Do you ever regret going all digital?
1. My entire library is with me all the time.
2. Comics look so much better on a good tablet. The colors pop so much. When FCBD comes around and I have to deal with physical copies for a brief time before those show up digitally, it feels like a big downgrade and bums me out.
3. Being able to read in the dark is awesome. Makes bedtime reading so much more convenient when you don't have to think "I want to leave the light on to read, but don't want to turn it off when I'm falling asleep".
4. So much space freed up in my room. And thank god I got rid of all that clutter before my upcoming move. Nothing makes you hate physical comics more than moving.
5. I buy things once and that's it. No more buying issues of some things to stay current, trade-waiting other things, and re-buying collected editions of things I already have in singles. I just do 100% singles digitally.
6. Kinda the same as the last one, but no more worrying about what's available in what format. One thing is only trades, another is only small hardcovers, another is only in oversized hardcovers, but it's glued's an end to all of that bullshit.
7. No more dealing with things like printer errors or books with thin page that get wavy pages from air moisture.
8. Constant amazing sales. It's hard to keep up.
9. You can get a lot of new books as early as 3am Eastern on Wednesday.
10. Easy screenshotting for posts, avatars, wallpaper, etc.