :D

Negan being Negan. That dude never stops surprising me

Basically confirmed what I've thought since we got insight into the character back when we saw how he operated as leader of the Saviors:

Negan is a good guy. This issue confirmed that he's tired of posturing and likes what Rick has created. He'll be happy with a number 2 role. Rick is Walter White and Negan is Jessie Pinkman.
Just read Aquaman.

This issue is a complete disaster and makes a pretty good argument that the double shipping initiative will fail spectacularly. I realize that sounds like hyperbole but I don't think it is, especially in light of what Birdie posted earlier about the many artists of Green Lanterns #3. DC doesn't seem to actually have a plan for how this is going to work, how it is going to result in classic stories people will still remember a year from now. You can't show such complete disregard for the visual aspect of this medium without producing forgettable books.

I mean, this happens. Fill-in artists have been a thing since forever. But if it's going to happen regularly in a lot of books, DC has created a problem for themselves I don't think they can solve without abandoning the initiative.

I'd so much rather read a once-a-month Aquaman book with a regular team, and pay $4 for it. If this is an early indicator of a "quantity over quality" mentality I'm gonna check out of the whole line pretty quickly.


Why does he wear the mask!?

Whole issue made to make him look redeemable, I knew he'd do that.

Fantastic villain. Wonder how Rick will react?



Whole issue made to make him look redeemable, I knew he'd do that.

Fantastic villain. Wonder how Rick will react?

Negan is basically going to walk up to him like a dog with a dead animal in its mouth and drop it on the ground like "isn't this great?"

Rick is going to be like "Holy shit do you know what you have done? They're going to come looking for revenge."

"You built yourself an army. You're ready for them Rick."

And Rick will get huffy but ultimate agree that Negan is now a good guy, but their allegiance will be rocky.

But yeah, it's funny you said this because he -has- redeemed himself. He killed the guy who broke him out because he wasn't loyal to Rick, he infiltrated the Whisperers to see how they operate and hated it (Rape, lack of civility, etc.) and he killed Alpha as payback for her taking the heads of his people.
Just read Aquaman.

This issue is a complete disaster and makes a pretty good argument that the double shipping initiative will fail spectacularly. I realize that sounds like hyperbole but I don't think it is, especially in light of what Birdie posted earlier about the plan for Green Lanterns #3. DC doesn't seem to actually have a plan for how this is going to work, how it is going to result in classic stories people will still remember a year from now. You can't show such complete disregard for the visual aspect of this medium without producing forgettable books.

I mean, this happens. Fill-in artists have been a thing since forever. But if it's going to happen regularly in a lot of books, DC has created a problem for themselves I don't think they can solve without abandoning the initiative.

I'd so much rather read a once-a-month Aquaman book with a regular team, and pay $4 for it. If this is an early indicator of a "quantity over quality" mentality I'm gonna check out of the whole line pretty quickly.

They go back to $4 comics and I'll drop every single book and wait for sales and trades. They need to fix the art situation but upping the price again isn't the answer.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Negan is basically going to walk up to him like a dog with a dead animal in its mouth and drop it on the ground like "isn't this great?"

Rick is going to be like "Holy shit do you know what you have done? They're going to come looking for revenge."

"You built yourself an army. You're ready for them Rick."

And Rick will get huffy but ultimate agree that Negan is now a good guy, but their allegiance will be rocky.

I certainly hope so

Man, no comic this week is going to top TWD, I wish I left it until last


Why does he wear the mask!?
Made some edits to that first post. Go look.

You've actually got a point there. Has it been revealed who he lost before the dead rose up?

I love how he doesn't give a shit about killing kids or anything, but rape is a strict no-no to him


Knows the Score
Negan is basically going to walk up to him like a dog with a dead animal in its mouth and drop it on the ground like "isn't this great?"

Rick is going to be like "Holy shit do you know what you have done? They're going to come looking for revenge."

"You built yourself an army. You're ready for them Rick."

And Rick will get huffy but ultimate agree that Negan is now a good guy, but their allegiance will be rocky.

But yeah, it's funny you said this because he -has- redeemed himself. He killed the guy who broke him out because he wasn't loyal to Rick, he infiltrated the Whisperers to see how they operate and hated it (Rape, lack of civility, etc.) and he killed Alpha as payback for her taking the heads of his people.

Also, I think it's relevant that he annoyed the fuck out of Beta who will hastily attack as a result of this.


Just read Aquaman.

This issue is a complete disaster and makes a pretty good argument that the double shipping initiative will fail spectacularly. I realize that sounds like hyperbole but I don't think it is, especially in light of what Birdie posted earlier about the many artists of Green Lanterns #3. DC doesn't seem to actually have a plan for how this is going to work, how it is going to result in classic stories people will still remember a year from now. You can't show such complete disregard for the visual aspect of this medium without producing forgettable books.

I mean, this happens. Fill-in artists have been a thing since forever. But if it's going to happen regularly in a lot of books, DC has created a problem for themselves I don't think they can solve without abandoning the initiative.

I'd so much rather read a once-a-month Aquaman book with a regular team, and pay $4 for it. If this is an early indicator of a "quantity over quality" mentality I'm gonna check out of the whole line pretty quickly.
I thought you were already checked out, but I feel you are going to the extreme with the DC situation. Green arrow has two great artist in rotation. The problem is where they are going with the story.

If books can't handle the bimonthly then they will switch to monthly which we al know is going to happen.

Aquaman already rough art to begin with but the art in the preview looked just about the same so I gotta wait till I get home to read it for myself


Why does he wear the mask!?
Also, I think it's relevant that he annoyed the fuck out of Beta who will hastily attack as a result of this.

Tbf he'd have attacked him r
egardless after what he's done

Guy was friendzoned to bits

Beta wasn't just a name


It has other issues. Like it starts off with that fantastic Marquez art in the first arc, but then the second arc is bad Deodato art. And I like Deodato sometimes (less often now than in years past), but sometimes he really ruins stories with his celebrity faces, and that's what he's doing on Iron Man.

Doom's role early on was exciting and I couldn't wait to see how that developed, but so far it hasn't developed. Doom has just continued to do the same thing over and over again, showing up to be helpful while being coy about what his angle is. Instead of progressing that story a little further with each new installment, it seems like he's just going to repeat himself until we get to some big "all at once" reveal of what Doom's motives were, and I just don't think that's good storytelling.

And I hate to harp on it, but it really takes away from things to have Doom looking exactly like Vincent Cassel in Deodato's art. Doom just isn't the kind of person that Cassel plays, and it creates dissonance.

International Iron Man is worse. Than one didn't even have the benefit of a solid first arc to jump off from. It has that same problem as the Doom subplot where instead of slowly moving the story forward with each issue, each issue has a scene of Tony asking why his parents are and this mystery lady being all "you don't want none of this shit, Dewey". And at some point, he'll hit us with the whole answer all at once, but I can't bring myself to buy one more issue to find out.
I loved doom but then again I only read the first arc so I don't know how bad it gets
They go back to $4 comics and I'll drop every single book and wait for sales and trades. They need to fix the art situation but upping the price again isn't the answer.

That's just it though, how do they fix it? Managing a couple of books on this schedule would be really hard and I feel like it's more than half their line.

Might not be able to have our cake and eat it too. I'd gladly pay $6 a month for 44 pages of good comic, but after this issue of Aquaman I am really not sure they can actually deliver that.
Question: Does the Avengers(any of the teams)have a "no kill" rule?

I remember back before Bendis(who really seems to love making Clint into "The Killer") and Disassembled they had a rule in their charter and whenever someone killed they pretty much held a trial.


Tbf he'd have attacked him r
egardless after what he's done

Guy was friendzoned to bits

Beta wasn't just a name

Hes now Alpha though, but I'm not so sure how a Dothraki/Kal Drogo type will last in this environment. I can see Rick's crew making easy work of that whole organization.

You've actually got a point there. Has it been revealed who he lost before the dead rose up?

I love how he doesn't give a shit about killing kids or anything, but rape is a strict no-no to him

And in regards to that, more posturing. Dude
says a lot of things he doesn't mean. None of his people have ever once mentioned him killing their own children. He wouldn't even kill Carl on the spot after he gunned down a bunch of Saviors. Guy is an epic bullshitter to get people to back down.


That's just it though, how do they fix it? Managing a couple of books on this schedule would be really hard and I feel like it's more than half their line.

Might not be able to have our cake and eat it too. I'd gladly pay $6 a month for 44 pages of good comic, but after this issue of Aquaman I am really not sure they can actually deliver that.
Aquaman is what did it for you? The art was never good on that book from the jump. The bigger worry is how he is retreading the same stuff from johns run. The black manta thing is nice for new readers but I feel like it is just déjà vu.
That's just it though, how do they fix it? Managing a couple of books on this schedule would be really hard and I feel like it's more than half their line.

Might not be able to have our cake and eat it too. I'd gladly pay $6 a month for 44 pages of good comic, but after this issue of Aquaman I am really not sure they can actually deliver that.

I mean, some books aren't going to be able to support it? But some will. We also got 44 pages of fantastic Superman, Green Arrow, and Detective Comics over the last 30 days. idk.


That's just it though, how do they fix it? Managing a couple of books on this schedule would be really hard and I feel like it's more than half their line.

Might not be able to have our cake and eat it too. I'd gladly pay $6 a month for 44 pages of good comic, but after this issue of Aquaman I am really not sure they can actually deliver that.

16/31 are double shipped I believe. Not including the rebirth one shots.


I mean, some books aren't going to be able to support it? But some will. We also got 44 pages of fantastic Superman, Green Arrow, and Detective Comics over the last 30 days. idk.
Pretty much. The books that can't support can easily switch to one month. There is so much room and gloom about DC that it is weird. We focusing on Aquaman out of the 5 books released this week?

Edit: I think after the first arc or after this year ends we will see some changes for sure.


Basically confirmed what I've thought since we got insight into the character back when we saw how he operated as leader of the Saviors:

Negan is a good guy. This issue confirmed that he's tired of posturing and likes what Rick has created. He'll be happy with a number 2 role. Rick is Walter White and Negan is Jessie Pinkman.
Him approving of Rick's "Military Group" down from his cell was a good heads up as well. Hell, he could have escaped when they left his celldoor open and he didn't. Still, I'm surprised. I never expected him to change like this and play second fiddle to Rick. Essentially he will be Rick's attack dog. Interesting times.

I mean, Maggie won't be too thrilled with the prospect of Negan walking around freely.
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